"There are traps ahead to kill the exiles, let's disarm them."

"Damn it! Those are the weapons of our ancestors!"

Arrow said two words with completely different attitudes, looked around, and then realized that he had been blown up by something.

The sphere that suddenly fell next to them was a tool used by the beast traders of the Ancient Spirit Empire.

The original purpose is to capture rare and exotic beasts and sell them to nobles who like beasts. When coupled with another tool, it can have the effect of permanently fixing the target in a certain period of time and reincarnation, making the target immortal and controlling them. the goal of.

In the hands of the Dark Eldar, this tool is used to banish various unsolvable enemies into waste.

The Skinners had apparently invaded Commorragh and been exiled, possibly picking up the tools of the Eldar Empire merchants in this Webway sanctuary and using them as weapons.

"What should we do?" Arrow's guards asked their consul after taking a look at the endless road ahead.

"We have to go back and find those humans and bring them out." Arrow said and walked forward.

"Consul... do you like those monkeys, otherwise I really can't find a reason for you to help them like this."

The guards were very puzzled, but they followed Arrow honestly.

"I didn't bring them into the webway just to help them find someone! Who knows where the primarch those people are looking for is!"

"I want to give us more hostages to prevent those invaders from destroying the entire Comoros!"

Arrow roared his plan to his men.

"I want them to kill some people in this damn place, and at the same time save the lives of those bastards with second thoughts in the group, but if they all die, our plan will fail again!"

the other side.

The Space Marines fought alongside the few remaining Cabal warriors, fending off wave after wave of attacks by the Skinned Ones.

Yaoen fought his way in and out of the Skinners, trying to find the weak points of these enemies, but he found that the Skinners were endless.

As long as the number of skinned ones is small, it will not be solved by the Dark Eldar of Commorragh banishing them into the webway.

Fortunately, although there are many skinners, they don't have any serious weapons in their hands. They are either claws covered with flesh or various things found in the ruins of the webway that can barely be used as weapons.

During the battle, Chen Ye quickly eliminated the three skinners who came towards him. At the same time, he hid behind the guards, took out the detector and tried to open the webway door to leave this place.

But Burner's technology is clearly not powerful enough to create a gate within the network's path rather than at the connection point.

When the energy instilled from the Burner sparked a few sparks, the Webway Gate opened on Arrow's side.

The Skinners seemed to have noticed something, and more and more individuals were rushing towards the road between the Webway Gate and Chen Ye.

The strange thing is that these skinners did not continue to attack, but suddenly stopped where they were.

The Necron army has always enforced orders and prohibitions, but when these skinners stopped, they did not stand motionless like puppets. Instead, they trembled, touched the flesh and skin on their bodies, and made strange screams similar to creatures.

First, a burst of electric current came from the mouths of the skinners.

It seemed to be a language used for communication. Each skinner uttered a syllable, which together formed a language that people could not understand at all.

Not to mention that humans couldn't understand it, even the Cabal warriors who were not lucky enough to be transported back in time to the moment they entered the webway couldn't understand it at all.

A language similar to the sound of electricity sounded several times, and then gradually improved, changing to the point where he could barely communicate.

"That human."

All the skinners uttered the syllables to form this sentence, and then they all raised their fingers and pointed at Chen Ye.

"You, yes, you, that's you!"

The Skinners said in unison.

Chen Ye took a step forward in confusion.

His guards want to prevent him from risking facing the Skinner, but in this case Chen Ye must stand up for the possibility of everyone staying alive.

"Who gave you the thing you are using?"

The Skinners looked at the Webway Probe, their movements uniform, only the syllables they uttered were different, but these syllables still merged into a complete sentence.

They look like Tyranids-like hive-mind creatures without individual minds.

But when placed on Necron, it should be said to be a Gestalt creature.

"..." Chen Ye and Yao En were both silent, and did not reveal that the detector came from an ancient existence among the stars.

"Is that something from Nya Derazata?"

The Skinners asked again.

Chen Ye was confused. Although he knew that a guy who liked to burn and kill often appeared in wars, he didn't know that guy's name was Niadrazata.

Chen didn't know either, but Yao En knew.

Seeing the other party say the Burner's name, Yao En knew that there was no point in hiding it. He could only admit what the other party already knew.


"This rebellious child of humanity has become Nydrazata's kin? Is this the case for your entire family, or is it just you and these reptilian bastards who are its kin?"

Now Yaoen couldn't understand it either. Although he knew a little about the Star God, he didn't know what the connection was between the word "Family Family" and the Star God.

The conspiracy soldiers were also confused.

But Yao En could tell that the other party didn't seem to know the existence of the sector leader.

"What are you?" Chen Ye stepped forward and asked.

"You are a member of Nyadrazata, but you don't know who I am? Doesn't it tell you ants nothing?"

"Stand there and listen respectfully to my name!"

The Skinners gathered together and chanted a name loudly.



After reciting the name, the Skinners made another sound to form a supplementary sentence.

"The remnants of Landugal."

"I was born of these stupid traitors."

The Skinners suddenly raised their hands and pointed at themselves.

Yao En was shocked.

Only the Praetorians in the sector know every C'tan that already exists in the sector and does not exist in the sector.

Randugal the Skinner's name is also among them.

"Weren't you killed?" Yao En asked in surprise.

"It is indeed no different from death, but there is still a little bit left behind."

This time, it was not all the Skinners who responded together, but one of the Skinners, a larger individual holding a scepter, responded to Yaoen's question.

This special skinner seemed to be fighting against something, his body kept shaking, and he even made some self-harming actions, but this did not stop the person who controlled it from continuing to control it.

The huge-looking Skinner came to the front of the crowd.

All the other skinners started to get restless, and then slowly approached.

"Thank you for bringing the Burner stuff so I could get out."

"You ants will die because you don't kneel down when you see me. As a thank you, death will be a death that will not be tortured."

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