Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 397 The Nature of Chaos

Dead zone.

Compared with the war in Beisu, the war Yaoen faced was much crueler and more brutal.

No matter how Huron and his men use desperate transportation tactics, the troops still have to be dropped on Beisu No. 1 in the real universe, but this is not required in the dead zone.

A galaxy 400 light-years away from the Dead Zone in the North Star Galaxy has become a gateway that must be fought over, and demons are emerging out of thin air every minute.

When the reality membrane and curtain are severely weakened, the devil only needs a little effort to slip through the portal into the real universe out of thin air.

The Iron Man Mothership places itself directly in the star orbit of the galaxy to ensure that it can launch Iron Man with maximum efficiency.

In this galaxy with only one planet, there is only one battlefield that needs to be focused on.

When Yaon and the Soulless Legion, the army stationed in the Webway, and the Blackstone Fortress arrived in the galaxy, they looked at the planet and could not see the surface. They could only see patches of red, green, blue, and black "enclosed objects." "Objects" surged on the surface.

It was like a naughty kid was taking a model the size of a planet and painting it with all kinds of paints he found that didn't match at all.

Everyone can imagine what it is like to be on the planet.

Looking at the mighty ocean-like army of demons of all colors fighting against the Iron Man warriors, to the soulless man it was a scene like hell.

"I need you to open the Black Stone!"

When Yaoen ordered the regular army not to get involved in this kind of war, and was only preparing to lead his regiment of soulless men to deal with the demons, the holographic image of Heat Death suddenly appeared in the command deck, shocking the soulless men.

"How's the situation down there?" Yaoen asked, looking at Heat Death.

Heat death is not looking good at the moment.

It was covered with fleshy tendrils, tentacles, and even grotesque and deformed things like human heads, which were forcing Heat Death to tremble or spin in circles.

Yaoen asked just to confirm whether he needed to let go of the regular army, but now it seemed that the question was a bit redundant.

In this case, normal people are afraid that they will be corrupted by demons as soon as they appear on the battlefield.

"Do you even need to ask?" Heat Death responded angrily to Yao En, showing him his mutated body, "The enemy has a plague. Do you believe it can infect Iron Man? It can infect Iron Man!"

"I believe it very much, because some battleships can be infected, not to mention Iron Man..." Yaoen signaled his subordinates to activate the anti-psionic function of Blackstone Fortress.

When this function was turned on and the entire black stone structure of the Black Stone Fortress began to suppress subspace energy, the tentacles on Heat Death's body suddenly became limp.

These tentacles don't even have bones. They are purely the product of viruses with excessive psychic content. When the black stone is turned on, they naturally become limp waste and can do nothing.

The strange shaking of Heat Death's body also disappeared, and it actually felt comfortable, groaning and sighing: "I finally know why I want to imitate the soulless person to create a personality matrix."

However, there are also disadvantages after the Black Stone is opened, that is, normal people in the army who have not yet completely evacuated feel very uncomfortable, even to the point of difficulty breathing.

This strengthened Yao En's determination to evacuate ordinary people.

The army is not useless. In fact, the infantry of the army stationed in the network channel is only a very small part, and more are responsible for providing logistics and fire support.

"You are fighting one against three on the planet?" Yaoen turned to signal his subordinates to prepare for battle, and then asked Heat Death.

In Yao En's imagination, the Iron Men must be facing the Chaos Demons alone, with demons of three different colors charging towards the Iron Man front.

However, Heat Death's answer surprised Yao En.

"It's pretty chaotic, man."

Heat Death projects images of previous battles.

As Heat Death says, very confusing.

The iron men who were controlled by the plague that could infect the iron men lost 30% of their combat effectiveness, but fortunately they were not alone, and they were not fighting alone.

Because the Chaos Demons are fighting each other on the planet.

Heat Death could see that they did intend to cooperate, but they cooperated, but not fully.

When the number of Nurgle Demons reaches its peak and they naturally assume the main offensive role, the Khorne Demons will kill the Nurgle Demons from the side. Who can kill the big demon named Skarbrand in the secret database? No matter who it is, whether it is the head of the Iron Man or the Great Unclean One, it will take all the heads, but the Demon of Tzeentch ranks highest in the killing priority.

The demons of Khorne seize the right to attack, and then the demons of Tzeentch will provoke them by tripping or using psychic witchcraft behind their backs, so the demons from both sides fight again.

One of the Great Unclean Ones among the demons of Nurgle discovered that the iron man could withstand his own strength, so he happily took the iron man's hand and led him around, introducing his kind and subordinates. He even picked up one Iron Man after another and asked the Iron Man who was infected by the plague and could not move independently to take him to make friends with the Iron Man.

The Nurglings were playing on the wreckage of the destroyed Iron Man giant battle body, turning a blind eye to the stray bullets flying by. Only when a passing Vampire was displeased and hacked to death, the remaining Nurglings were killed. A battle will begin. But fighting the vampire, riding on the vampire's neck or limbs, beating and biting it...

Only when the number and strength of the three demons reach a very strange balance will the three demons truly cooperate to attack Iron Man.

Even after rough agreement, cooperation is disunited.

The Tzeentch demons would pretend to cast sorcery on the Iron Man, target a certain Khorne demon at the moment when the sorcery was successfully released, and then laugh until Skarbrand chopped off the bird's head.

Maybe all four gods wanted to cooperate, at least the three except for Slaanesh who hadn't shown up yet.

But the demons underneath them cannot implement the master's will. Although they are part of the master, they have self-awareness.

Just like the Four Gods are only part of Chaos and Subspace, but if a god named Chaos or Subspace really comes out, the Four Gods will not listen to it honestly.

As far as the demons are concerned, they have just changed places to engage in an eternal war in the subspace. They just have to complete the master's mission while carrying out this war.

In the subspace, the demons had to work honestly when they were dragged before their masters. Now that they have left the subspace and entered the real universe, they still have to work honestly. Isn't that for nothing?

But demons are demons after all, and even if they fight among themselves, they are still very powerful when they appear on the battlefield at the same time.

The entire planet has been turned into a daemon world, with the realms of Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch stretching or shrinking across the planet, depending on how much each has invested in the planet.

Yao En still had to prepare for a big battle.

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