"Captain Diana, use your phaser cannon to fire a shot at the Titan on the opposite side."

"Yes, Captain Cuarón."

Although in this battle arrangement, Oumn ordered the Martian Witch to take Caron and another War Dog to fight side by side, Diana did not have command authority.

Under the command of Captain Caron of the Warhound-class Titan, Diana, the captain of the Warmaster-class Titan of the Mars Witch, signaled to the operator.

The phaser gun was slowly raised.

The intelligent system carried by the Titan continuously enlarges the location of the Warmaster of the Fire Lord Legion and marks it on the holographic map next to the right armrest of the command throne.

Even something as big as Titan is difficult to see clearly from two kilometers away.

On Diana's side, they could only see a vague mountain-like shadow, or the shadow of the top, because there was a high mountain blocking it in front. This does not provide coordinates for accurate shooting.

With a thought, Diana transmitted the coordinates on the map into the phase cannon on Titan's right arm. The phase cannon was automatically activated and aimed at the coordinates on the map.

The intelligent system automatically calculates the shooting angle to ensure that the muzzle is aimed at the chest of the Warmaster.

"It's time to shoot!" The operator looked back at Diana.

Diana sat on the command throne with her legs crossed, tapping the bottom of the throne with her heels. After hearing the operator's report, she nodded immediately: "Fire."

The phaser fires a beam of light.

The beam penetrated the mountains and rivers, penetrated the obstacles along the way, penetrated the void shield that was defeated by Omuen, penetrated the chest of the Warmaster-class Titan, and then was twisted and dissipated by a powerful force activated by Diana.

This series of processes occurs within one second.

The Flame Lord Warmaster Titan, which was fighting with the Agrippina's Glory, was just about to fire two more incineration cannons, but the accumulated energy dissipated instantly, and the entire Titan's arms and head were separated from the broken body. One piece after another fell from the chest.

The disintegration of the Titan was a catastrophe for the ground forces at its feet. The entire New Volskani Armored Regiment, which was equipped with Leman Russ tanks and three Baneblades, was caused by the falling parts of the Warmaster-class Titan. The explosion wiped away.

Another armored battalion that immediately evacuated when it saw something was wrong was half-smashed by the fallen lower body of the Warmaster-class Titan before it ran out of the collateral damage range.

Diana wanted to disintegrate the remaining Titans, but she found that she could not do it. No matter how hard she tried, she could only sense the impact of the subspace on those Titans.

There are also bodies that have been soaked in the Eye of Terror or the Maelstrom for tens of thousands of years and no longer belong to the material universe.

When the Flame Lord Titan Legion suffered heavy losses, Huron, who was watching the battle in the Blackstone Fortress of the New Badab, saw all this.

He could not have seen it, but should have received the news of the destruction of the Warmaster Titan only after the destruction of the Titan Legion. However, when Carlos found Huron for the second time, he gave him a gift - a piece of the Crystal Demon Realm. crystal.

This crystal shows the entire battlefield in real time. As long as Huron wants to see something, the crystal will let him see it in his brain, as if he is personally on the battlefield.

"A little sacrifice is nothing, keep fighting, keep fighting!"

"Look at your shameful plan. The transport ships I sent you were sent one by one to commit suicide and dropped into the army. The result was like this?"

"Life is precious. If you can't bear to see your men killed in artillery fire, then pray to me and I will bless them so that they will never die."

"What good is war? As long as you are willing, I can send you and your army to the most beautiful place of enjoyment in the world. You will be greeted by endless joy and endless pleasure."

Four voices spoke in Huron's head.

Huron sat on the throne, his elbows propped on the armrests, his hands on his head, his face expressionless.

He's used to it.

Because since entering the maelstrom, Huron has always heard four voices talking in his head, every minute and every second, and sometimes he can even say ten thousand words in one second.

Huron clearly knew that it was the temptation from the dark gods, and every nonsense they said was to make himself more inclined to one of them.

Now that he is leaving the maelstrom, Huron will at least not listen to their nonsense tens of thousands of times in a second. This is already a holiday for him.

"Sefro." Huron looked at his subordinates wearing black armor and holding psychic staffs, "Use your psychic powers to move the Titan Legion out of the battlefield, and then give it to Voska... New Vos... Who cares? , anyway, it’s those Voskani people, send them a psychic communication and ask them to retreat immediately, repair themselves and then attack again.”

"Yes, my lord." Sefro saluted respectfully, and immediately began to practice psychic spells.

The entire Red Corsair warband came under the favor of the Four Gods, and astrological communications became accurate and fast, being picked up by another psyker before they were even sent out.

Sefro is not very proficient in psychic powers. After all, he did not even receive training from a think tank, so he was kicked out by the war group and hunted everywhere. However, he can sense that there is a powerful existence in the supreme sky helping him.

That being gave Sefro his most powerful subordinate to sign a guardianship contract.

That being protected Sefro's soul from psychic backlash.

That being helped Sefro use his psychic powers while training him to let him know how to mobilize the most psychic powers more quickly to interfere with the real universe.

Sefro easily moved the Flame Lord Titan Legion out of the battlefield and sent it to the occupied area on Beisu No. 1. He even moved a large number of Black Mechanicus personnel to Beisu No. 1 to protect the Titans.

As for psychic communication, it was even more simple and fast. Sefro found that after he sent the communication, the officers of the New Voskani Armored Regiment had received the communication half an hour ago and began to organize a retreat.

"Sefro," Huron called again.

Ever since the previous incident in the arena, Huron had used his skills to impress Sefro. He saluted with great respect, "Please give me your orders."

Huron looked at Sefro with concern and was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "Stay vigilant."

Sefro was puzzled.

"I'm not a psyker, but I know the price to pay and the risks to use psionic powers." Huron knocked on his head, "Don't get lost, don't be gullible, don't let something control your brain, Stay awake at all times and be alert at all times.”

"Yes." Sefro paid great attention to every word Huron said.

Huron nodded and waved to Sefro: "You should take a break after using psychic powers many times. Call the director of the think tank over. He will complete your work before you have a good rest."

Sefro saluted again, turned and left.

A member of the former Think Tank of the Star Claw Chapter, the predecessor of the Red Corsairs, walked onto the bridge.

The two friends, who had fought side by side for many years, nodded to each other and then began to cooperate in a tacit understanding.

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