A demon army is gathering in the garden.

The big demon who led the demon army was leaning under a tree as if enjoying the shade.

The Nurglings were running around, laughing like they were grinding their teeth.

Various other Nurgle demons were wandering around, one group was sleeping, another group was chatting, and a group was chasing the Nurgling spirit that had snatched one of their body parts.

All in all, it was just laziness.

Compared to the army of a subspace evil god, these guys in front of them look more like a grassroots team that was rushed to the shelves. There is no order at all, and the army gathering has turned into a shopping mall.

When the demons were almost gathered, the big demon opened his eyes lazily, took a glance, and said lazily: "Our mission is to invade the corresponding structure of the Tyrone star region in the subspace and spread the plague to the soul projections of those mortals. between."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the demons nodded to show that they understood.

"What are we going to do?" The big demon tentatively asked the demons.

The demons glared at each other without saying a word.

"Forget it..." Da Mo suddenly felt tired, "Anyway, you are not going to do this alone, I have to go with you."

After saying what needed to be said, the demon army was ready to go, marching in and out of the deadwood forest and towards the edge of the garden.

Just as the demon army was about to leave Quan's father's country, a cannonball suddenly fell from the sky and exploded in the center of the demon group.

The violent shock wave overturned thousands of Nurglings in the demon army.

The explosion swallowed up nearly 10,000 low-level demons.

The demon army, which had recovered from the explosion, all looked forward and saw a black sphere with its mouth open, and a barrel that was emitting some white smoke shrinking back in the mouth.

Before the demons could take a closer look, dazzling golden lights fell from the sky, and an entire army was teleported to the front of the demon army.

The last one to be teleported was a strong man holding an old woman's sword and a chain sword.

The great demon who led the demon army suddenly recalled that he had used witchcraft to drag Abaddon's warship into the subspace during the Battle of Cadia. At that time, it had seen this man.

It's not that I've seen this appearance, but I've seen the power he uses.

"Why are you here?" Demon exclaimed.

The big demon responded with overwhelming artillery fire.

The dead souls of the Tyrone Army were ready for battle after being teleported out. Among them, the smart artillery operator who was killed in the war drove the artillery like living creatures to bombard forward. The infantry fired while advancing as the dense artillery shells fell forward.

At first, the demon army could resist for a while, but when Qin Mo jumped up and fell into the center of the battlefield, releasing a sea of ​​fire, the demons who saw their kind being wiped out in a large area instantly collapsed and fled wildly around.

No matter how cruel the scene is, it cannot shake the devil's will, but eternal destruction can.

"No one is allowed to run away!" The demon could no longer remain lazy at this time. He was hammering away nearby demons with a bone club attached to flesh and pus, while roaring loudly in an attempt to maintain order.

At this time, thunder and lightning fell from the sky where the demons were most numerous.

Qin Mo failed to control his power, and the thunder directly smashed the bodies and souls of a large number of demons into pieces.

The demons who were still alive collapsed even more. They rushed towards the dead souls of Tyrone Army crazily, urging these dead souls to fire on themselves and kill them quickly, because in this way they would not be directly annihilated by the sudden thunder and lightning and flames, and at least they could retain their souls.

Keep your soul for now.

The demons were utterly shattered when they discovered that the souls of the demons who had died at the hands of Tyrone's Army had been devoured by the Crone's Sword.

The demon's efforts to maintain order were all in vain, and it finally chose to face Qin Mo head-on.

The green storm formed by the gathering of germs set off in the garden. The demon felt the surging power in the subspace that he could not feel when he entered the real universe, which made him full of confidence.

"Face me!" The big devil raised his bone club high and roared. The power that could destroy a planet with one blow was brewing in its separated and disintegrated muscles. "Don't forget that this is Asia..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mo fell from the sky.

With a flash of cold light, the demon's head fell to the ground, and his soul was sucked into the old woman's sword.

"Did I fucking ask you?" Qin Mo slowly turned around and scorned the demon's floating body, "I didn't know this was subspace?"

When the big demon dies, the demon army completely collapses.

The ghosts of Tyrone's army stalk the gardens, hunting down every demon in their sight.

The demons who were hiding behind the trees and trying to escape were killed by Qin Mo.

The battle ended quickly.

While pulling out the chainsword from the remains of a Nurgling, Qin Mo suddenly recalled the scene where he had just killed the big demon, and then realized that his power was indeed stronger.

"Keep going deeper!" Qin Mo pointed his sword forward and led the army to move forward.

At this time, the old woman's sword suddenly buzzed, and when a white light flowed to Qin Mo's arm, he suddenly heard a voice speaking.

"There is a soldier fighting not far away."

"Please help him."

Qin Mo thought he was hallucinating, but the voice kept echoing until he confirmed that he heard someone talking.

After raising the old woman's sword and taking a look, Qin Mo tentatively asked the sword: "There is no direction in the subspace. How could I know where you are talking about not far away?"

"Follow the guidance of the light."

The old woman's sword responded, which convinced Qin Mo that the sword seemed to have helped him absorb so many souls during the killing that it became a spirit.

Or maybe it already had self-awareness but is just awakening now...

On the sword body, an arrow-like light flashed in front of the knuckle-like blade, pointing out the location of the warrior it said was there.

Qin Mo thought for a while and felt that the warrior guided by the old woman's sword should be an Eldar... But now in the subspace, no matter he is a human, an Eldar or a green-skin, as long as he is an enemy of the dark gods, he can A cooperative person.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo stepped towards the direction pointed by the light.

The terrain in the Garden of Nurgle is not fixed. Those giant trees that look like living creatures may be in front of you at one glance, but may be behind you at the next.

The entire garden's plants, topography, buildings...all these dirty things are like the organs and biological tissues of a huge living labyrinth.

Qin Mo found that he had become a road fool here. Neither the human nor the star god's senses could record the path traveled so far, let alone identify the way forward in the garden.

At this time, the guidance of the old woman's sword becomes particularly important. It can always lead a fast and safe path in the garden, avoiding the many demons that gather in the garden.

In the end, the light guided Qin Mo to a dilapidated mansion-like building. The mansion did not look grand. It looked like a ghost place in a horror movie where the protagonist's family was determined to continue living...

When Qin Mo came outside the mansion, there was a smashing sound, and a tall soldier wearing silver armor was thrown out of the mansion, creating a deep hole in the ground.

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