Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 427 Eternal Branded Text

"You gave them a good one?"

Piccolo outside the room saw Qin Mo walking out, and the Star God's fire was burning behind Qin Mo.

Faced with questions, Qin Mo said nothing and walked with a cold expression.

Open the rooms in the palace one by one, kill the demons inside, and then burn the rooms to the ground.

Whether it was the demons he met or the tortured souls, Qin Mo devoured them all.

Because mortal beings cannot return to the world after losing their material carriers, it is better to liberate them than to leave them as playthings in the demonic realm of Slaanesh.

In the process, Qin Mo even saw the souls of the Cadian people. They asked the Supreme Lord whether they had achieved the glory they deserved. They died on Tianwei without seeing the end of the war.

Qin Mo did not say anything about Creed being investigated by the Inquisition. He only said that Creed participated in the victory celebration ceremonies in both Terra and Tyrone, and finally returned to Cadia filled with glory.

What he saw along the way made Qin Mo even more angry. He could hardly bear the anger in his heart and walked straight to the front and deepest place, skipping many rooms.

"Ahead is the palace of Slaanesh." Piccolo took Qin Mo's arm. "The Prince of Darkness is not here, but we may encounter powerful enemies. You have to decide whether to continue walking."

"Otherwise, what should I do? Make a deal with Tzeentch and leave here?" Qin Mo continued to move forward.

Piccolo wanted to say that Qin Mo might be able to agree to Tzeentch's trading conditions... Even if he didn't agree, sending him out of the subspace was just a good sign. As long as he was willing to plead, Tzeentch would definitely send him back to reality. universe.

But considering the characteristics of Tzeentch... let's forget it.

While Piccolo followed silently, Qin Mo stopped and said, "Why are you following me? Didn't I say that you can leave after you take me to the palace?"

"What do you care about me?" Piccolo asked, taking out the missile launcher and banging it hard on the ground twice, and then continued amidst the cry of the launcher: "I can't leave if you don't let me leave. .”

"Okay, I order you to leave."

"Okay, I choose to stay."

Piccolo's expression turned gloomy, and he stuffed the living missiles into the launcher one by one, and finally loaded it hard, "I'm here to seek revenge too."

Qin Mo looked at Piccolo.

Piccolo looked directly at Qin Mo.

Finally, a cry broke the silence of one man and one demon.

"I'm not here to seek revenge, please let me go!" the launcher cried.

Qin Mo nodded, turned around and went straight to Slaanesh's chamber.

Piccolo followed with a hand-held transmitter.

It turns out that Slaanesh is indeed not in the palace.

When the door of the dormitory was blasted open by lightning, Qin Mo and Bike only saw the furnishings of the dormitory that embodied depravity and indulgence, but did not see an evil god staying here.

The only thing that caught Qin Mo's attention was a sword placed on the palace decoration.

This sword looked like it was cut out of the finger bones of a huge creature. Such a strange thing reminded Qin Mo of the weapon style of the Spirit Clan.

But when he stepped forward and took a look, Qin Mo realized that it was not a complete sword, but just a scabbard.

Qin Mo looked around, trying to find the location of the sword, but he couldn't find the sword. He only found two snake tails swinging in the shadow of the palace.

As if sensing the gaze, the two snake tails stopped swinging, and then a male demon poked his upper body out of the shadows.

The demon with female characteristics leaned out as it followed, covered its shame with silk, and looked at Qin Mo cautiously and fearfully.

The face of the male demon is clearly...

Fulgrim, the demon prince of Slaanesh.

"Baby, I have a more fun idea." Fulgan's hand reached into the shadows, and with a rustling sound, he took out the Eldar-style long sword and inserted it into the ground.

Qin Mo looked at Fulgen warily as he faced a formidable enemy.

Fugen also looked at Qin Mo, but he looked at him with amusement, and suddenly smiled: "I know what you like, hehe."

The serpentine demon with feminine features was dragged out of the shadows by Fulgrim's hair.

Then Fulgrim's snake-shaped lower body was layered, and he said with an evil smile: "Ravage it, ravage it in front of me, and during the process, it is best to say something insulting to it, such as who is better between me and Fulgrim." "

Qin Mo said nothing.

"Don't be nervous, this is just for fun. What's more important than having fun in the Demonic Domain of the Prince of Darkness?" Fulgen crawled over with a smile, "Or if you're not interested in it, then come and find it with me. Fun.”

Qin Mo remained silent and slowly raised his hand.

Lightning was released from his fingertips, and Fulgrim's fallen body was immediately enveloped in rushing electricity.

However, Fulgan did not feel any pain or anger. Instead, he finished the enjoyment with an intoxicated look on his face, and then licked the wounds on his body caused by the electricity: "It's so... so refreshing... it's something I've never experienced before..."

Qin Mo wanted to release another electric shock, but Fugen threw a few scales at Qin Mo first, and then took his playmate and crawled away while Qin Mo was not prepared.

Fulgen's speed was astonishingly fast, and his figure was even incoherent in Qin Mo's eyes.

A scale was inserted into the leg of the power armor, and the scale was quickly squeezed out and crushed by the golden light on the power armor.

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Piccolo, only to find a scale stuck in the demon's chest.

The scales seemed to be extremely poisonous and were gradually eroding Piccolo's body and soul, making it impossible for the demon to even remain standing in the subspace.

Qin Mo immediately stepped forward to support Bick and wanted to help him pull out the scales, but as soon as his hand reached for the scales, Bick's hand grabbed it.

"Leave...leave this..."

Piccolo spoke in fits and starts.

"Take...bring what you want to take with you..."

"Remember...remember what I told you...kill...help me kill Slaanesh...one day...use the method I taught you..."

After hearing this, Qin Mo wanted to say that the method you taught does not work, because there is no way for mortals to kill gods.

But at this point, Qin Mo could only nod: "You don't need to tell me that I will cut Slaanesh into thousands of pieces. Not only Slaanesh, but also other dark gods. If I don't disappear in the subspace, I will find them." How to kill the Four Gods."

Piccolo wanted to say something, but he couldn't even use his spiritual power to make a sound, and his body was rapidly decaying.

Qin Mo looked at Piccolo with complicated emotions, stood up slowly, walked towards the Eldar sword and pulled it out.

After taking one last look at Piccolo, Qin Mo turned around and left Slaanesh's chamber.

But I came back halfway, as if I had forgotten something.

Walking slowly to the bed covered with human faces in Slaanesh's chamber, Qin Mo picked up the chain sword and swung it quickly, leaving a mark on the bed with the power of the Star God and the Sword of Faith.

The Demon Realm in the subspace will continue to change and has no fixed form, but this imprint will always remain in the deepest part of the Demon Realm of Slaanesh.

Qin Mo finished everything he wanted to do and walked out of the palace with only the regret of not being able to challenge Slaanesh.

Behind him, the brand words engraved on the bed shone brightly, shining with the light of the star god and the essence of the soul - Qin Mo is here for a visit!

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