Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 631 Kane’s Incarnation

The Thunder Warriors guarded the entrance to the deeper parts of the warehouse at all costs.

Even if the front of Bendis and his team is not safe, even if they may be killed by horrible things deeper in the warehouse, even if they may not reach the end at all.

But Gunter was still guarding the entrance, guarding it at all costs.

During the brutal battle, Gunter would suddenly feel that he was quite selfish, seeking death right here, completely regardless of what kind of enemies Bendis and the others would encounter in the warehouse next.

The warehouse where the portal is located is difficult for humans to understand at the sensory level. There must be more powerful guards on the road ahead.

But Gunter then thought about it and realized that he was left alone to deal with the pursuers behind him.

If you don't stay, will everyone be dragged to death by the pursuers?

Moreover, Gunter himself still believed that the probability of a strong enemy ahead was not high.

Get to the root of it.

He wanted Bendis and the others to live, not to die a glorious death.

Gunter didn't think about these things for long, because he soon had to concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

There are all kinds of enemies that can be seen in the pursuit of the Dark Eldar, and the Cabal warriors are just the most inconspicuous and humble among them.

The followers of the Witch Spirit Sect and the Nightmare Sect, and the twisted creations of the Haemonculi, these are the real enemies.

A dwarf Haemonculus, less than one meter tall, who looked like he had shrunk himself, was holding a seven-meter-tall Stitch Monster next to him.

Gaunt had to deal with it with all his strength, and was stabbed in the back by the Witchling in the process.

When the seven-meter-tall Stitch Monster died, Gunter turned around and grabbed the neck of the Witch Spirit who stabbed him. With a little force, he pulled out his head and used it as a throwing weapon to kill a Cabal warrior.

Nightmare appeared from any corner that Gunter could not notice, and then left a scar that was deep enough to see the bones. Finally, Gunter noticed the existence of Nightmare, and Nightmare was killed by a spear from the top of his head.

These situations are uncommon.

Most of the time, Gunter was able to kill the enemies he saw before he was injured, but there were too many enemies.

"For... unification!"

A loud shout came from the mouth of the Thunder Warrior. A weak-willed Cabal warrior was frightened for a moment, and then his head flew out and hit his companion behind him in the next second.

"He's crazy!"


The Haemonculi judged Gunter's situation and shouted loudly to urge their subordinates and others to come forward and chop Gunter to death.

Then while shouting loudly, the Haemonculi was nailed to the wall with a gunshot.

Gunter is not crazy.

But it's definitely not normal.

Even when the Thunder Warrior is not aging, he will occasionally experience mental disorders, that is, he will be immersed in the memories of the past.

In the case of injuries, Gunter's situation is particularly serious.

This veteran of the Thunder Warriors who had fought in the Terran Unification War until now, he felt that he was still fighting against the Terran warlords.

More and more enemies are coming.

There are even some Iron Man-like security sentries mixed in among them.

Gunter let out a war cry while delaying time for his comrades who had evacuated first.

"For unity!"

Gunter has no fear at all. Compared with the fear of death, he still hates the warlords more.

Being a slave to a warlord when you were young was nothing. After all, which Terran civilian had not been a dog before the arrival of the Lord of Lightning and Thunder?

When he became an adult, he worked as a guard for a warlord. He met a female soldier in the guard team and fell in love with each other during the cooperation.

Until one day, the warlord's son, who was provoked by Gunter, brought his lover into the room.

Gunter didn't know what happened that night. In short, his lover was sent out in parts the next day.

Gunter didn't think there was any problem with this at that time.

In the education he received, the law of the jungle was the law of survival, and everyone was the private property of the warlord. Isn't this normal?

Until one day Gaunt was exiled and arrived on the territory of the Lord of Lightning and Thunder. He saw what order, peace and responsibility were.

Everyone has his or her own duties, and everyone is subject to order.

After talking with the commander of the Thunder Warriors, Usotan, Gunter suddenly realized:

What the hell was my life like before? I was stupid enough to think that all of us were the private property of the warlord and that whatever he did to us was what he deserved! damn it!

After the sudden realization, Gunter was immediately filled with hatred for the warlord.

He also realized how to change Terra's current situation, which was to follow the Lord of Lightning and Thunder and fight for unity.

Only unification can change the current situation where warlords fight in a melee and civilians are like dogs.

This is why Gunter is here alone to fight against the warlord's pursuers. He is not even afraid of the security sentries among them. He just wants to kill a few more people who are determined to be the warlord's lackeys.

At this moment, only people except Gunter knew that what he was dealing with was not a warlord's lackey at all, but an alien.

But Gunter's state makes him full of hatred for the enemy, which is helpful in battle.

He was gradually injured during the battle and his body functions declined due to bleeding.

Gunter had to pause the killing for a moment. When he took a breath, he found that two scenes were constantly flashing and overlapping in front of his eyes.

One was the lackeys of the warlord on Terra who surrounded him, like a group of primitive people hunting wild beasts.

One is the aliens surrounding him, like a group of primitive people hunting wild beasts.

"Til death do us part!"

Gunter didn't worry about the enemy in front of him. He only knew that he had responsibilities and must delay time, that's all.

For the sake of unification, or to allow companions to go to the portal.

In short, for the sake of duty, we will fight until death.

The Dark Eldar who were hunting around were afraid of being killed. The barbarian soldier named Thunder Warrior used the force field barrier belonging to the noble race, so that everyone had to fight him hand-to-hand. The anti-matter rifle would be absorbed if it hit the barrier.

The Dark Eldar's morale and organization were inherently low, but they continued to attack because the Cabal had a way of getting them to attack.

Whether it was being threatened by the Haemonculus to turn back all those who retreated and sent to the Haemonculus Association, or being threatened by the top brass of the conspiracy to have their skin peeled and cramped, in short, these ways of death were much more painful than dying at the hands of the Thunder Warriors.

From Gunter's perspective, the warlord's lackeys were yelling loudly, telling the soldiers to step forward and fight the so-called Thunder Lord's lackeys.

Then there are more and stronger enemies.

Gunter lowered his head and checked his body.

His left arm was chopped off, there were wounds all over his body, and blood flowed all over the floor.

"For unity! Until death do we part!"

Gunter took the initiative and charged forward.

But he soon stopped.

Because in the scene in front of him that constantly overlapped, a large number of enemies died suddenly and painfully.

A leader wearing golden armor appeared with his imperial army.

But when the scene in front of him changed again, and the enemy in front of Gunter changed from a warlord's lackey to an alien, what he saw was not a leader in golden armor, but a terrifying god of death.

Gunter, who has lived in Comoros for a long time, knows what that thing is called.

In Eldar mythology, the god of murder and war-Kane the Bloodhand.

The powerful avatar of Kain, summoned at the expense of a Phoenix Lord, appears.

It slaughters all the enemies it sees without distinguishing between friend and foe, and then enters the entrance of the warehouse because of some obsession in its heart, preparing to go to the deepest part.

The twisted creations of the Haemonculi, nightmares, and witch spirits were cut in half by the sword of Kane's incarnation in an instant.

As soon as Gunter was ready to face the incarnation of Kane, he found that he lost his balance and fell to the ground. When he reacted, he found that his legs had been cut off by a sharp sword.


"Kill Elsa and Kunoga's bastards."

"Well... kill..."

Kane's avatar walked past the fallen man. It did not touch up anyone who was still alive, because it had an obsession in its heart, and that was the portal.

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