Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 645 Difficult Career

"Actually, your flaws are not irreversible."

"Actually, your flaws are not irreversible."


These words kept echoing in Bendis's ears, like the aftereffects of thunder.

Bendis' first reaction was shock, and his second reaction was disbelief.

No one knows his own flaw better than the Thunder Warriors, and that is an irreversible flaw.

It was not that Bendis and his party had not tried to save themselves. After the long warp voyage, they arrived in the Calixis sector and met the Marqua Trader Dynasty.

The former head of the Rogue Traders family of the Makwa Trader Dynasty was very interested in the Thunder Warriors. He himself wanted to help the Thunder Warriors solve their own shortcomings, but he spent his later years and countless gold and silver but failed to do so.

Li Sun did more than her father. She even found the alien prophet, the Haemonculi of Commorragh, and even contacted a white-haired traitor warrior wearing purple armor, but they were helpless.

The Haemon's evaluation of the Thunder Warriors is: super-standard war consumables.

The Thunder Warrior has been positioned as an excellent weapon, but if its creators try to create a super warrior that can shoulder the burden of conquering the star sea within the human race, then the Thunder Warrior project will undoubtedly fail, because conquering the star sea requires more than just Strong combat effectiveness.

"You said that our defects can be reversed." Bendis said with difficulty, "You are talking about reversal, not using drugs to keep us alive, right?"

"Without a doubt." Qin Mo nodded.

"The Thunder Warriors are the creations of the Lord of Thunder, and the Lord of Thunder now sits on the Golden Throne. If he doesn't personally..."

"No... no, no, no, I see that you have some partners or subordinates who are obviously not mortal. Their biotechnology may be more advanced than the Lord of Thunder..."

Halfway through his questioning, Bendis answered the question himself.

Qin Mo looked at Bendis and said in his heart: Maybe it would be more optimistic, that is, the human side of the Star God and the Emperor would cooperate.

Asking the emperor to personally improve the hasty products he once made was not a blank check written by Qin Mo to Bendis.

After learning that there were Thunder Warriors fighting bloody battles in Commorragh, the human side of the Emperor possessing Vanessa said that if the Thunder Warriors could survive, he would personally improve these Thunder Warriors.

The new Thunder Warriors will not be named Thunder Warriors.

Because their past missions have completely ended, after rebirth, they will fight for the future of the entire human race with new identities, not for a certain monarch or ruler.

As for whether the Emperor's human side has the ability to improve the Thunder Warriors...

The Emperor did not participate in the war against Commorragh. He is now roaming around the sector as before, but he is still the Emperor no matter what.

The schism at the level of will only involved personality, performance, and psychic strength, but the knowledge that the Emperor had studied and studied was still firmly remembered by him.

What's more, there is also the assistance of the Star Gods.

"I said I won't force you to make any choice for you. I will just say what I should say. The choice is yours." Qin Mo invited Bendis to make the final choice.

Hearing this, Bendis looked at the tactics table.

There are fierce battlefields everywhere, and preparation battlefields waiting for the war to begin. It is not difficult to find a battlefield that welcomes a glorious death.

But reversing their flaws and fighting on, just like the Astartes, was an option that was equally tempting.

Finally, when Bendis withdrew his eyes from the tactical table and looked at the other Thunder Warriors, he had already made a decision at this moment.

"We will continue to fight for humanity."

"For humanity."

The Thunder Warriors all made a decision.

Except for the sacrificed Gunter, the remaining five Thunder Warriors will become the first experiments of the Rebirth Project, and then they will continue to fight for humanity until the moment of their death.

As for Gunter, although Qin Mo has never gotten along with this person, he can analyze it from the soul dialogue between Aisha and Gunter, as well as various information that can be used as reference conditions provided by these Thunder Warriors who are extremely familiar with Gunter. , even if the Thunder Warrior could be reborn, Gunter would not want to be resurrected again.

Bendis has a deeper understanding of Gunter, and he does not think that Gunter wants to continue to survive in any form.

During the long years of being inseparable, Bendis had an in-depth understanding of his old commander:

People who live to die.

When Gaunt became the officer of Bendis and his new Thunder Warriors during the Terra Unification War, he was asked what his dream was, and his answer was: a spectacular death.

Then Gunter shared his only treasure, which was the storage device that stored the stories of ancient warriors, and happily told his subordinates how wonderful the glorious death of that warrior was.

The person who wanted to die is already dead, so it would be disrespectful to force him back to work overtime.

But Gaunt, who enters the place where human souls live in the Sea of ​​Souls, will, like other human souls living there, perhaps fight for the life and death of the human species again at some point in the future or in the past.

Fighting against the enemies of the real universe is a difficult undertaking, and even the soul of a dead person can find its place and play its role in this difficult undertaking.

"Take these old warriors to rest."

When Qin Mo finished speaking to the empty space, the bridge's gate opened, and the route to his residence was guided by a projected route.

The Thunder Warriors who had found their target again left with their heads held high, and the long-extinguished fire in their hearts was rekindled again.

After watching the Thunder Warriors leave, Qin Mo asked the AI ​​in the bridge that was calculating a large amount of war data: "What are the scholars doing?"

"Fighting alongside Heat Death in the Fourth Quadrant of Comoros."

The AI's answer was very cold and concise.

At the same time, a picture was presented in front of Qin Mo.

It showed a large number of coordinate areas in Comoros that were forcibly classified by AI, and in one of these areas, an iron man named Scholar was fighting side by side with his fellow iron man Heat Death.

The Dark Eldar were now cornered and still put up some effective resistance.

For example, the ban on psychic powers was thrown aside and the most elite warriors used the psychic properties left by their ancestors to deal with the most terrifying Iron Man troops.

Scholars assist Heat Death in decapitating the users of ancient Eldar weapons.

"Call the scholar back."

"In addition, let Heat Death withdraw from the frontal battlefield and take the infiltration type Iron Man to find Victor's location."

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