Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 625 Move forward! Son of Thunder!

The Desadrian portal is located in the deepest part of Commorragh, the deepest part of the webway. This is an extremely critical strategic location. Victor, who made his fortune through it, naturally knows how to prevent others from using this portal to make a fortune.

Victor had wanted to move the portal to a safer place for a long time, but the project was too huge, so he only recently completed the move.

The entire portal is located in a warehouse. There is only one straight and wide road leading to the portal, and this road is suspended above the "Void Abyss".

Before Commorragh became the home of the Dark Eldar, it was a transportation station in the Webway.

It inevitably has to assist the trade ships of the Eldar Empire to deliver various products to all parts of the empire that are enough to make everyone in the empire crazy, so there are many warehouses in Comorragh.

These warehouses are unfathomable and extremely vast. Although no one has measured how big these warehouses are, the Dark Eldar intuitively feel that each warehouse seems to be equal to the space of a planet.

In short, in a warehouse, the Desadrian portal is floating in the center. The so-called "road built on the abyss of the void" is not a cool name for a certain road, but people who walk on it will really feel I am walking in the void because there is no bottom below.

The seemingly infinite road into the warehouse is dotted with various large and small outposts and checkpoints.

The small outpost located behind the entrance to the entire road intercepts and checks any people and vehicles coming and going as usual.

Those admitted by the entrance to the passage known as "Cairn's Gate" must pass a second inspection here.

Normally, the soldiers belonging to Victor's conspiracy at the outpost would do boring and boring work honestly while complaining that they could not torture people.

But today, an unexpected visitor added some fun to their work.

Six Thunder Warriors walked side by side on the road leading to the outpost.

In the eyes of the Dark Eldar warriors who have gathered to eliminate the invaders, these six people are just a few of the largest human barbarians. They have no armor and do not even have the weapons.

But there was blood everywhere on these six people.

Apparently it comes from the blood of the Dark Eldar on the other side of Cain's Gate.

"Are we going to just go in like this?" Bendis asked, pointing to the aliens rushing forward to operate heavy weapons.

"Otherwise?" Gunter spread his hands, "The route map also clearly states that there is no possibility of infiltration. Otherwise, what is the significance of the portal being moved here in the near future?"

Another soldier laughed and said, "It seems we can't reach the portal alive."

Gunter didn't care: "But we can make a big fuss and let these bastard aliens focus all their attention on the portal, and then the fleets coming from the edge of Comoros may have an easier time."

Listening to the guys' conversation, Bendis was locating all the aliens in front of him and thinking about the portal.

In fact, in the plan presented on the road map, Li Sun said that Arrow would help them sneak into a place as close to the portal as possible.

But the Thunder Warriors now kill them first instead of joining up with the alien helpers.

Bendis can understand Gunter's thoughts. It's not that he doesn't trust Arrow, the alien. After all, he has lived in Commorragh for many years. Everyone knows that the Dark Eldar can sell his mother to others as a slave for profit. , it is not surprising that an ambitious man wants to lure foreigners into Comoros and then take advantage of the chaos to profit.

There was even a man who did this a long time ago in Comoros.

Gunter still chose not to follow the plan. The reason is unclear. However, if in the previous communication, people from outside did not say that they could come in without opening the portal, Gunter would definitely not be so reckless.

If the portal does not have to be opened, if people outside can only count on the Thunder Warriors in Comoros.

Then you can safely focus on what you want to do most - a spectacular death.

"The discipline of these guys is so low it makes me sick."

Gunter stopped and looked at the enemies ahead who were just getting ready to fight.

Then Gunter gave Bendis and the others a few gestures, and the six Thunder Warriors gradually dispersed and rushed towards their respective targets.

Gunter is responsible for the most difficult heavy weapons team.

A shooter who had just awakened the heavy weapon and turned the gun.

Another ten Cabal warriors protecting the archers and heavy weapons.

Seeing that the opponent was about to fire, Gunter's pace gradually became faster, his speed increased to the extreme, and he threw two stones in his hand one after another while running wildly.

The first stone penetrated the armor and chest of an alien warrior.

The second stone pierced the heavy weapon along with the weapon's shooter.

At the same time as the sound of stones smashing flesh tissue and metal creations was heard, Gunter had already arrived in front of the enemies he was targeting.

Armor was smashed.

The chest was punched through.

The firearm disappeared from the hands of a certain Dark Eldar clan, and suddenly appeared in the blood hole of a certain Dark Eldar clan.

Gunter vented his accumulated resentment and pent-up fighting spirit for many years. The killings carried out by others, including Bendis, were no less efficient than his old commander. The number of Dark Eldar in the entire outpost increased at an extremely fast rate. speed reduction.

The Thunder Warriors have great flaws, and these flaws result in greater combat power than the Astartes.

After quickly dealing with the enemies he was responsible for dealing with, Bendis returned to Gunter with a bloody spear and handed over a long knife used by the alien.

Gunter didn't take it immediately because his battle wasn't quite over yet.

A Dark Eldar alien was kneeling on the ground, his body tilted back, and his neck was tightly wrapped around the spine pulled by Gunter's hands.

After a burst of whimpering and bone cracking sounds, the Eldar's neck was crushed by his spine.

Gunter casually threw away the spine that he had just torn out from the body of an unlucky guy, and reached out to take the long knife.

There are more guards at the outpost than there are at Kane's Gate, and they naturally hold more weapons, so the Thunder Warriors can always find something they can barely use.

"A dagger, good."

This weapon is a knife in the hands of the alien, but it is a dagger in the hands of the taller Thunder Warrior.

Although I don’t really want to use it, having a weapon is better than nothing in this situation.

Other Thunder Warriors also found the weapons they wanted to use, either standard weapons like the dagger in Gunter's hand, or heavy weapons removed from their fixed mounts.

Everyone has weapons, but now there is a lack of protective gear.

"Sons of Thunder! Supplies on site." Gunter ordered loudly.

All the Thunder Warriors immediately took off the armor of the dead alien, then selected the parts that were still intact, stacked them together, punched them down, used their fists to forcefully fix the armor fragments, and then used Eldar hair to connect the fragments together. Hang on vital parts of the body.

After briefly doing some protection, Gunter gave the order again.

"Forward! Sons of Thunder!"

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