Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 476 Eighteen levels of purgatory

"A barracks that generates its own troops?" Qin Mo didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"It can extract the souls in the subspace, condense and transform them into something similar to the essence of living things, and then transport them out of the box. This is equivalent to having an inexhaustible supply of soldiers."

"And its use of the soul is not as simple as transferring the soul into a box. The transformation of spiritual energy technology and the various use of spiritual energy it has undergone are unprecedented and unprecedented, so it is conceivable that the creation of It should be the Old One."

The Emperor explained his understanding and speculation about the Rubik's Cube.

However, Qin Mo didn't think it was something from the Ancient Sages because it looked too evil and didn't look like something created by the White Lotus race like the Ancient Sages.

The Emperor was also aware of this, and he explained: "I found it when I was slaying some prehistoric Chaos Shamans. This cube has been corrupted by the power of Chaos, just like those corrupted by the Word Bearers in the Dead Realm. Like the Black Stone, it is now an evil creation, malicious from the warp."

The Dark Gods have existed in both the past and the future since the moment of their creation.

The Emperor said that the Rubik's Cube was found in the prehistoric stage of mankind. Apparently the power of Chaos was already eroding the real universe at that time.

"So what's the use of it?" Qin Mo sat down and asked.

"Originally it would create psychic soldiers, but now it can only be used to create demons. The principle is similar to how the Chaos Gods in the subspace created demons." The Emperor looked at the Rubik's Cube, and this thing reminded him of Many past events, "As long as it is not sealed, it will continue to release demons into the real universe."

Qin Mo was silent.

This Rubik's Cube is simply a subspace artifact.

No wonder Magnus left it behind.

No wonder the Emperor calls it "the malice of the Warp."

The ability to shape souls alone is beyond the imagination of any species today, but after being twisted, they can only shape demon souls.

"As for the method of sealing it..." The emperor put his hand on the Rubik's Cube and twisted it, and a projection was displayed.

Qin Mo saw Gray, Caldo Diego, Calga, Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl, and Creed on the projection.

"It means to find the people it wants, and then send them into the Rubik's Cube, so that they can block the demons who are trying to get out of the Rubik's Cube at all costs." The Emperor said.

The Emperor then used his spiritual energy to create an image, showing Qin Mo the inner world of the Rubik's Cube.

There are a total of eighteen layers in the Rubik's Cube. The first layer is the primitive forest, the second layer is the Stone Age city, and the third layer is the human settlement in the Bronze Age...

In short, the higher the level, the more advanced the world displayed.

The eighteenth floor is even a space city, extremely prosperous, like a huge space city in the dark technological age of mankind, but there are no residents inside.

What the emperor showed was the scene inside the Rubik's Cube at this time, so when he zoomed in and approached the space city, Qin Mo could see that extremely terrifying scene.

Countless demonic armies are attacking the portal inside the space city. They give people the impression... like standing on orbit and looking down at the army of Tyranid war beasts.

There are nearly a hundred humans near the portal.

These people are all dressed up differently.

There are primitive people who wear animal skins, and there are savages who are covered in hair without any shame.

There are knights in medieval plate armor, and people dressed like Egyptians and Romans.

An infantry squad armed with Garand rifles, and a team composed of blond men and women wearing black military uniforms armed with MG43 machine guns.

There are even some lobster soldiers holding flintlock guns and wearing red uniforms, as well as Space Marines from the 30k Great Crusade...

"These are the people you sent in to intercept the demon?" Qin Mo couldn't believe that those savages were able to hack down the huge demon.

"Yes." The emperor nodded, "I have to find a way to seal it."

"How many people did you send in?"

"Many. There may be hundreds of thousands...Egyptians, Romans, and even a Han Dynasty general named Pu in ancient Terra...soldiers during the World War..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo raised his head and asked, "General Pu? Is he missing because you sent him into the Rubik's Cube?"

"Unfortunately, this general and his army were selected, so they entered the Rubik's Cube together." The emperor's eyes fell on the image inside the Rubik's Cube.

A man wearing a Han Dynasty general's armor was holding a ring-headed sword to hack away at demons. He seemed to have a good relationship with a female savage. When he was surrounded, the female savage rode an extremely huge wild boar and rushed into the demon army. Come to his rescue.

The emperor said there were hundreds of thousands of people, but Qin Mo didn't see that many. There were only humans on the 18th floor of the Rubik's Cube, and there were less than a hundred in total.

The emperor saw Qin Mo's doubts and explained: "Some people who are not determined will collapse after entering the Rubik's Cube for thousands of years, and then be assimilated into a member of the devil, so until now these are the only ones left. ”

Then the Emperor said something sad.

The fate of those in the Rubik's Cube is to fight to the death.

Can't leave the Rubik's Cube.

Can't grow old, can't die.

After death in battle, you will be resurrected, but after resurrection you will lose part of your humanity, and over time you will become a walking zombie or directly degenerate into a member of the devil.

The options used by the ancient saint race to adjust the speed and quality of soldiers produced by the Rubik's Cube barracks have now been corrupted into a program of trading souls for power. The people inside kill demons in exchange for increased power.

While the emperor was telling about the Rubik's Cube, Qin Mo observed the battle inside.

The demon army was repelled by the humans, and then the survivors collapsed on the ground, resting and eating among the demon corpses.

The red-clad lobster soldiers loaded their flintlocks with oversized magazines containing hundreds of lead bullets.

Crusaders dressed as crusaders walked among the corpses of demons holding crosses, pulling the corpses to burn.

The Space Marines of the 30,000 stood on the daemon corpses and preached to the crowd, cheering them on with Imperial truth.

Pu Jiangjun and the only remaining soldier sat next to the wild boar, while the female wild woman cooked hot food for the wild boar and his companions.

These people have a common emotion - numbness and suffering.

"What's the difference between this and hell?" Qin Mo said with a chill on his face, "This is a hell where they will never be reincarnated... They can't even die if they want to..."

After speaking, Qin Mo looked at the emperor.

He suspected that the Emperor deliberately kept the cube so that it fell into Magnus' hands.

Now he knows why the Dead Realm has never been lost, but there are Martian soldier demons that have been spawned to help Huron fight. Those demons were all transferred out of the Rubik's Cube by Magnus. Since this Rubik's Cube can be corroded Then it must be affected by external spiritual energy.

Perhaps Magnus had a way of toying with the human warriors inside, allowing some demons to slip through their defenses.

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