Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 646 Carrot Strategy

The lower secret room of the flagship of the Glory Humanity.

In this secret room with only four black walls and echoing strange fluctuations, the scholar sat cross-legged on the ground.

Qin Mo stood beside the scholar and waited quietly.

Soon, a vague human figure gradually formed in the secret room.

"As you thought, I talked to those Thunder Warriors on your behalf."

"Oh...what did those Thunder Warriors say?"

"They said if you don't talk to them personally, then they refuse to listen to any advice."

The human form formed within the chamber is the human part of the Emperor.

The way the Emperor, who is outside the Webway, wants to communicate with Qin Mo is to directly communicate with the psionic matrix entity in the subspace through psionic energy, which is then projected by the scholar.

Originally there was no need to go to such trouble, after all, dimensional communication was still open even in the network channel, but the Emperor wanted to create a new communication channel to maintain communication for dimensional communication in the dilemma of Blackstone's amplified psychic energy containing reality.

In Qin Mo's view, this was actually unnecessary. The emperor seemed to be looking for an excuse not to enter the webway to talk to the Thunder Warriors.

He originally wanted to come to the fleet to talk to the Thunder Warriors in person, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he found an excuse and asked Qin Mo to act as his mouthpiece.


"That's what they said?"

"What a bunch of stubborn bastards!"

"I am willing to spare a little energy from my busy schedule to help them improve things when I am busy with real affairs, but they are clamoring for me to come to them in person? Do they want to hear my apology or something?"


The Emperor went on to say a lot more.

Even if the situation was urgent, he didn't want to rush the Thunder Warriors to the battlefield.

If you want to blame it, just blame the universe at that time 10,000 years ago.

Just as the human side of the Emperor has been thinking that he would not have stood up to lead humanity if someone else had stood up in the first place, he certainly has human shortcomings as a purely human part.

Such as escaping and passing the blame.

The blurry figure projected by the scholar made several motions of smashing things.

Then he stopped, clasped his waist with his hands and lowered his head in thought.

Finally, he let out another helpless sigh.


"They said they wanted me to go there in person, right? OK, I'll go."

The blurry figure began to pack things.

"Aren't you worried that you will be embarrassed after meeting them?" Qin Mo asked.

"What can I do? I can't watch them die!"

The emperor was angry and helpless.

Then there was another burst of chanting.

"The one named Bendis, I remember him."

"I had conversations and communication with him when he was a child, and I told him a lot of great truths."

"Although I just want him to join the Thunder Warriors so that his father can provide me with resources honestly... No, it's not me, it's someone else who has this idea..."

If it were the Emperor ten thousand years ago, he would probably not care about those Thunder Warriors, because there are many major issues in the human race that require his care, and there are some tram problems that require his answer.

Disdain to explain, disdain to conceal.

You Thunder Warriors are the defective products I created, so now do you want to fight with the Forbidden Army, or do you want to go away and live until you die of old age.

This is what he would reply.

But for a purely human part, facing the defective creation created by himself ten thousand years ago, facing Bendis and the others' drama of suffering that lasted for tens of thousands of years, the deep guilt and intolerance in his heart, as well as the emperor's original desire The combination of these factors, poor expression and stubbornness, tortured him to a degree that was second only to the Golden Throne.

"You don't have to come, because they don't even know you exist." Qin Mo couldn't bear to continue torturing this human emperor, so he had to tell the truth.

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "So, I don't have to meet those Thunder Warriors, face their anger at me, and I don't have to be choked to death by unspeakable words, right?"

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded helplessly.

"Naughty." The emperor straightened his back instantly and took a few breaths, "Do you know how I feel now? It's like I got up from the golden throne, ah, thank God."

The Emperor of Humanity was indeed relieved.

The half-finished psychic communication device was thrown aside, and the whole person was happy.

Qin Mo did not continue to torture the emperor to vent his dissatisfaction with the matter, and talked about serious matters.

"Elsa wants to collect the souls of the Eldar of Commorrari."

Hearing this, the Emperor became serious again: "Then what?"

"Then I asked Aisha to give me the soul stone, and she agreed." Qin Mo said.

"Very good." The emperor nodded, "Remember what I mentioned to you before? I have a good idea."

Although the psychic communication projected only vague figures, Qin Mo heard the smile contained in the emperor's words.

In the twelfth year of the forty-second millennium, Guilliman officially formed an alliance with the Death Army.

And the Death Army participated in the expedition launched by the Imperial Regent and Warmaster.

At that time, the news reached the sector. The Emperor, who heard the news, complained about Guilliman's excessive trust in the aliens, and stated that the Death Army had indeed rescued his son from the stasis, but this did not mean that Guilliman should trust the xenos.

Then the Emperor did not pick up the communication device and angrily yell at Guilliman, but was ready to think of another way.

A way to help his son when his plans fall apart.

This method is to collect the souls of the Eldar and find a way to create something that can be used as both a weapon and a condition of trade.

"I have an idea."

"We can find a way to reshape the soul in the soul stone, and then create a device similar to an infinite circuit to store it. Then we can also use this thing to quickly shape the Eldar to solve their fertility problems."

"But don't tell Guilliman about this. He knows nothing about the evil of aliens."

"We will not solve the problem for the aliens, but when we cooperate with the Eldar, this thing that can quickly instill the reshaped soul into the biological container and solve the Eldar's fertility problem is like..."

The Emperor said, striking a fishing pose.

"It's like a carrot hanging from a donkey, visible but not accessible. I have a better way to describe it, but those aliens don't deserve it."

"Use things to lure the aliens to fulfill their responsibilities as allies honestly, to bleed, to sacrifice, and then when they think they have paid enough, we will destroy this carrot."

After listening to the emperor's words, Qin Mo felt that the question was not whether he should do it, but whether it could be done.

But there is no need to rush with this matter, just take your time.

After talking about the matter, Qin Mo looked at the emperor and suddenly felt doubtful: "By the way, recently I feel that you are a little... too human."

The emperor immediately became serious and stared at Qin Mo for a while.

"I have been a witty and humorous person for a long time. Erda knows what kind of character I am. This character is just worn away by all kinds of bad things."

"Perhaps because I was stripped of my pure humanity, I began to tend to open up my heart to my true friends."

"I've been watching you since you were fighting with the genestealers in the bottom nest, and we've gotten along until now. I treat you as a friend, but you ask me if I'm too human?"

In Qin Mo's eyes, the emperor suddenly became disappointed.

"I didn't mean that, I just asked... After all, your will was broken into many pieces... If there is any emergency, we can solve it together." Qin Mo explained quickly.

"I understand, I understand." The emperor nodded.

The two fell into silence.

"It seems that the communication device I casually studied is not bad. You should be busy with the war first." The emperor turned off the communication device.

The scholar felt the psychic influence from the icy sun of the Warp dissipate from the psionic matrix entity.

The black stones that make up the entire secret chamber also gradually changed from amplifying psychic energy to neutralizing and calming.

But academics are not quite done with their role as bridges.

The emperor's shadow was suddenly projected again. He made a forward gesture to scare Qin Mo, but saw that Qin Mo had already turned around and left, so he had to end the communication completely in disappointment.

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