Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 386 Caesars Galaxy

After the 150,000 people finished their meal, they were screened again for psykers. After confirming that there were no psykers, they were sent to the ship with the dimension engine modified.

The dimension engine has been preset with a route. The ship will automatically go to the place where the Imperial Navy is stationed, and then the Navy will find it and take it away. As for the subsequent arrangements... it depends on where in the Empire there is a shortage of people.

The transport ship jumped out of the Beisi system and sailed into the distance.

During the voyage, everyone on the ship was crowded in the engine room, and these people curiously surrounded the dimensional engine.

But it’s not just about satisfying curiosity.

"This engine has already been preset on a route. When it reaches the end, we will remove the engine and hide it so that the navy will not find it."

"Now the empire is making every effort to promote dimensional engines, and the regent has strict requirements on the number of engines used in a sector."

"Then we sold it, to the governor of some random galaxy."

"You know... the governors are trying their best to please the regent. Not only do they want to use the limited engines issued to them to meet the usage requirements, but they also want to replace all of them with dimension engines, but the engines issued to them are limited. They will buy it from other sources at a high price.”

A man stepped on the dimensional engine and preached his thoughts to everyone.

Everyone had the same idea, but they lacked someone to lead everyone to do this. Otherwise, they would have thought about dismantling the engine and selling it as soon as they left the Beixiu Galaxy.

"You can't decide anything." A man suddenly entered the engine room and shouted.

This man was wearing a tattered guard uniform, and everyone present, except Zach, knew that he was the original guard captain of the Koravien Navigator family.

The guard captain walked into the crowd and pulled Zach out: "He is our master, he can make decisions!"

"Oh, really?" The man who proposed to sell the engine jumped off the engine and walked up to the captain to confront him. "Then please tell me why we should listen to this boy and what is the reason?"

The guard captain hesitated after hearing this, glanced at Zach, and then looked at the person in front of him: "We just have to listen to him. This is the law."

"Let me tell you why we have to listen to Zach." The man turned around and shouted to everyone: "Because Zach is the only descendant of the Navigator family. He is our nominal master. After his father When we die, we slaves are supposed to be loyal to this little master, and that’s the damn reason!”

As soon as the words fell, everyone present, even those who supported selling the engine, could no longer agree with what the man said.

"Shut your mouth, it's a secret!"

"Master has taught us not to say these things, and we should not let little Zack know!"


Listening to everyone's reprimands, the man didn't care and picked up the loudspeaker and continued shouting.

"In the 129th year of the 42nd millennium, because of an order from the four-meter-tall freak who called himself the Regent, all the Navigator families lost their status, and they became even shit. Not as good as that!”

"Astropaths can also serve in the army as prophets and advisors to the governor of a certain world. Three-eyed mutants like navigators are of no use at all!"

"You still have to listen to this little shit now. Tell me, is the word slave imprinted in your genes and thoughts?"

The man's words were like sharp swords piercing the hearts of those present.

People began to ask themselves whether they were really too servile.

What era is this, and you still listen to the Navigator family?

His ancestors had not left the Navigator family for generations, and he was led by the Coravian family to escape into the subspace. This was already a foolish move...

In this ship, people are like grass on the wall. Which way they fall depends on how strong the wind is.

And the man's words were like a strong wind.

"Despicable, born slaves!" The man jumped onto the dimensional engine and pointed at the Talon creation at his feet, "Tell me now, do you want to continue to be slaves, or do you want to stand up and be human beings like me? Just like those Talon and Like people in the five hundred worlds, living rationally and like individuals?"

"Like a human..."

At first very few people spoke.

But soon more people responded: "Like a human being."

In the end, everyone roared in unison: "Like humans!"

The man nodded with satisfaction: "I, Savin, am your new leader. I will lead you to sell the dimension engine in exchange for a large amount of money, and find a new world to start a new life. We will build a world like the Five A prosperous and enlightened new world like the Hundred Worlds!"

The crowd started cheering.

Savin walked up to the guard captain and took out a rope: "You, a slave, only deserve to be thrown into the dungeon."

The guard captain looked at the people around him who were watching eagerly, then nodded, and just made a request: "I want to be locked up with Zach."

"Of course." Savin nodded in agreement.

The guard captain and Zach were sent to the dungeon.

Captain and Zach survived in the dark dungeon for a while, relying on the little food Zach had put in his pocket in the Tyrone sector.

Until one day the ship suddenly stopped sailing.

"We're here." The captain stood up and ran to the porthole to look outside.

The Imperial Navy ships were already sailing away.

Obviously, they just found the ship and left after confirming that there was no problem. They didn't even bother to come up and investigate it carefully.

The ship sets sail again.

At this time, Savin and the others had learned how to use the engine - voice control.

The Tyrones really wanted this crew to leave alive, so the engines they installed were the simplest and easiest to use.

After jumping into the dimensional space, the ship sailed towards the destination set by Savin and quickly arrived at the destination.

The guard captain knew where Savin wanted to go. He must be going to a galaxy called Caesars to find the local governor to sell the engine, because hundreds of years ago, Savine had some friendship with that governor.

But when the ship jumped out of the dimensional space, the guard captain, Zach, and everyone on the ship were stunned.

Because although what appeared before them was indeed the Caesars Galaxy, it was not the galaxy they had seen before.

There is no one in this galaxy now.

Although the captain of the guard had long suspected that the ship traveled through time when leaving the warp, it was only now confirmed.

There is no Caesars Galaxy at all now, because the Caesars Galaxy was used as a supply transit point during a war, and then slowly developed into what everyone saw in the original timeline.

So what does the Caesars Galaxy look like now?

The guard captain took out an ancient book that recorded the empire's sphere of influence long ago and searched for the location of the Caesars Galaxy.

Then the captain suddenly raised his head and said to the ignorant Zach: "The Caesars Galaxy is the edge galaxy of the 442nd Sector... and the ancient name of the 442nd Sector is..."


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