Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 469 This is the real universe

The demon prince of Khorne and the great demons of Khorne behind him charged towards Qin Mo.

Both Magnus and Sanguinius intended to engage in brotherly rivalry, both rising to the skies to fight in the planet's psychically devastated atmosphere.

As the Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch, Magnus has a privilege that no other demon has, that is, he can directly mobilize some of the power from the Lord of Change.

Psychic energy is concentrated on Magnus's scepter, and Sanguinius also has a powerful talent for using psionic energy. Every confrontation between the two sides is not just as simple as two giants several meters tall slashing each other. .

Every collision of weapons and every exchange of psychic energy shook the entire planet.

"You have not been truly resurrected, brother." Magnus looked down upon Sanguinius's body. "You are inhabiting a body made of metal that is essentially repellent to you. You look like a Parasite, a twisted subspace freak who pretends to exist in the real universe in a parasitic way."

Sanguinius's living metal body was burning under the weight of his majestic spiritual energy, and little bits of metal turned into sporadic golden light floating between the spread out holy wings.

The living metal body is damaged and grows again. Since it is a container of existence, the damage of the living metal body will also be reflected in Sanguinius's feelings in the form of pain.

As long as it enters the container from the subspace and the cold sun into the real universe, Sanguinius will always bear the pain caused by the damage and reshaping of the container. The indifferent attitude it shows is in front of its descendants. Every frown and every smile is forced out.

Although the pain was unbearable, Sanguinius did not want to show his tortured face to his sons or primarch brothers who were inspired by his return to the world.

"The key is not how the body is, but the soul contained in the body." Sanguinius held the long sword made of living metal in his hand and stared at Magnus, "A soul that is corrupted and twisted like a maggot, no matter where it is. Whether in its own body or in a container, it is still a twisted and depraved maggot."

Sanguinius spoke with an understatement, but the calm words were more penetrating than the most hysterical roar.

The only thing that could make Magnus feel a little comfort was that Sanguinius's expression was not so calm when he spoke. He obviously didn't have any feelings about what he just said.

"If you were replaced by me, you would also make choices and sacrifices." Magnus pretended to be as calm as possible, "You don't sympathize with me just because your descendants did not fall into the most terrible situation, but Sooner or later it will happen, you will see.”

Sanguinius knew that Magnus's corruption had something to do with his descendants, but the more reason was that Magnus was playing with witchcraft, looking at the demons that greased the bolters of his descendants, thinking that Those twisted creatures in the subspace will really serve every Thousand Sons like loyal servants.

He even believed that the evil god in the subspace who was eyeing the real universe could really have a way to cure the genetic defects of the Thousand Sons.

The Emperor had promised Magnus a new legion without flaws, hoping to make Magnus change his mind, but he was determined by the scales, and the Emperor cannot be blamed for this.

"Look, what a despicable father the Thousand Sons have. This father still uses them as a shield for his degeneration into maggots. I feel sad for your descendants." Sanguinius said all he could think of The most vicious words.

It was nice to chat with Magnus, at least he was focused on bickering and had no time for witchcraft.

But my mouth soon couldn't mix it anymore.

Magnus raised his hand and projected several corners of the universe using pure psychic energy.

Sanguinius saw the suffering of countless humans under the influence of Chaos, and one thousandth of that suffering would be enough to crush anyone with an ounce of compassion.

And these massive amounts of suffering are pouring into Sanguinius's consciousness, and the reason why the images of suffering are unconditionally received by his consciousness is because Magnus only projects those sufferings rather than shapes them, just like He took Sanguinius directly in front of Tribulation and asked him to see the same thing.

Then, in Magnus's eyes, Sanguinius glared at him angrily.

Just like a beautiful woman with a cold and strong personality glaring at the person who harassed her.

The next second, Sanguinius flew over and slashed with a sword that contained majestic spiritual energy.

Magnus raised his staff to block the blow, instead projecting a swarm of psychically sculpted iron-eating swarms that gnawed at Sanguinius's living metal body.

He clearly understood that he did not need to kill Sanguinius, he only needed to destroy his living metal body, and then this annoying brother would roll back into the warp.

Sanguinius also knew what Magnus was thinking. He rushed forward and slashed hard, trying to prevent Magnus from using his psychic powers.

The aftermath of a battle between two Primarchs was staggering, but Sanguinius and Magnus were not the ones creating the aftermath that affected everyone else on the battlefield, they were the ones affected.

It seems that fire and lightning that can burn the entire world are raging on the planet in the past, present and future at the same time. The surface of the planet sometimes turns into a dense jungle and sometimes turns into a primitive form composed of lava and black boulders.

The three star gods are unscrupulously venting the destructive power they control. Every physical rule they distort in the battle can spread to the entire galaxy, and the torn rules that limit their power become remnants. Storms rage within the fabric of reality.

Burners and mimics slay demons with sheer physical power.

With the assistance of the two of them, Qin Mo focused on dealing with the numerous demons led by the Demon Prince.

The war that broke out between the C'tan and the Daemons was enough to bring about the idea of ​​"tragic" in the Primarch's mind.

Those big demons, even Magnus, who was promoted to the demon primarch, cannot be easily exiled. The big demons who need to use tricks and deception to deal with hostile relationships are just a few ashes under the raging fire and thunder.

Even bloodthirsty demons will be executed in a cruel way that they feel is cruel amidst the roar of chain swords.

When entering the universe through the curtain of reality, Magnus had discussed with the demon army the beheading tactics against the Star Gods in the Tyron sector except the Lord of Tyron, but now he realized that even the demon prince could not defeat the Tyron's Lord. The Lord is not an individual who is more powerful than his kind. The other two Star Gods also possess divine power that the big demon cannot resist.

The Eldar gods can fight back and forth with the Star Gods. The Eldar gods who defeated the Nightbringer in the Battle of Heaven were killed or played by the four gods.

But for these demons who made sacrifices and finally penetrated the curtain and descended into the real universe, the key question is...

This is the real universe.

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