Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 475 The Barracks of the Ancient Sage

"Sorry, mother."

"We have no way to keep you safe. The network channels we use are being invaded by evil creatures..."

"We have forgotten too many things, even the construction technology of the Webway Gate, and we have no way to find a closed Webway similar to the one you live in now."

Qin Mo did not continue to discuss with Sal the matter that made the Eldest tribesman grief-stricken.

Thrall diverted his attention and listened to his kind discussing things with the mother goddess Elsa.

The Eldar are also experiencing similar problems with lost technology.

The most advanced Webway technology is now in the hands of Qin Mo and Burner. One of them learned the technology of using the Webway from the Ancient Sage, and the other learned the technology from the Burner and improved it, so that although they cannot create the Webway out of thin air , but can search for web channels that match their wishes.

Just like the closed network channel where Elsa lives.

This closed webway is not even aware of its existence, and it is impossible for the Eldar to find it.

All races in the universe have become weaker than in ancient times.

The Eldar lost too many things and were barely surviving.

The empire is a corpse that relies on the inertia brought by its huge size.

The predecessor of the Necrons is dead, and has been damaged during its long slumber. The Outsiders are staying in the galaxy, and the fragments of the Star God that are out of control are running around in the Galaxy, and this is not what makes the Silent King The biggest headache is that they are in bigger trouble.

The green skins gradually degenerated and were much worse than their ancestors, the ancient orcs.

An Ark Eldar tribe who believed in Elsa and was not good at war could do nothing but let their mother goddess Elsa continue to stay in the safe place of others.

In the Tyron War, the Eldar lost nearly a hundred people. This was already a considerable loss for the Eldar, who had an extremely low fertility rate, not to mention the hundred warriors of the Aisha Ark Eldar, who were not good at martial arts. .

And these sacrifices were just for the Lord of Tyrone to allow them to see the Mother Goddess with their own eyes.

After talking to Aisha and confiding their thoughts to each other, the spirit tribes were led by their Ark Prophet and came to Qin Mo. They put down their scepters or other objects, bowed their heads respectfully, and bent their spines and knees. .

For the Eldar, this is the greatest etiquette they can show, and the difference from kneeling to humans is only in form.

"May you and your sector be forever invincible." the prophet said. "You brought our Mother Goddess out of the demonic realm of the Dark Gods. This is an inspiring feat, and it is our Craftworld's eternal destiny. A debt of gratitude.”

Qin Mo nodded calmly: "Thank you also for your contribution in the defense of Tailong."

While talking, Qin Mo noticed that some Eldar entered the research facility. They were carrying various large and small bags of things, such as gems and furniture, as well as various extremely exquisite decorations from the Eldar.

The Eldar's strength and agility are astonishingly high. One of them can carry a three-meter-high table of unknown wood and move forward quickly.

Qin Mo thought it was something given to him at first, but the prophetess said: "We hope to keep these items to make our mother goddess live a more comfortable life."

"Of course, you can arrange the webway where she lives as you like." Qin Mo nodded and looked at Aisha.

Elsa wiped away her tears and bowed.

The Eldar began to enter the webway gate to arrange Aisha's residence, making the place covered with thin golden light as comfortable as possible.

"Perhaps we will give you these Eldar furniture as gifts next time, but this time there is really nothing we can do." Thrall explained, "After the greenskin invasion, there was famine and disease in the Arkworld. The latter did not bring It’s too much trouble, but the former forced Arkworld to trade with other Arks and sold most of its things to buy food.”

"I don't care about your furniture... By the way, aren't you too miserable?" Qin Mo felt a lot heavier after dealing with these spiritual tribes.

The Eldar race gave him the feeling of being pinched by the throat, in a half-dead state of being dead but not completely dead.

Fortunately, the Eldar didn't stay too long, and they didn't have the nerve to ask for anything. They all left after helping Aisha decorate her residence.

Before Elsa hid in the webway again, the intelligence in the research facility sent a drone to push the soul stone that Elsa had cried out from the webway. Then Elsa entered the webway, and the door to the webway was closed, although this was okay. Necessary, but Elsa does feel safe under the double insurance of the augmented reality structure and the webway.

At this point, most of the things after the war have been dealt with, and there is only one last important thing left.

rubik's cube.

Half an hour later.

The slender iron man slowly walked into the research facility and entered the core area with his scepter in hand.

After all four gates and inspections were passed, the scholar saw the Iron Master sitting at the table playing with a ring model.

But before the scholar wanted to explain how he crushed Magnus’ soul, Vanessa, with golden light in her eyes, walked into the room first and spoke: “I’ve seen that Rubik’s Cube before, and it’s not something that’s easy to deal with. thing."

"Scholar!" Qin Mo heard the emperor's voice, turned around from the chair with pulleys, and used his feet to move the chair closer to Iron Man and the emperor, "You crushed Magnus's soul, that bastard wanted to There will definitely be a price to pay for regrouping, but at least we won't see these two bastards Carlos and Magnus at the same time."

"This is my mission." The scholar acted very calmly and bowed.

The emperor waited quietly for Qin Mo to finish praising the scholar, and then brought the topic down to business: "Tell me about the Rubik's Cube."

The scholar raised his hand, and the magic weapon appeared in its living metal palm.

It is an evil-looking thing, full of ferocious and twisted words. At first glance, there is nothing between those words, but if you stare at it for a long time, you will see the ferocious flowing faces in the twisted words. .

"What is this?" Qin Mo picked up the Rubik's Cube and looked at it carefully. Of course he couldn't understand what it was.

Scholars have already figured out the function of the Rubik's Cube through the subspace entity. In fact, it already knew what it was when it came into contact with the Rubik's Cube, and the verification again was just out of Iron Man's rigorous instinct.

However, the emperor seemed to know more about this Rubik's Cube. He raised his hand to bind the Rubik's Cube in his hand and explained calmly: "This is something I discovered in the prehistory of Terra. It is a certain psychic technology that is extremely powerful." The barracks of the race.”

"Don't get me wrong, this does not refer to the kind of barracks used to station troops, but a barracks that can continuously generate troops on its own. As long as it exists and operates, it can continuously release soldiers."

"What an advanced creation."

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