Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 629 The Shame of Phoenix

The deepest part of Comoros.

Ninety percent of the conspiracy's archons in the Dark City are in this dark space.

The eyes of the archons were filled with worry and fear as they looked at Victor, who was pulling out his hand from the heart of a rebel.

Several hours had passed since news of the invaders' attack came.

The first thing Victor asked his cabal to do was not to deal with the enemy, but to carry out indiscriminate killings in some places in the core area of ​​Comoros.

When the killing was over and everyone was filled with fear, Victor called the consuls over.

"We are facing a formidable enemy, and we must work together to overcome the difficulties."

"I will never tolerate those with evil intentions who want to destroy the entire Comoros and all of us in the flames of war."

Victor's voice echoed throughout the space.

Then the consuls saw him wiping his bloody hands on the deceased's robe.

Those present were all the consuls who had waded out from the mountains of corpses and writhed among the dead.

It would be wishful thinking to try to scare them just by killing one person.

But the consuls were still afraid. What they were afraid of was not Victor, but the machinations in Victor's head and the powerful military strength of the cabal directly under him.

Victor and his cabal went to drive away the invaders, which was too much to do.

But it would be easy to take out the consuls and slaughter them all.


The Overlord of the Dark City's eyes fell on a female Archon among the Archons.

Chromis is a ruthless character, but she still feels involuntarily afraid of being targeted by Victor.

"Don't be afraid." Victor smiled and walked towards Chromis, took her hand and kissed her, and then said sternly, "The weapons of your Obsidian Cabal are the best. I need you to produce as many weapons as possible. Load weapons, I want to arm everyone in the Comoros.”

Chromis nodded: "I promise."

Then Victor walked over to Mallus.

Mallus is also a consul, and her cabal is one of the best in Comoros.

Moreover, Mallus himself had a bad relationship with Victor.

But now is not the time to talk about personal feelings.

"There may be some misunderstandings and conflicts between us, but now that the enemy is facing us, I need you, and Comoros needs you." Victor looked at Mallus affectionately.

Mallus rolled his eyes at Victor and nodded.

Then Victor gave some instructions and called on everyone to resist.

The call is the most important, because the Dark Eldar are accustomed to being scattered, and Commorragh is very huge. Before the enemy is in sight, it is most important to at least say something nice to make everyone stand firmly together.

Until finally, Victor looked at Arrow again.

Arrow, the Archon of the Dread Squid Cabal.

The overlord of the Dark City stared at Arrow for a while. Arrow didn't react on the surface, but in his heart he was worried that Victor knew what he had done.

But Victor didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded, and then left in front of everyone, leaving only one sentence.

"Give me some time, I have to use my brain to come up with a more detailed strategy."

Instead of thinking alone, Victor came to the Temple of Khaine in Commorragh.

That is the temple that belongs exclusively to the Nightmare Sect, and no one is allowed to enter.

Trespassers will be killed by the Nightmares, terrifying, elusive warriors.

But Victor never believed that "anyone" in any rule included himself. He walked into the temple swaggeringly, but it was not without consideration that he did not bring his guards with him.

In the dim temple of Kane, illuminated only by flames, Victor entered the gate and saw the towering statue of Kane.

Khaine, the god of murder and war, looks as menacing as ever, whether in mythology or on statue.

And under the magnificent statue of Kane, sat a man who had lost one leg and was balancing on only one leg.

That was none other than the former Phoenix Lord of the Assault Scorpion sect, Ahra.

"Ahla, we are in trouble." Victor approached Ahla.

But the sudden strong wind and cold light forced Victor to stop ten steps away from Ahla.

Ahla was still standing, completely unable to tell what he had just done.

"I can't help you. The Primarch I hunted cut off my leg." Ahra turned around and said.

Victor remembered what he heard about the Nightmare Lord a few days ago.

Ahela ambushed Guilliman and Evrené, ambushed the Champion's guard, and then forced Guilliman into a rage to follow him to the battlefield he had prepared.

With a terrain advantage, a team of Assault Scorpions can kill enemies dozens of times their size.

Ahela then slit the primarch's neck, but one of her own legs was severed.

"You don't think I want you to jump around and kill people, do you?" Victor said nonchalantly.

Ahela turned around after hearing this and looked at the statue of Kane.

"I need someone to deal with the intruders on the other side of the portal."

"I can't trust any conspiracy, not even my men, because it's too important there."

"My people are still going to support the battle on the other side of the portal, but I hope that if you go there, you can kill them all."

Victor was very honest. He and Ahla were not close, but he knew that if he wanted Ahla to do something, it was best to confess everything to him.

"So you can trust me?"

"Don't act stupid, you know I can't trust you either, but I can trust what you can summon."

Hearing this, Ahela turned her eyes and looked at the statue of Kane.

"I know you have wanted to fight to death for a long time, but you never got the chance. Now this opportunity is right in front of you."

"Six Thunder Warriors, and the intruders they may have released from the portal."

"Go ahead, at least you won't die as a useless person."

Victor's voice irritated Ahra, but it was precisely because it was said that it hurt.

A former Phoenix Lord, now the leader of the Nightmare Cult, lost a leg.

From a physiological perspective, this matter is not a big problem, because any Haemon can transplant a more useful leg to Ahela.

But Ahra himself could not accept his defeat. If he and Guilliman had had an upright duel, then he would feel that he had lost well, but he was fully prepared.

Guilliman was introduced into a place where all the odds were stacked against him.

Then Ahla still lost.

Facts have proved that the Phoenix Lord of the advanced race is not as good as the large upright ape made by the barbarian chief.

"Whatever you do, Ahla." Victor turned and left, "I'm just here to remind you not to waste your life on the frontal battlefield. Neither you nor you can withstand a particle." Lightspear, you should seize the victory you can."

Ahla turned and glared at Victor's back.

He immediately withdrew his gaze and looked up at Kane's face.

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