Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 626 Meeting the Witch Spirit Again

The Eldar at all defense stations on the road have been mobilized. While listening to the reports from the combatants at the front, they are nervously waiting for the terrifying warriors described by their colleagues to come to their side.

The fighting power unleashed by a total of six Thunder Warriors and the tactical effect they displayed were astonishing.

Gunter led Bendis, a group of old guys who had lived and fought together since the Terra Unification War, to charge forward as fast as possible.

After several more consecutive battles, the defenses of the Thunder Warriors were upgraded.

The shells or metal plates of some Dark Eldar vehicles were torn off, and as before, the Thunder Warriors used brute force to forcibly shape them into a whole, and then connected them together with any softer things they could find, and hung them on their bodies. .

As for weapons, they are used for whatever they are. Anyway, anything can become a killing tool in the hands of a Thunder Warrior.

The level of their equipment is appallingly inferior.

The Astartes, the Custodes, and all the superhuman warriors created by the Emperor except the Thunder Warriors would never fight with such low equipment levels, but the Thunder Warriors were used to it.

In the early days of the Terran Unification War, the armor worn by the Thunder Warriors was literal armor.

There is no power assist unit.

It's heavy, sluggish, has no design iterations, and has a lot of various minor issues.

Even the design where the upper body armor has a power unit but the lower body does not, is already equipment from the late war.

The Thunder Warrior relies purely on his own powerful body to support the entire armor.

This seems incredible to the Astartes who use black carapace and other auxiliary means to control the armor, because the power armor will turn into a humanoid walking coffin after losing power.

It's still possible to move, but it's still too difficult for a creature like the Thunder Warrior to rely on muscles to drive its armor.

As the breakthrough player of the six-man combat team, Bendis is always at the forefront with a gun.

In order to enhance the defense as much as possible, Bendis had armor plates torn from alien vehicles hung on the front.

The vehicles of the Dark Eldar pursue speed and ignore defense. The armor plates of those large vehicles can be used as bulletproof plates for the Thunder Warriors.

With Bendis as the main combat force.

There were four other people scattered around Bendis.

Gunter, the officer behind Bendis, is responsible for commanding, dispatching and supporting comrades in other battle positions.

A total of six people successively killed all the alien enemies that appeared on the straight and vast road in front of them.

Different from the common Astartes, the Thunder Warriors' fighting style does not focus much on concealment. The sound of their running is like thunder and lightning exploding in the wilderness. Their fighting skills focus on using the most brutal and violent method to make the enemy in the dark. Loss of combat effectiveness and the possibility of receiving medical treatment in an instant.

As for cooperation, it is difficult for a team that has received military training and lived and died together to not cooperate, whether it is the Astartes, the Custodes, the Thunder Warriors or the mortal army.

When Bendis charges forward, his other four old buddies will cover for him and deal with the enemies that are not directly in front or the most dangerous, ensuring that Bendis will not be shot coldly by other enemies during the charge.

Although none of the six people had communicators, Gunter, who had to shoulder the responsibility of command and responsibility during the battle, did not need to shout. He only needed a look to let the subordinates looking at him know what to do.

The six of them have been together for too long.

Even the other five people, including Bendis, knew when to look at Gunter and get the commands contained in his eyes and expressions.

There are no words during the battle.

When they first came over, the Thunder Warriors chatted for a while, but that was because they had not conducted regular military operations for too long and were a little lax.

And soon after the battle, they found their habits on the real battlefield.

In the absence of communication devices, everyone must minimize communication to avoid interfering with the issuance and execution of orders.

Although there was no communication, it gave the impression that Gunter was seeking death, but he commanded the entire team to penetrate every line of defense encountered as quickly as possible in order to get through this unobstructed road in the shortest possible time. The straight passage goes longer and deeper.

This shows that Gunter does not care about the thoughts of the people outside who want to come in. What he wants to do is to pursue a relatively happy ending.

This so-called happy ending is that the Thunder Warriors died gloriously, and they also fulfilled the high hopes of opening the portal given by people outside.

Gaunt hates tragedy.

If he had not pursued a relatively happy ending, he would not have led his men to escape from Terra and seek death in battle with the enemy when rumors were spreading on Terra and people were panicking.

Not to be killed, nor to participate in the possible rebellion of the Thunder Warriors.

Not to die in the hands of his own people, nor to break his original oath of allegiance to the Lord of Lightning and Thunder, this is Gaunt's motivation.

"Wait a minute!"

After breaking through dozens of defense lines and taking the lives of thousands of Dark Eldar aliens, Bendis broke the silence with a roar.

The entire team of Thunder Warriors stopped.

In their field of vision, Bendis was holding a spear and lowering his body, glaring fiercely at a witch spirit.

The so-called Witch Spirits are female warriors from the Witch Spirit sect in Comoros. The meaning of their existence is to bring the most ferocious performances to their compatriots in the gladiatorial arena.

The Witch Spirit Sect also often participates in plundering operations, and occasionally acts as bodyguards for some big shots.

When they saw Bendis facing the shaman warrior, everyone including Gunter understood what he was thinking.

Bendis wants to duel with the wizard.

Although Bendis never revealed his true feelings, at that time in the gladiatorial arena, he was almost killed by an alien from the Witch Spirit Sect. In the end, he relied on the function of his body to fight back at all costs to win the battle. This incident became Bendis's story. Dis's heart disease.

Bendis had a question at that time, if he was still young and normal, he would not almost die in the arena.

He wanted to prove this doubt.

He wanted to blame all the scars he suffered in the arena on aging and the genetic defects of the Thunder Warriors, because it was related to whether all of them relied only on the Emperor's technology in the human civil war on Terra. Abuse food.

As soon as you go to the battlefield where you fight powerful aliens, you will know what you are.

Bendis wanted to prove that he was just too old at the time.

The Thunder Warriors are far more unstable than the Astartes and Custodes, and this instability includes irrationality and is more human.

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