Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 638: Exploring the bag to get something


"When will the teleportation device be built?"

Lando, the leader of the Burning Falcon Chapter, quickly passed over the long road connecting the Desedrian portal, landed next to the Iron Warrior, and asked loudly.

The portal used by the Dark Eldar is not stable. Just connecting with the portal built by the Ark Eldar is unstable. If you want this portal to project a larger force, you still have to wait for the teleportation device. Built.

If the portal is located on the surface of Comoros, then ship-based teleportation can be done, but it is inside and is the core of the core of Comoros. Due to the disorder of the spatial coordinate data of the network city, it is not good. A teleportation deep into the city was carried out.

This is also the problem encountered by the Tyrone Army there on the edge of Comoros.

"Steel inside and out, man." The Iron Warrior named Locke looked at Lando, "Heart is like steel, face everything calmly, don't be anxious."

Locke has been doing his best to complete the task. His movements look very fast, but because his expression is so indifferent, he seems to be unhurried.

"The battle line is being pushed back, we need support!" Lando urged with almost roaring words.

The battle on the portal side has progressed so far. The support sent by the Dark Eldar has arrived, and the advancement of the Space Marines is not so smooth.

Indeed, with the assistance of the Star God Chronicler, the Space Marines were able to advance while water droplets more powerful than nuclear bombs kept flying overhead, but the problem was that the Dark Eldar army was also forced to use their wealth. .

Anti-material rifles are something that almost every person in the legion of emotionless warriors transformed by the Haemonculi has.

The Dark Eldar always claim that they are the heirs of the Ancient Eldar Empire. This is not just talk, but they have really inherited some inheritance.

“Steel inside and out.”

Locke is still building the teleportation device quickly, and at the same time he still has the same attitude: don't ask, ask and it will be steel both inside and outside.

Lando really had no choice but to look at the Thunder Warriors.

The Thunder Warrior was leaning against the corner, panting.

The previous soldier named Gunter has not recovered. If he is not sent out in time to receive more in-depth treatment, I am afraid his life will be lost here.

But the problem is that this broken portal based on psychic technology is one-way.

You can get in, but you can't get out.

This is not to blame for the rubbish gate built by the Dark Eldar, but to blame the technological rubbish in the hands of the Ark Eldar and the Death Army, because the portal connecting the portal was built by Uslan. There are too many technologies missing, so we can only build it quickly. A makeshift one.


"Fire unit!"


The shouts of the Sons of Antaeus Chapter Master rang out over the communication channel.

Lando patted Locke on the shoulder and soared into the sky.

The Chapter Master of the Burning Falcons passed through the road leading to the portal, through the large ruins previously captured by the Space Marines, through a terrain that looked like a wilderness, and finally came to the battlefield where the battle was fiercest.

The black hole thrown forward by the narrator presents a strange visual phenomenon of tearing apart space.

Countless clone warriors created by the Haemonculi were wiped out, and only the psychic shields taken out by the True Sons from ancient warehouses protected the remaining people.

The psionic shield releases psionic energy that can distort reality, just like the Obelisk and World Reaper equipped with psionic distortion technology that the Coron Dynasty took out on Dead Zone III. The principles are all introduced through The use of psychic energy to neutralize the influence of the Star God cannot help but arouse people's imagination.

The Haemonculi clones in batches and the cloned warriors and monsters rubbed by hand surged up again.

The reporter hid behind the battle lines, compressing the water droplets infinitely while shouting that so and so would not die.

Then those people mentioned by the narrator's words would really avoid incoming anti-matter ammunition or explosions for various reasons.

But this impact is obviously limited.

Flying over the battlefield, Lando saw the fire units mentioned in the communication from the Sons of Antaeus.

They were twisted monsters arranged vertically, looking just like chaos eggs.

Ninety percent of their bodies were transformed into various heavy weapons, bombarding the direction in which the Space Marines formed.

The three Haemonculi who control these freaks hide at the very back of the twisted creations arranged vertically.

Lando's task is to deal with these fire units.

He dived toward the ground.

But when he was about to approach those twisted creations, the information displayed on Lando's visor suddenly showed that a high-speed flying object was approaching from the left.

When Lando tried to react, the high-speed object had already grabbed Lando with its sharp claws like a giant eagle and threw him away.

At the moment of being thrown away, Lando saw that the giant eagle seemed to be transformed into something. Its original appearance was probably that of a female Eldar.

Lando didn't know that he was seeing one of the two nightmares in the Dark City - Victor and the legendary birdman who kept killing people.

The soldiers on the ground saw Lando flying across the sky, and the other Burning Falcons were also caught in a fight with the alien aerial units. They could only hope to deal with the Dark Eldar firepower units on their own.

But the reinforcements that suddenly entered the battlefield allowed the Space Marines to only focus on the enemy they faced.

White Scar joins the fight.

More than a hundred hoverbikes led by Chen Ye rushed to the battlefield.

As the Khan of the company, Chen Ye took the lead, driving the super motorcycle gifted to him by Yao En, all the way to the location of the alien firepower unit.

When the firepower units tried to eliminate the uninvited guests in front of them, Chen Ye twisted the accelerator and flicked the motorcycle quickly, drifting sideways towards the firepower units.

This is not a difficult way to control a high-speed vehicle. Even the Xue Lingren who saw Chen Ye wondered where this guy got the courage.

Chen Ye was not crazy or desperate. Since he dared to do this, he was sure that he would not die here.

The extremely cool motorcycle accumulates energy while drifting sideways.

The words friendship and loyalty engraved on the left and right sides of the motorcycle shine brightly.

Then, just before it was about to be attacked, the motorcycle suddenly teleported and disappeared from the enemy's sight.

When he reappeared, Chen Ye drove his motorcycle to the back of the first twisted creature, pulled out the plasma pistol stuck on the motorcycle frame, and shot the twisted creature in the head.

The motorcycle was still drifting sideways.

When the plasma penetrated the head, which was obviously the weak point, the motorcycle teleported behind the next twisted creation again.

After teleporting like this nineteen times in a row, all the twisted creations of the Haemonculi that appeared on the battlefield as firepower units were all headshot by plasma.

Finally, the motorcycle drifted in front of the Bloodlings, and Chen Ye controlled the motorcycle's holographic panel twice.

The tail shell of the motorcycle was opened, and a compressible and extendable power knife was handed out by the mechanical arm.

It was exactly the same weapon as the powered Guan Dao used by White Scar Khan Qin Xia ten thousand years ago.

Chen Ye took the Guandao and jumped out of the car as the weapon gradually stretched. When he landed in front of the Bloodlings, he turned around and the blade passed quickly.

The sound of blood splattering was heard, and the heads of the three Haemonculi fell to the ground neatly.

"Breaking into a tight siege and beheading the enemy is as easy as searching a bag to retrieve something!" Chen Ye raised his head and roared with all his strength.

The motorcycle automatically drove around a corner and teleported to Chen Ye, carrying its master to fight his way out from the encirclement of more and more enemies.

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