Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 443 Kaldo, Diego

"Caldo Diego!"

Roars came from the damaged part of the mansion, and a demon prince walked out immediately, calling out the warrior's name.

The demon prince's voice when he spoke was like the pustules on the bodies of millions of Nurgle demons festering at the same time, or like the screams of an entire hive world of mortals united in a plague... These strange sounds came from The words came out of the Demon Prince's mouth and formed into syllables.

Among the demonic armies of the dark gods, the demon princes have a higher status than the great demons. Their identities are either the primarchs who rebelled against the empire, or they are those who have been given too many instructions and favors by the four gods in the subspace. Demons, or mortal beings who have made great achievements in the name of the dark gods.

The demon prince who appeared in front of Qin Mo was obviously an aborigine from the subspace. He was tall, twisted, and deformed. Compared to the layers of flesh and blood attached to his body, the armor that only covered a small part of his body looked more like biological tissue. .

The silver-armored warrior beaten out by the Demon Prince attracted Qin Mo's attention even more.

This is obviously a Gray Knight.

Holding a large shield and a long sword, the Holy Shield Terminator armor on his body is covered with holy runes, and he has a storm bolter on his leg.

Caldo Diego.

This armor belongs to the Gray Knight.

Large shield, long sword.

All this made Qin Mo very sure that the gray knight in front of him was the famous Grand Master Kaldor.

Kaldor has a nickname: Brother Drag. He once fell deep into the warp, burned the gardens of Nurgle, went to the Demon Realm of Tzeentch to turn the Impossible City into ruins, and also once stood in the heart of the demon primarch Mortarion. Write the name below... This is a legendary Gray Knight.

When Qin Mo looked at Kaldo, Kaldo also looked at him.

It is almost impossible for a human to appear healthy in the Demon Realm of Nurgle, so Kaldor only thinks that this is an illusion that appears in front of him after he has been in the subspace for too long.

"Why don't you take a break." Kaldor looked at the demon prince who was approaching menacingly, "You have too many tumors on your body, and I'm tired for you."

When Kaldor was ready to raise his shield to resist the attack, the Demon Prince stopped and looked at Qin Mo beside Kaldor and the numerous human souls in front of him.

It thought it was hallucinating. After all, Kaldor was a powerful psychic, and it was not difficult to create an illusion. However, when it discovered that Kaldor seemed to have seen these people, it was confirmed that they were not false psychic illusions.

Through the reaction of the Demon Prince, Kaldor also realized that the people in front of him were not illusions.

The three parties of humans and demons looked at each other and were silent for two seconds.

The Demon Prince was the first to break the silence. A whirlwind of maggots penetrated the mansion and swept towards Qin Mo, Kaldor and the dead souls of Tai Lung Army.

Kaldor reacted immediately, raised his sword and released blue lightning that spread across the sky. The maggot whirlwind instantly turned into ashes floating all over the sky.

The demon prince is holding a green incense burner in his right hand. When it intentionally draws the power of Nurgle, the incense burner will release a dazzling green light, followed by a larger scale of plague and maggots sweeping over.

The soil under Qin Mo and Kaldo's feet turned into a pile of insects, with countless fat maggots and weirder poisonous insects crawling up their power armors.

When Qin Mo showed an expression of disgust and hatred, Kaldor had already taken the lead in reacting and released psychic shock.

On the armor, on the weapons, on the ground... in short, the maggots all around were blown away by the shock wave generated by the psychic vibration, turning into a rain of insects that spread out in all directions.

However, maggots and plague were only the prelude. After the power of destruction brewed in the incense burner for a moment, the entire mansion turned into a four-legged living creature.

One can imagine the terrible consequences if the demon prince is allowed to brew his destructive power in the incense burner.

"Censer! Censer!" Kaldor shouted loudly, raising his hand to release psychic energy in an attempt to restrain the demon prince.

But the demon prince broke free instantly and slammed the censer at Kaldor.

There was a roar, and the incense burner touched the shield. Half of Kaldor's body holding the shield was smashed into the ground, and cracks appeared on the arm armor.

When the incense burner was about to be smashed down for the second time, the demon prince's arm holding the incense burner was cut off.

It was Qin Mo who jumped up and swung the old woman's sword from top to bottom, cutting off his arm. After he landed, he turned around and inserted the chain sword into the demon prince's chest with his backhand.

Chainsaws roar.

What spewed out from the wound, what was brought out by the saw teeth was not internal organs or blood, but fat maggots splashed out like a fountain.

"Death...die..." The demon prince struggled and tried to turn around.

Flames spurted out from between the saw teeth, followed by thunder and lightning. The demon prince's body was devastated by the two elements of destruction that Qin Mo could mobilize, but it still had the strength to fight. The charred arms immediately returned to fragmented rotten flesh. He took out a bone stick from nowhere and hit Qin Mo.

More intense lightning exploded from the wound caused by the chain sword. The demon prince was still not dead, but he felt that his soul had been irreparably damaged, and his body even began to become paralyzed.

Kaldor has recovered his strength and is raising his sword to release psychic lightning to help Qin Mo.

"Wensakalande Balion, Kusayitolandil, Savinkokobduk, Kedivinsi Eluno..."

A string of unfamiliar words that seemed like a spell were recited by Kaldor.

Qin Mo first thought it should be a spell, and then realized that it was not a spell, but the real name of the demon prince.

The real name of a demon is always very long and difficult to pronounce. If a Gray Knight wants to use his real name to banish a demon, he may have to recite it for several hours.

Qin Mo then realized that if he hadn't come, the current battle would be similar to Kaldor's battle against Mortarion, who was also a demon prince.

First, Kaldor was beaten so hard that he had difficulty even parrying, and then he banished Mortarion by reciting his true name.

Perhaps if Kaldor wished, he could carve the name of the Daemon Prince into his heart while he was in exile, as he had done during the battle with Mortarion.

"Don't exile it! Kill it!" Qin Mo yelled amidst the roar of the chain saw.

Kal thought for a second more, and finally stopped chanting his true name, and closed his eyes instead, taking advantage of the fact that the Demon Prince was now unable to move, brewing psychic energy.

Before facing a powerful demon like the Demon Prince, Kaldor had been fighting in the Garden of Nurgle for too long. He was very tired and could not focus on releasing his spiritual energy during the battle. Now was the time for him to adjust his concentration.

When Kaldor's eyes opened again, psychic energy gathered and surged in his eyes, and then more powerful psychic lightning fell from the sky and hit the demon prince directly.

"Cardo Diego!" the demon prince roared.

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon's fat head was cut off by the old woman's sword and rolled to the ground.

The soul that flew out of the body was swallowed by the old woman's sword, and was transformed into nutrients that enhanced the soul's essence and was delivered to Qin Mo.

About Brother Drag: I have the impression that Ricardo has two different characters, one is the grumpy old man, and the other is a humorous character who follows the jokes in the book of the Heart of the Disgraced Primarch. I melted these two

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