Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 428 Warm Flame

Outside the realm of Slaanesh.

Qin Mo, who fought all the way out of the Demonic Realm, didn't know how far he had gone or how long he had walked. There was no concept of time and distance in subspace, so Qin Mo could only rely on his intuition to feel that he had walked very far and was far away from the Demonic Realm of Slaanesh. .

After fighting for such a long time, Qin Mo didn't feel tired at all. He still felt that he was full of physical strength and spirit. The power of the Star God was still at its near peak state when it had just absorbed the energy of the star.

But the body is not tired, but the heart is tired.

Qin Mo saw that the demon army of Slaanesh had been thrown out of sight by him, so he found a place to rest.

He looked for something that could be used to make a fire as if he were in the real universe, and then tried to light a fire to make himself feel a little warm in the cold subspace, and then he really found trees that could be used to make a fire.

On the way to find and cut down trees, Qin Mo looked around and found that he was in a very strange place.

This is an empty island.

It shouldn't be an empty island, but now it happens to be.

And the sky island is vertically downward.

The reason why he thinks it is vertically downward is not because Qin Mo can still feel the coordinates in the real universe, but because he can see the turbulent "land" in the subspace when he raises his head to judge that the island is downward.

And this sky island is not simple, it is a subspace entity, and the entire land part of the island is imposed on the back of the giant whale-shaped subspace entity.

The entity is not always a whale.

When Qin Mo looks at it, he will see that it is a giant whale at one time, and something similar to a turtle at another time. Then when he recalls it, he will find that the appearance of the entity in his memory is what he sees now.

Qin Mo couldn't even figure out how he ended up on the island on the back of this subspace entity. In his memory, he clearly kept moving forward without jumping or flying at all.

In short, there is only one word that can describe Qin Mo's feelings - chaos.

Qin Mo was too lazy to think about it. After collecting enough wood, he found a dilapidated temple-like building on the empty island. He found a corner sheltered from the wind and sat down, using the wood and Star God's flames to make a fire.

This fire really brought warmth to the surrounding area.

Despite the cold wind howling in the subspace, Qin Mo felt warm and comfortable.


Instead of howling in the subspace, the cold wind was howling, but the heat was unbearable.

It's strange, it was clearly howling in the cold wind just now...but it doesn't matter, the pile of flames brought a cool feeling.

After a while, he felt the cold wind howling again. In short, Qin Mo could always feel comfortable in front of the fire.

"Where do you want to go?"

A sound echoed in the ruined temple, seeming to come in from the hole in the temple, and also seeming to come out from the top of the temple.

Qin Mo's body trembled. When he looked around, he didn't see anything speaking. He could only see twisted and squirming subspace creatures. These subspace creatures had no intelligence and could not speak.

"I am the giant whale, the subspace entity you saw." The voice sounded again, "The destiny of my birth is to constantly travel and extradite the souls that enter the subspace from the real universe."

"You are in the temple on my turtle's back, I can see you," the entity said again.

Hearing this, Qin Mo frowned and asked, "Didn't you say you were a giant whale?"

"When did you say that? I just said clearly that I was a giant turtle." The subspace entity responded.

Then Qin Mo recalled it and found that what the subspace entity just said was really: "I am a giant turtle."

"Maybe I remembered it wrong." Qin Mo slowly shook his head, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want a temporary shelter where I can take a rest and think about the past, present and future. "

The giant whale became silent and swung its tail slowly in the subspace.

Qin Mo sat in the temple, feeling the warmth brought by the flames, leaning against the wall and thinking about what happened after he entered the subspace.

At first Qin Mo thought that he could not kill any demon.

Demons only have physical entities when they pass through the veil and enter the real universe, because this is the rule of the real universe - anything that moves must have a physical entity.

But after fighting in the subspace until now, he found that every demon he killed had a physical body. The evidence is that they were killed first and then released their souls.

But that's not the only weird thing to think about.

Piccolo said that a Star God entered the subspace before and was crushed, so why was he not crushed, but fighting in the subspace for so long? Instead of becoming more vulnerable, we become more and more courageous.

Also, the soul absorbed by myself does not seem to be useless. It felt useless to absorb the soul of a little devil before, but later it turned out that the soul of the little devil was too weak and too small, and the big devils were swallowed up. The soul does play a role in replenishing physical and mental energy, and may even be more than replenishing.

When entering the palace of Slaanesh and fighting sixty-six great demons, Qin Mo could feel that every time he absorbed the soul of a great demon, the power of the next attack would be slightly stronger. A little stronger, but the increase was not big. , but it does exist.

Then another biggest question appeared.

That is, the demons and gods seem to be unable to see themselves...

Every Slaanesh demon was stunned for a moment when they saw themselves, and then realized that there were intruders. They seemed to be forcibly given the battle rules of the real universe in the warp - discover first, and then must pass on, in order to let all Everyone is aware of the enemy's appearance.

The change spirit claimed that it was the soul of the demon Tzeentch who died at the entrance to the Demon Realm of Slaanesh, and only learned of Qin Mo's existence after seeing Qin Mo. Because he was in the Demon Realm of Slaanesh, he was ordered by Tzeentch to receive him in the Circle of Dominance. .

This may not be a lie, just that the Daemons of Tzeentch have a faster and more efficient way to transmit information.

Otherwise Slaanesh should have noticed the intruders after the Great Demon of the Circle of Greed was killed, and ran back to fight.

But then again, the subspace itself is a place of chaos and disorder. It is possible that all the doubts in Qin Mo's heart stem from the state maintained by the subspace at this time.

The question was suppressed by an ambiguous answer, followed by emotion, nostalgia, and sadness.

"I will probably never go back." Qin Mo murmured to himself, slowly falling down and lying on his side in the corner of the temple, staring at the dancing bonfire.

The Lord of Tai Lung had a luxurious residence in the Tai Lung No. 1 research facility, and Qin Mo missed the warmth there.

Somehow, Qin Mo suddenly recalled Mimic and the time he spent with Mimic in his residence one night.

Previously the mimic was ordered to turn into a blond woman, and then was ordered to turn into a white-haired woman.

Mimicry asked: "Why do you pay so much attention to hair color? Could it be that special visual signals activate a certain area of ​​your brain to make you feel happier?"

Qin Mo thought about it carefully and realized that it was true. Then the two of them discussed biology all night and even wrote a paper called "Summary of the Biological Characteristics of the Fusion of Star Gods and Humans."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin Mo suddenly laughed when he recalled this.

But then he thought that he would probably say goodbye to everything in the real universe forever, and the smile on his face disappeared again.

"It's so cold."

"It's cold in the warp."

Qin Mo, who was lying on his side, shrank towards the corner, grabbed a piece of wood and threw it into the flames to make it burn more intensely.

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