Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 470 Rubik’s Cube

In the battle between the primarch and the primordial body, the star god and the demon army, a shaped individual was ignored - the scholar.

When the power of the gods of the real universe distorted the arrangement of the stars in the Great Evil Aspect, scholars drew the power of entities gathered from the psychic matrix in the warp to distort the psychic energy in the galaxy, turning the Great Evil Star into a curse against the demons.

At this time, this slender iron man who is not good at defense cannot interfere in the surface battle where flames and thunder and lightning are flying. What he wants to do is to intervene in the battle between the original bodies.

At the giant peak in the south pole of the planet, the scholar walked towards the peak with a scepter.

Its slender body is shrouded in a cold-proof cloak made of spiritual energy. Every time it takes a step, there will be an upward staircase in front of it.

Finally, the scholar reached the top.

The two primarchs flying and fighting above were now clearly visible in the observer.

What the two primarchs didn't know was that the personality matrix inside the scholar's brain was affecting the thinking components for calculations.

The battle between the Primarchs was integrated as a constant in a calculation program, ultimately leading to a calculation result - if we can help Sanguinius defeat Magnus at this time, we will learn this after the war. The Iron Lord will be very happy with the news.

For this purpose, the scholar raised a scepter topped with gears and a skull with straight and straight lines.

In the subspace, the power of the entity formed by the gathering of spiritual energy matrices that grew under the protection of the cold sun was affected, and the inexhaustible power in the supreme sky was drawn into the real universe.

The temperature within a hundred kilometers of the scholar is dropping sharply, and even the gas components that make up the air have condensed into ice.

Matter is changing according to the will of the scholar.

Magnus, who was fighting with Sanguinius and wielding his scepter, suddenly noticed something, but before he had time to react, he suddenly appeared at the top of the Antarctic mountain the next second.

The clash of weapons sounded.

Magnus saw a scepter inlaid with gears and an iron man's skull, catching the scepter he swung before he could stop his strength. It was a defense containing psychic energy.

An iron man's straight head stretched out from under the scepter, and the two sides looked at each other.

At that moment, Magnus sensed the majestic psychic energy that astonished him, and saw an entity sheltered and growing safely under the icy sun of the Warp.

The entity looked strange.

It's huge.

Like a city.

A maze-like city.

But when Magnus felt that his will was being pulled and thrown out, and the subspace entity in front of him gradually shrank in his field of vision, he realized that it was not a city, but a piece of land that had been magnified countless times and extremely Sophisticated processor!

The processor in the field of vision shrunk to the extreme, and finally only darkness remained.

Fire burned in the darkness, and something cold and iron-like was coming towards Magnus.

The severe pain was transmitted to Magnus's brain. It was not physical pain, but severe pain with psychic components.

The illusion in front of him disappeared. Magnus lowered his head and saw the long sword burning with psychic flames that broke through the material body from his chest.

When he turned his head, he saw Sanguinius standing behind him, thrusting out his sword with anger.

But in front of him, the iron man was using his spiritual energy to erode and distort the soul of the demon primarch.

But at this moment, Magnus woke up from a dream.


Sanguinius heard the voice coming from Magnus's mouth, a voice that contained no sarcasm or hatred, but was simply an expression of pure emotion.

The sound of brother even made Sanguinius stunned for a moment, and he immediately drew his sword and caught Magnus's leaning body.

"I can feel..." Magnus lowered his head and looked at the wound on his chest, "Some things... are leaving me... but they are coming back soon..."

Sanguinius didn't hear clearly.

And Magnus didn't care whether he heard it clearly or not, and continued to talk to himself: "Convey it to me... convey it to... to..."

Sanguinius listened quietly.

But before Magnus could finish his words, his expression suddenly became as ferocious as before, and he tried his best to release psychic energy on Sanguinius.

Sanguinius subconsciously stepped out of the way when he saw the change in Magnus's expression, but Magnus' psychic energy was not released.

When the scholar clenched his fist hard and closed his five steel fingers, the demon primarch's soul shattered.

There was a lot of will in that shattered soul.

Some of them are well-intentioned, some are malicious, some think that they are still the original body of the human empire, and some hope to use all means to destroy the entire real universe for Tzeentch.

These soul fragments all have one characteristic - they cannot remember everything that happened from the last time they left the subspace to the present. This is the negative impact of soul fragmentation.

One of the souls of Magnus howled ferociously when it returned to the subspace, issuing curses and threats to the real universe, and finally left behind a Rubik's Cube-like thing.

Sanguinius picked up the Rubik's Cube. He saw that the surface of the object was printed with twisted words and had spikes. It looked very evil.

"Primarch." The scholar saluted Sanguinius, and the eye viewer projected a ray of light that enveloped the entire cube.

Sanguinius nodded and handed the cube to the scholar.

The scholar observed it carefully, tried to detect it with psychic energy, and then realized that this was not a simple thing.

"What is this?" Sanguinius asked.

A cold mechanical voice came from inside the scholar's head: "Maliciousness from subspace."

Sanguinius glanced at the Rubik's Cube and flew to the planet where the C'tan and the Demonic Army clashed.

The scholar, on the other hand, uses psychic energy to seal the Rubik's Cube.

But it clearly knows that the things contained in this Rubik's Cube are purer and more terrifying than those from any of the four evil gods. Even if it does nothing but seals the Rubik's Cube, it cannot maintain the seal for too long. .

But the Rubik's Cube isn't the pressing problem right now, the demons are.

Joining the fray, Sanguinius hovers in the air, searching for the most threatening individual among the daemons before swooping down to slay them.

But Sanguinius inevitably attracted the attention of the demons.

The demon prince who was fighting Qin Mo jumped into the air, grabbed Sanguinius' ankle and threw him into the demon army. Eight bloodthirsty demons immediately pounced on him.

Sanguinius was unable to fight so many demons at the same time, and was knocked down after blocking two slashes. The demons swarmed forward again, trying to get the soul out of the living metal on the spot.

Dimensional lightning hit the location where Sanguinius was, and the eight demons dissipated instantly. Then Qin Mo led the Burners and Mimics into the siege, cleaning up the demons near Sanguinius.

In the face of enemies that may be wiped out by fire and lightning, the fact that the demons can fight so far is a testament to their courage. When Magnus's disappearance was discovered, the helpers recruited by the demon primarch immediately gave up. Quit.

Groups of demons quickly escape from the real universe and return to the subspace by fighting each other, until all demons on the entire planet disappear.

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