Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 637 A man like the wind

"The reason why he doesn't need you is simple."

"Because he already has an ally who can be responsible for the high-speed assault."

The gate opened, and the sound of heavy stampedes echoed in the bridge.

Then a group of Space Marines walked onto the bridge.

These Space Marines are completely different from those protected by the Talon Sector, and they are also different from the Ultramarines who often cooperate with Talon.

Their armor is painted white.

"I brought the White Scars over." Yaoen walked out from behind the white-armored space warriors and saluted Qin Mo.

Arrow was surprised to see these white-scarred Space Marines.

Not to mention Arrow, even Qin Mo himself was surprised when he learned that Bai Scar was coming.

The White Scars' participation in the war was not because they had already made an agreement with the sector, nor was it because they appeared just to scare Arrow at a certain moment.

This is an extremely sudden event.

What happened in the Tyrone sector spread far and wide.

After discovering that the Tyronian navy was indeed out in force as rumored, the White Scars contacted the sector, hoping to participate in this military exploration of the Webway.

Military exploration operations, this is the reason announced for large-scale mobilization in the sector.

As for why the White Scars wanted to join the military exploration operation, their motives are a mystery. After all, even the Ultramarines showed no sign when they learned that Talon was going to explore the webway. The White Scars had not had much contact with the White Scars before they were far away from the sector. How could he suddenly jump out and ask for cooperation?

And when the Star District asked White Scar about his motives, they only gave one answer:

Don't ask why the wind is howling.

From the moment Bai Scar asked if the sector could cooperate, to Qin Mo's permission, Bai Scar arrived in the sector on a dimension engine transport ship and entered the webway, the whole process took less than an hour, and it happened before Arrow arrived.

Speed ​​and efficiency are the characteristics of Baiscar.

Doing something with lightning speed, catching the Tyrone people who pursue speed and efficiency unprepared, these are men like the wind.

"Why are you here?" Arrow knew a little about the white-armored space warriors.

In the Archon's advance plan, any Space Marine could join the war in the Tyrone Sector, except White Scar, who had no contact with the Sector.

"Don't ask why the wind is howling." The company commander wearing a helmet walked past Arrow and came to the tactical table on the bridge, "Because the wind will not answer you."

Arrow looked displeased, but it was hard to get angry.

The plan to insert the Cabal into the human army failed because the White Scars took over the strategic position that the Cabal could assume.

The consul said nothing and motioned to Li Sun to take him away.

After the alien left, Yao En, who had brought White Scar to the bridge, walked to the tactical table.

The guard asked White Scar's company commander: "Why did you come here? You can't tell others, and you can't tell me?"

"A child without a mother is a long story."

As the words rang out, Captain Baiscar, standing at the tactical table, took off his helmet, revealing Yao En's familiar face.

It was Chen Ye.

Seeing that the person under the company commander's armor was his old friend, Yao En was obviously stunned for a moment.

He was just considered to have dealt with White Scar and was familiar with the character of the White Scar warrior, so he was arranged to receive the visitors, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

The bridge gate opened again, and a white-scarred warrior whose armor was obviously more gorgeous than the others stepped onto the bridge and bowed to Chen Ye to report: "Khan, the company is ready."

Chen Ye nodded to him, then looked at Qin Mo with his helmet in hand, and bowed slightly: "Lord Tailong, I have brought a company of the White Scars as a vanguard, and more White Scars warriors are still on the way. My The company's fighting style is a storm-like rapid assault, and twelve of the company's thirteen combat squads can fight alongside your soldiers."

"You are the company commander now?!" Yaoen was shocked.

In the White Scars Chapter, the title Khan stands for Captain, just like the title Wolf Lord in Space Wolves.

Chen Ye glanced at the startled Yao En and acted very indifferently, as if he had forgotten his friendship with Yao En.

This made Yaoen a little lonely.

"Why is there still a combat team that can't fight alongside my people?" Qin Mo asked.

"Because the remaining combat team has a special mission." Chen Ye answered vaguely without saying much.

Qin Mo lowered his eyebrows and thought.

White Scar's sudden request to join the fight seemed very sudden and strange at first glance.

It was as if White Scar suddenly had a "kara link" with the Tyrone people, and suddenly they had to share life and death and join hands to fight against the enemy.

But think about these two key elements together, the White Scar and the Webway...

Let’s also think about the time when the White Scar Primarch risked his life and entered the webway to race in order to rescue the humans who were captured in Commorragh, and has been missing until now.

The answer is ready to come out.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo suddenly said to Chen Ye: "Your thirteenth team, the team that does not need to participate in the battle, they can use the webway gate at will."

Hearing this, Chen Ye was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand where Qin Mo's kindness came from at first. After all, if he wanted to thank Bai Scar, the Tailong People's Congress could just send a batch of weapons and equipment just like they did to the Weeper. The Web Dao Sect It’s hard to relate to gratitude.

Then Chen Ye realized that perhaps there was no need for the war group to conceal their original intention to participate in the war from the Lord Tailong in front of them.

"I can't thank you for such kindness!" Chen Ye handed over his hand, then leaned over and looked at the tactical table.

The white-scarred company commander could tell at a glance where his company was needed to join the fight.

Although the spatial coordinates of Comoros are very difficult to parse, which limits the teleportation device, there is still no problem for the Army to teleport on the surface of the city, but it cannot go deeper.

But the regular army is just like the rumors, with iron men to help.

The frontal battlefield does not require White Scar's support for the time being. Even if White Scar is involved, it will be difficult to achieve any effect.

Looking at the other side of the portal, there were only Space Marines and a small number of Ironmen fighting on the position there, preparing to hold out until the portal belonging to the Tyrone sector was established.

"Let us join the battle in the core of Comoros." Chen Ye suggested.

"That's the best!" Qin Mo nodded.

"I will personally lead the troops to fight, so don't worry, Governor." Chen Ye handed over again.

Qin Mo returned the greeting and looked around: "Where is Prophet Uslan? Activate the portal quickly and send General Chen's troops to the battlefield."

Uslan glanced at Qin Mo with complicated eyes.

Then the old prophet walked out of the bridge and went to the psychic portal connected to the Desedrian portal. Only he could use this thing. Naturally, it was him, Uslan, who sent Chen Ye and his party to the battlefield. Do.

Chen Ye motioned to his men to follow Prophet Uslan first, while he winked at Yaoen.

"I'll see him off." Yaoen turned around and took Chen Ye away from the bridge.

When the two of them left the bridge and walked in the deserted corridor, Chen Ye changed his indifferent attitude towards Yaoen and put his arm around Yaoen's shoulders.

Yaoen shook off Chen Ye's arm and walked a few steps quickly.

"I thought your governor was very serious, and he was afraid that you would be punished if you lost your composure in front of him. It was really hard to reminisce with you just now. Don't blame me, don't blame me."

"What do you think of my attire? This white armor, this red tassel, these decorations? Huh?"

"Thanks to the motorcycle you gave me, I became the company commander after killing an alien warlord."


Yaoen listened to Chen Ye talk all the way.

When he was about to go to the portal to join his men and head to the battlefield, Chen Yecai gradually became serious again.

Yao En gave Chen Ye a heartfelt message: "The aliens over the Comoros portal have things like Razor Fighters, so be careful."

"Heh, so what if I have a Razor Fighter? It's not one thousandth of the price of the motorcycle you gave me!"

Chen Ye looked confident.

"So what if there are so many different people? I'll kill them like a dog's ears!"

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