Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 398 Silent sisters

The Black Stone suppresses psychic energy within the galaxy.

The plague that could infect Ironmen was turned into a material virus with little lethality, and the demons were also severely weakened.

The demons of Khorne are okay, the demons of Tzeentch cannot cast sorcery, and the situation of the demons of Nurgle is not good.

The unclean ones dragging their intestines are so fat that they cannot even move.

Their large abdominal mouths that can release plague locusts and corrosive pus cannot even open their mouths because they have no muscles. The fangs and sharp teeth in their mouths are deeply embedded in the fat flesh, giving the big mouth The impure ones bring severe pain.

Yaoen observed all this through Iron Man's drone, and it was pretty much what he expected.

During the Battle of Cadia, Yao En specifically checked the corpses of Space Marines who believed in Nurgle after the war. These Space Marines were extremely powerful before the activation of the Black Stone Obelisk. They were neither afraid of pain nor injury, but in the Black Stone Obelisk Once the monument is activated, it becomes extremely fragile.

The pustules on the flesh inside the armor may be stronger than the defense of ceramite, and they may jump away when hit by explosives, but after being normalized, they become a piece of junk that constantly oozes pus, breaks if touched, and even corrodes the body. There is only a small amount of normal flesh and blood and it becomes sick.

It's the same now.

The demons have been normalized, but they still have the ability to fight, such as wielding knives and hammering people with scepters.

Iron Man is still fighting countless demons on the surface of the planet that is gradually normalizing, but the battle is much easier than before.

"We will be responsible for killing the Great Demon." Yao En put on the power armor and walked to the teleportation platform with the gathered Soulless soldiers. "Give me the coordinates of the place with the most Great Unclean Ones. These plague pigs are just alive. They can all spread the plague, and I have to kill as many Great Unclean Ones as possible while the Black Stone is effective and they are weakened."

Heat Death ended the communication and shared the coordinates of Skarbrand detected by the drone with Yao En.

The teleport platform is now ready for activation.

"Take us."

More than a hundred women armed with various melee weapons entered the bridge and called out to Yao En when he was about to put his hand on the teleport button.

These women all have one distinctive feature - sky-high braids similar to the Eldar woman next to Abaddon and Guilliman.

Yaoen knew that these people were the reserve forces in the webway. They were all soulless people and were soulless people who were good at fighting. However, the sector had not yet decided whether to activate these people.

Because they are Sisters of Silence.

In the ten thousand years since the Emperor sat on the Golden Throne, the Sisters of Silence have not lived well, except for those in the palace who eat royal food.

The more powerful ones among the Silent Orders scattered in various galaxies have their own settlements or live a poor life with people who know the governor, and they don't even get supplies.

As for why they didn't ask for help from the empire... the High Lords Council once formally discussed matters related to the harmless treatment of the soulless, but in the end, no results came from the discussion.

Some small religious orders are not simply living in poverty, but will suffer persecution. They may be considered by the state religion to have impure souls, so they are marked out by the emperor among all living beings, so that ordinary people can sense and eliminate them.

These nuns who survived various persecutions were purchased by Klein, sold to the star sector, and sent to live in the soulless colony.

But even in the Soulless colony, the Sisters of Silence are very annoying, because they refuse to engage in normal work, refuse to enter identity information, refuse to swear that they are the people of the Tyrone Sector and are willing to enjoy their rights and bear responsibility for the sector. responsibility.

In addition to praying to the emperor every day, they danced with swords and guns, and did not talk to others. They stared and put on a stinky face all day long and were suspicious. They had a house to live in but built a monastery.

"Thank you for your support of the sector, but forget it, Mother Teresa." Yaoen declined the application for combat.

In Yaoen's opinion, the more soulless people the better, but the prerequisite is that they are trusted soulless people.

Sisters of Silence find it difficult to gain the trust of other soulless beings because they behave like Inquisition minions on a daily basis.

There was a main entrance to the soulless settlement and they would not leave. They would often climb over the wall in the middle of the night and go out into normal people's living areas to do things secretly. Once, Yao En forcibly caught a nun to see what she was doing, and then found that the nun was going door to door to investigate Tai Lung. Whether people are corrupted by chaos.

The nuns can't even trust others, so how can they let others trust them.

"..." Mother Teresa made a few gestures to her sisters.

The sisters responded with gestures to Cresa.

Then Keresa said to Yaoen: "You must take us with you. This is what we should do and what we must do. It is the most glorious mission that every sister has inherited from generation to generation."

As soon as the words fell, the sisters made gestures in unison.

Then Kerissa shouted: "For the Emperor!"

Yaoen frowned and looked at the Sisters of Silence, thinking that even if he could fight alongside them, how could they communicate if they didn't even speak?

The only one who can speak is Cressa. Cressa is an exception.

This Sister of Silence came from a remote star region. All her sisters were killed. She thought that there were no Sisters of Silence in the empire, so she lived a normal life, worked and got married.

Unfortunately, more nuns were sent to Tyrone later. They lynched Cressa, shaved her head and paraded her through the streets, but finally accepted her and named her: Sister of Words, which is equivalent to The Sisters of Silence are the bridge between the sector and the sector.

But there is only one bridge, and the mouths of the nuns are not all on the full length of Cresa alone...

While Yaoen was thinking, a nun pulled Keresa over and gave her several gestures.

Keresa translated to Yaoen: "You only need to send us to that planet. You can't communicate with us, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we can't keep up with the team and suffer casualties due to poor communication. Death is given by the Emperor. You do not need to be responsible for our gifts, nor do you need to bear any spiritual blame."

"Okay." Yaoen made a gesture of invitation, "Come up. At least I trust you now. If you die in the battle because you can't speak and can't ask for help, then as you said, it was the Emperor who gave it to you. Grace, I will not be responsible for your casualties.”

This sentence was programmed into the power armor's database.

If at the end of the war, too many Sisters of Silence died in this war, and Yaoen was investigated, he would be exempted from all responsibility simply based on what he and the sisters said at this moment.

"Thank you." Keresa led the sisters onto the teleportation platform.

After all, Yaoen really didn't want to take responsibility for the nuns' casualties, but after all, they were participating in a war related to the Tyrone sector, and it would be bad to be too cold and ruthless.

So Yao En ordered his subordinates to pay attention to the nuns, so that if a certain nun was in trouble, someone would shout for her and let everyone help her.

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