Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 632 Strange Passage

Bendis and his group snatched two flying motorcycles inlaid with blades. These were not military vehicles of the Comoros conspiracy, but just ordinary modified killing machines.

Gunter's determination made Bendis understand that he was not seeking death by opening the portal, and it also made Bendis habitually regard Gunter's determination as an order.

Regardless, the portal must be opened.

There is a high probability that the only survivors of the Thunder Warriors are the six people in Comoros.

If we want to bring an end to the story of the Thunder Warriors, it shouldn't end with the meaningless deaths of six Thunder Warriors.

Bendis, who wanted to understand these things along the way, after taking over Gaunt's command, expressed to his old friends that he would open the portal even if he died. Even if he couldn't open it anyway, he would still die. In front of the portal.

At least when people found their bodies later, they would say: "The Thunder Warriors burned their last bit of life in the war to attack Comoros."

Instead: "The Thunder Warriors selfishly sought a glorious death. They could obviously open the portal, but they died meaninglessly on the road."

The flying motorcycle speeds along the straight passage.

There are many outposts and defense points along the way.

The Dark Eldar along the way tried to intercept, but because the motorcycles driven by the Thunder Warriors flew at ultra-low altitudes and were extremely fast, it was difficult for the Dark Eldar to effectively intercept them. They could only watch them fly over, and then run over to drive the vehicle. The pursuit began.

As the eldest son of the Ancient Saint, the Ada Eldar have superhuman physique. Coupled with the various advanced weapons inherited from the Ancient Eldar empire, it does not seem to be difficult to kill some flying motorcycles.

This also makes Bendis wonder whether those cabal warriors are working hard for their leader.

Finally, Bendis and his group came to a narrow passage, and they had to stop to observe the situation.

"What the hell is this place?"

A Thunder Warrior looked around and felt like his head was going to explode.

This passage looks extremely twisted, but it also feels straight.

There seems to be a passage under your feet, but it doesn't seem to exist.

Up and down in the distance is a bottomless abyss, but the abyss seems to be very close at hand.

If you want to move forward, it seems like you should go up, but it also seems like you should go down.

Obviously this passage is not designed for humans. The abstract things that the Eldar are good at analyzing can only bring extremely distorted and weird feelings to human senses.

"We should keep moving forward, no matter what we see, keep moving forward."

Bendis recalled the contents of the road map, which was the road map sent by Arrow before.

There's a message there: If you see an extremely weird road, don't worry about it, just close your eyes and walk.

This was Uslan's heartfelt advice, because he knew that there was a similar passage in the Eldar Ark. Its function was to shorten a long road into a shorter one across space. This passage was clearly visible to the Eldar. , but may not be intuitive for other species.

"Walking with your eyes closed? Are you kidding me?"

The Thunder Warriors entered the passage.

After walking a few steps, they realized that there seemed to be something really bearing the weight under their feet, but what they could see with their eyes was a bottomless abyss. When their eyes turned, it turned into steps that reflected their faces.

In the end, I could only close my eyes and walk as Bendis said.

After closing their eyes, everyone found that everything under their feet became a smooth road, and there were nothing where there seemed to be obstacles in front of them. All they had to do was move forward.

Until the sound of Razor fighters came from behind, Bendis opened his eyes and looked back, and found a large number of pursuers coming directly above him.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the direction of the voices of the pursuing soldiers changed to directly behind him.

"It's my turn." Bendis stopped and turned to look at his old friends, "Go, go, I'll stay."

The Thunder Warriors nodded silently, and the command was passed to the next veteran, and then they continued to move forward.

But when Bendis turned around, he found that the pursuers who had just arrived were roaring and turning, shooting at those coming behind him.

Then a sword flew out in a circle, killing most of the pursuers who were supposed to be dealt with by Bendis.

The blood sword flew back.

Among the corpses and the pool of blood, a guy with hands dripping blood and lava-like lines all over his body was walking slowly, raising his hand to hold the flying blood sword.

"Kane?" Bendis suddenly recalled the statue in the arena.

But the statues of gods in the arena looked like statues made of some kind of substance. How could the Eldar worship a certain god, and then that god actually jumped out to help them fight the war?

What's more, the Kane in front of him did not regard the Eldar as believers or his own people. He did not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and went on a killing spree.

The Dark Eldar who worship Kane are desperately firing on the gods they believe in. They know very well what kind of god Kane is. Worship is worship. If Kane really appears, it will be bad.

In the bloody battle between gods and believers, a nightmare warrior hired by Victor's cabal had one of his legs cut off by Kane.

Nightmare collapsed on the edge of the passage and took off his helmet, revealing the face of a beautiful Eldar girl with blond hair and pale skin.

She began to cry, begging Kane for mercy.

Kane's incarnation walked up to the girl, his mouth full of fangs opened and closed, and he made a sound that was familiar to the girl.

"No, no, no... don't cry... I won't kill you."

"Lord Ahla?"

The Eldar girl looked at the incarnation of Kane in horror, realizing that this incarnation was actually summoned by Ahla, the master of the Nightmare Cult, at the expense of herself.

"I am the master of this incarnation of Kane, I can control it!"

Ahla's voice sounded again.

Then, in the girl's delighted eyes, Kane transformed into a sword and chopped off the girl's head, and kicked the remaining body into the abyss beside the road.

"I can control it."

"I can control it."

Ahla kept repeating his influence, but from a practical point of view, apart from a few nonsense words, he could not have any influence on the incarnation of Kane.

And he thought he was controlling Kane to kill, but in fact it was just him being controlled by Kane.

Regardless, the incarnation of Kain summoned by the Phoenix Lord is indeed extremely powerful.

Kain transformed himself and slaughtered all the Dark Eldar before charging towards Bendis.

The bloodthirsty desire in the eyes of Kane's incarnation frightened Bendis. This fear burst out from the depths of the soul, just like the instinct that must appear in any mortal body that faces the gods directly, but Bendis did not Undeterred by fear, he still chose to face it head on.

Amidst the thundering roar, the blood sword slashed down from top to bottom.

Bendis knew that he could not block, so he rolled on the spot to avoid it.

But the moment he stood up, he saw Kane's fist coming towards him.

Bendis was hit in the chest by a punch and flew back more than ten meters. Before he could check his physical condition, Kane's incarnation had already rushed in front of him, and the bloody sword in his hand fell towards Bendis' neck.

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