As Landugal's words of punishment were spoken, the Skinners suddenly attacked.

Yaoen had some understanding of the Star God's temperament and knew that these cruel guys could do anything.

However, the Burner, who was known for his cruelty, did not kill the angel descendants who did not kneel to him, but Landugal launched an attack just because of something ceremonial, which made Yaoen determined that he could never let it go.

While fighting, Yaoen was still thinking about what kind of existence this Landugal was, whether it was parasitic on an undead individual that was transformed into a skinner, or whether something that had not been completely destroyed was resurrecting. ?

Or is it just that the Gestalt consciousness was born among these skinners, and then this Gestalt consciousness imagined that it was Landugal who created the skinners?

No matter what the truth is, it is best not for this Landugal to really have anything left after being destroyed, otherwise even the weakest and weakest star god can easily kill all mortal beings.

Things are going in a good direction. The special individual among the Skinners obviously does not have very strong combat capabilities. When a Space Marine fires at it, all it can do is block the attack with its hands, and then take out an unknown weapon from somewhere. Throw out the damn things you find and use them as weapons.

Yao En was thankful that the opponent was not strong. He used his shoulder cannon to open up a path and gained a chance to break through in the opposite direction to the heavily defended entrance.

A large number of Skinners have long blocked the way to the entrance, and they are also happy to see these people forced into the depths of the abandoned webway where more terrifying things exist.

Everyone who broke out of the siege ran wildly wherever they saw a road. Even the conspiracy soldiers who were not sent back to the entrance with Ai Rui did not care to distinguish the road.

"How could a character like Nia de la Zata tolerate such ungrateful slaves as yours?"

"Maybe it didn't get around to burning you slaves?"

"If I help it kill you, it will thank me for helping it clear the door."

The Skinners each uttered a syllable.

Speaking light words while facing the flying bombs, jumping forward and rolling to dodge, this scene is so weird and weird.

The battle that broke out attracted the attention of other terrifying things in the webway. Those things groped along the road ahead, and immediately launched an attack after seeing Yao En, Chen Ye and their group, adding more details to the battle. Great difficulty.

The Space Marines had no idea what the characteristics of those horrible things were. Fortunately, the Cabal warriors knew better. They roared to shoot or dodge, reminding the humans fighting side by side whether they should run away or fight after seeing something. .

The wings look like just decorations, but they are giant birds that can fly in the air.

The Cyclops who tore the hands of the giant beast that came from another fork in the road,

Even an Eldar warrior riding a dinosaur.

The entire Webway, which was used as a penal colony, is like a museum, with only things you can't imagine and nothing you can't see.

Landugal slowly followed behind with his scepter in hand, and kept saying all kinds of contemptuous words.

"Before I was killed by slaves, I could turn a planet into a black hole with the snap of a finger."

"You ants are pretty lucky to have caught up with me when I was vulnerable."


Landugal suddenly shut up, not because it didn't want to talk nonsense, but because the Eldar warrior riding a dinosaur rushed out from the corner and pierced its body with a spear.

But Landugal did not die. One of the countless skinners trembled a few times and continued to speak.

"The wise thing you do now is to kneel down and wait for death!"

"Are you Landugal? I thought you were just an ordinary skinner. Even the recorder is much better than you." Yao En shouted back.

These words, which did not sound painful or itchy to Chen Ye, made all the skinners freeze at their feet.

"How dare you compare me to the Chronicler?! You damn slave!"

The Skinners began an even more frenzied pursuit.

At this time, Yaoen was still not sure whether the so-called Landugal was Landugal, but he felt that there was a high probability that it was actually the Gestalt will born among the Skinners, because that guy's abilities seemed completely different. Like a star god.

When the Skinners were attacking crazily, Yao En had to deal not with the Skinners, but with the many terrifying things coming from the front.

Don't worry about traps, because the traps have been activated when those scary things appear from all directions.

Yaoen didn't know how far he had opened up the road and how many things he had killed.

After he was distracted, a knight came out from the corner ahead.

The knight seemed to be about four meters tall, wearing only a black robe all over his body. The black robe was obviously not ordinary clothing, because the face under the black robe was covered by a blurry black vortex.

The knight holds a sharpened stick and rides a flying dragon on his crotch.

There were obvious stitching marks on the body of the flying dragon, which was obviously the creation of the Haemonculus.

Yao En subconsciously fired at the knight.

But the knight just tilted his head and dodged the red beam of light that was shot instantly.

Then the knights began to charge.

"Be careful!" Yaoen loudly reminded Chen Ye who was on the Feilong charge road.

The flying dragon was obviously a defective product and couldn't even fly, but it had an extremely fast speed, a huge body, and the momentum to move like a mountain.

Chen Ye tried to avoid it, but a skinner rushed from behind him, and he had to turn around to deal with the skinner.

The flying dragon carrying the knight rushed to Chen Ye. The flying dragon roared, and the knight stretched out his stick and swept Chen Ye out of the charge route with a single sweep.

Their target is obviously not Chen Ye and others.

He even avoided the Cabal warriors who fought alongside the humans.

In the end, the knight killed several terrifying creatures in succession and entered the army of skinners. He just relied on the huge size and impenetrable scales of the flying dragon, as well as his own superb combat skills to stop the skinners.

Chen Ye glanced at the knight in confusion. More and more entities far more terrifying than the Skinner appeared on the road ahead of him, and everyone had to slow down.

The knight controlled the flying dragon that had been stitched up by the Haemonculi and killed it back. Finally, when everyone was about to be devoured by the Skinner and various other enemies, a colorful stone was taken out by the knight.

Then everyone disappeared in the sudden flash of light and reappeared in a safe corner of the Webway Sanctuary.

It looks like an underground fortress, surrounded by obstacles piled up with various items.

There was a bonfire lit in the middle.

The detector in Chen Ye's hand was buzzing wildly just now, but now it's quiet again.

The White Scar Captain was shocked to realize that the knight was actually using a small webway device. The people were not teleported here, but passed through a small webway that suddenly appeared and disappeared.

"Why did you lend a helping hand?" Yaoen walked towards the knight, trying to test whether the other party could communicate.

Chen Ye noticed something and walked towards the knight before Yao En.

The knight got off Feilong, stroked Feilong's forehead, and then turned to look at Chen Ye.

Although his face was covered by a black robe, Chen Ye could still tell from his body shape that it was a person, about four meters tall.

When such people appear in front of us, it is difficult not to think of the powerful beings created by the Emperor.

"" Chen Ye hesitated, with a shocked expression.

The man glanced at Chen Ye up and down, and then turned to Yao En who asked him why he helped him.

"Ask not why the wind howls."

A deep and deep voice came from under the black robe.

Then the man took off his black robe and revealed his true face.

The gentle gaze fell back on Chen Ye.

“But the wise need to inquire where the traveler is going.”

The Eagle of Chogoris, the Lord of the White Scars, the founder of Quanzhou Fortress...

"Why did you enter here by mistake?" Chagatai looked at the White Scars: "Children?"

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