Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 395 Something is wrong


Hive City No. 7.

A transport plane carried two six-man red pirate combat teams and flew to the hive.

Leading the two combat squads was Ancado, who had served Venngar.

"Brothers, just be mentally prepared when you go down in a while. You don't need to be as nervous as facing a big battle." Ankado looked at the No. 7 hive below and told his brothers what they should pay attention to in a while.


Amidst the responses of the battle brothers, Ancardo kept his eyes on the hive, sizing it up.

The only thing about this hive is that it's small.

Compared with other hives in the hive complex in Beisu, it is nothing to mention, but before coming, Ankado heard that this is the hive with the longest history in Beisu.

Ankado, who has never lived in a hive city, cannot understand why the Beisu people are unwilling to expand Hive City No. 7 and continue to live in it. Instead, they build other hive cities and name the hive city where their ancestors lived No. 7 instead of No. 7. Number one.

But this is not important. What is important is that the mission of this trip is to go to the nest to pick up the ritual materials found by the mortal servant army.

Under the orders of the Great Maelstrom and the Lord of the Red Pirates, the Black-Hearted King, the troops that besieged the main nests of the North Host began to retreat backwards, pulling them into the small nests or ground buildings that they had easily obtained without bloodshed, and then in Huron Under the orders of the think tank, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets to search for ritual materials.

But unfortunately, although the occupied area was obtained without any blood or effort, nothing useful was obtained. Standard power armor, printing equipment, dimension engines... nothing useful was left behind.

Some of the hives controlled by the Empire's State Religion went even further during the transfer. The State Religion directly produced sacred wax oils, ritual items, and emperor statues that were used to spend time to show their sincerity... These things were placed in the bombed industrial equipment. and the ashes or fragments of supplies, so that even if the enemy finds the residue, they cannot use subspace wizardry to turn the residue into usable defective products.

Nothing useful can be found in most of the occupied areas, except for Hive No. 7.

There were a few hundred remnants here, too few, but better than nothing.

"Command the New Voskani Armored Regiment, command the Flame Lord Titan Legion, and use the warships of each war gang like an arm... Huron has been a little too prosperous recently."

Since this mission was really boring, a talkative battle team leader found a topic to chat about.

These words simply spoke to the hearts of Ancado and the others.

Ever since Abaddon's condition became unknown and the Black Legion began killing anyone who last saw the Warmaster on Cadia, the Hurons became the new favorite of the Dark Gods.

No matter how much Huron warned the Red Corsairs to be wary of the gods, and imitate some bastard warband who promoted undivided chaos, Huron benefited from the gods.

He is in high spirits and is proud of the spring breeze.

The Red Corsair Warband has nearly 40,000 Space Marines, and many of the faction leaders within it are listening to Huron's command, whether they are forced to or sincerely. After all, everyone hopes to get closer to the future Warmaster to avoid being reduced to one another. The goro meat jerky beats you to the point of life and death.

"Don't talk about this." Ancardo signaled the brothers to be silent, then glanced at the mortal pilot in the cabin, and switched the communication channels of the two combat teams to the encrypted communication channel previously created by Veengar.

Ancardo then continued to speak freely: "No matter what, Weengar is dead, we are lucky that Huron will not deal with it... Huron sent us to escort the ritual materials instead of attacking the nest, which shows that he They trust us very much, and at least they don’t want to take us out to die.”

The transport plane has been getting closer and closer to the hive city, flying in from the transportation pipe of the lower hive.

"Now, let us take away those ritual materials." Ancado loaded the bolt gun, "and then return to Huron's cousin, continue to act like a loyal servant, just like those of his starry sky. Same with the Claw veterans.”

The battle brothers cheered and lined up to walk off the transport plane after it stopped.

"I just need two pieces of tender skin to clean the gun. I hope to find a little guy."

"I want a slave girl."

"I know, I know you have a lot of ideas, but let's focus on the matter at hand first and wait until we take away the ritual materials before talking about anything else."

The group of people walked towards the place where the ritual materials were kept.

All mortal servants they met on the road knelt and saluted them.

Ancardo and his party arrived at the place quickly.

This is a place similar to a reservoir, as big as a square, where hundreds of ritual materials are guarded by mortal soldiers.

Ancardo had just taught his brothers to focus on the matter at hand, but he himself excluded the people in front of him from the ritual materials and focused on picking the prey of his choice.

But there is really no prey that can be caught.

Here is a group of old guys, disabled and old. Guarded by soldiers, they are like a group of old domestic animals that cannot even move.

"Look at this old guy." Ancado walked up to an old man, grabbed her neck and pulled him up. After looking at her, he said: "Radiation disease, a disease caused by excessive intake of acidic substances... Standard pseudo-emperor slaves, hive livestock that are inferior to clones, can only survive today thanks to the small potions of the Tailon people."

"Okay, everyone knows that you are a pharmacist, so stop showing off your professional experience."

"What good can Huron do with these old guys? How many souls can they squeeze out of their bodies? When we take them back, all that bastard Huron can do is provide for these old guys until they die."

Ancardo wanted to drop the old man, but hesitated just as he was about to let go.

He looked into the old man's eyes.

The old man's eyes were fixed on Ancado's helmet.

After watching for a while, Ancado suddenly said in the communication channel: "I feel something is wrong. It doesn't seem like these people were abandoned here."

The others immediately became serious and listened to Ancardo's words.

"When I came here, I was curious about one thing, and that is, if many people were abandoned during the transfer of the hive city, why can only hive city No. 7 find these ritual materials?"

"These people are not afraid at all, nor are they numb. Rather, they seem to be watching the stove at home, looking at old photos from the past, and waiting for the end..."

If these two combat teams were randomly recruited, they would only ask Ancardo if he was farting or if he really wanted to say something useful.

All members of the combat team participating in this escort mission knew each other and were fully armed. In order to prevent the Hojuku people from taking away the remaining ritual materials halfway, they needed tacit understanding and force.

"Let's go." Ancardo felt furious, turned around and walked towards the way he came.

All the Space Marines walked quickly and silently, as if they suddenly remembered some urgent matter that they had not yet dealt with, and walked away naturally, but their pace was getting faster and faster.

Until one of these old men took his hand out of his sleeve, and then the skinny arm that looked very natural unfolded, revealing a red button.

The soldiers reacted and rushed towards him, but it was too late to stop him.

The entire No. 7 Nest disappeared on the planet together with everything inside, including Ancardo and others who had just returned to the transport plane.

There was no deep pit caused by the explosion, no ruins, and it was as if Hive No. 7 had never existed, leaving only a flat piece of land on the original site.

The night shift today made me feel a little uncomfortable due to the wind. I will have the fourth update today and I will take a rest.

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