Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 628 Let Comoros burn

The faster-than-light speed method created by the Old Ones was so effective that the fleet appeared directly on the edge of Commorragh after teleporting to the webway.

For those who have never entered the Webway and seen Comoros, this is an extremely strange experience.

The size and quality of the Tailon naval fleet are amazing. Qin Mo designed these warships according to the standards for dealing with the Necron in the future.

This huge fleet is the pride of the sector.

It was because of this vast fleet that Talon remained as free as the Five Hundred Worlds led by the Primarch.

But such a huge fleet, on the most inconspicuous edge of the entire Comoros, is like an army of ants that have entered human cities in droves and crawled on the highway curbs.

Overhead are buildings.

Below is the building.

The fleet is caught in the middle.

However, due to its huge size, the Celestial Engine is still like a sun coming into the world, allowing its brilliance to be seen on the entire surface of Comoros.

Fortunately, although these military forces other than the celestial engine are indeed ants in terms of volume, they are ants with amazing destructive power.

Once present, the fleet opened fire on areas scanned by the detectors that could be safely bombed.

The giant spike-like tower detached from the top of the unfathomable network tunnel and floated away.

The ancient defensive weapons in the giant buildings that were larger than the fleet immediately reacted and attacked the fleet.

Countless colorful giant light beams bombarded the energy shield of every battleship in the fleet.

But the bombardment launched by automatic defense weapons did not last long.

The fragment of the void dragon took action.

At an astronomical scale distance of about one star system, fifty percent of all the automatic defense weapons in the ancient cities on the edge of Comoros "surrendered" instantly.

They turned their guns and bombarded the automatic weapons left over from an ancient Eldar empire older than the existence of Commorragh itself.

The Dark Eldar have better Webway technology. Facing the Dark Eldar's Webway technology, what the Ark Eldar can do is to blow up the Webway gates everywhere, and then find that they want to trap the Dark Kin to death in Commorragh The idea is so stupid that it makes you laugh.

But there are also things that the Dark Eldar are not good at, and that is more advanced spiritual bone material application technology, as well as defensive weapons that are common in Arkworld.

The automatic defense weapons built by the Dark Eldar and the craftsmen they grabbed from nowhere were controlled by the void dragon in an instant.

The power of the Void Dragon is technology and machinery. There is a reason why some people suspect that it is the God of All Machines.

Even weapons with high spiritual energy content can be forcibly controlled as long as they are mixed with a little bit of biological matter belonging to the real universe.

This is why weapons such as the Vaal Talisman in the Eldar's mouth and the Blackstone Fortress in the Humans' mouth were shaped to deal with the Void Dragon.

Pure material weapons will be controlled by the Star Gods. Only subspace energy, which the Star Gods cannot understand and cannot interfere with, can be used as weapons against the Star Gods.

Some scholars in the Empire believed that the Blackstone Fortress came from the Necron, because the Necrons built blackstone buildings on many human worlds.

To this day, only a few people in the Five Hundred Worlds know who the Blackstone Fortress belongs to.

Guilliman once told the Five Hundred Worlds Trust and History Research Association that when he was captured alive by the Hurons and imprisoned in the Blackstone Fortress, the Veil Walker appeared and rescued him, and then they left the fortress together. The webway door of things, not the tomb door of the undead.

Moreover, Efreni said that the black stone fortress is called the Amulet of Vaal among the Eldar, and the black stone is called the Blessing of Vaal, because the black stone can reduce the influence of the subspace to the extreme, but it can also expand it to the extreme.

In short, no matter who the Blackstone Fortress belongs to, it is an uncontrollable threat to the Star God.

The function is more single than the black stone, but the principles are the same for spirit bones and eldar technology.

When faced with the bombardment of later-built defense weapons controlled by the void dragon shards, those defense weapons that existed in the ancient times of Commorragh withstood the bombardment and projected as much as possible to the fleet attacking Commorragh before being damaged. of firepower.

Years after the fall of the Eldar Empire, the ancient ways of activating the weapons of Commorragh were completely forgotten.

The Dark Eldar even organize rituals to worship the war god Khaine in front of the weapons.

The heart and soul of a dedicated slave cannot be activated no matter how hard he tries.

But the moment the attacker appeared, the weapons left by the Ancient Spirit Empire that had been dormant for a long time came to life on their own.

The ancient consciousness existing in the weapons instantly saw everything. The ancient Eldar technology they carried could teleport them away from the battlefield in an instant, but they still chose to fight for their descendants who claimed to be the legitimate successors.

However, the number of these defensive weapons is too limited. Although they are indeed powerful, they are still difficult to reverse the situation of the battle.

Glorious Humanity.

Qin Mo walked towards the bridge, Mimic followed behind him.

All the crew members along the way silently saluted Lord Tyrone, and then quickly went about their business.

After entering the bridge, Qin Mo saw the extremely busy flagship bridge.

All affairs, data information, battle status, and various applications of the entire fleet are processed in the flagship.

These matters are handled by a stone assistant, so that the fleet marshal can focus on directing the war.

Adam, who was connected to the cable and sensed everything, saw Qin Mo outside the battleship, and then his body inside the battleship bridge turned around and bowed.

Qin Mo nodded and walked silently to the porthole at the front of the bridge.

Every Tyrone Navy ship has no portholes, strictly speaking, but in order for the crew to not only see the completely sealed bulkheads, there are still some visual imaging devices that look no different from the portholes.

In front of the giant porthole that was a thousand meters high, Qin Mohe's humanoid form was extremely small compared to it.

Everything outside the ship is shown outside the porthole.

Tyron naval warships criss-crossed the webway and slowly advanced, bombarding any place where the detectors showed no humans.

In the city above and below, Tyron's Army and Ironmen brought a sea of ​​fire to the various buildings and routes and the Dark Eldar who lived within them.

The warriors of the conspiracy are making meaningless resistance before the hordes of iron men attack.

Those horrifically transformed monsters controlled by the Haemonculi are just scraps of flesh under Iron Man’s feet.

Army soldiers entered each building and either brought out the slaves or shot a slave in compliance with his wishes after crying.

The Star God fragments entered a fortress-like building and massacred them.

Saranoga unleashed an attack that was no less powerful than a celestial engine, pulling up an entire spike-like giant building from one corner of Commorragh and throwing it to the other side.

Qin Mo clenched his right hand: "We will make the entire Comoros burn."

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