Time passed, and another month passed in the blink of an eye.

The forty-first millennium is coming to an end, and the turbulent empire will usher in the forty-second millennium.

However, the demonic invasion that Qin Mo expected did not happen.

The Tyrone Sector has invested too much financial and material resources in the defense line of the Ring of Death, and the colonization activities within the 400 light-year range of the Death Zone have also been stopped. If the insurance company had not paid for the forced suspension of the colonization activities, the previous colonization of the Death Zone would have been The people of Domain Three will lose their money.

Nearly one million people from the twenty regiments of the Tyrone Army evacuated from the original defense zone and entered the Webway. Together with the logistics personnel, a total of four million people lived in the newly built space station in the Webway. They started to adapt to life inside the Webway from scratch. environment.

The most nightmare thing for an individual is not that there is no day and night in the Webway, but that every time he goes to the observation deck of the space station to relax, he can only see the snarling subspace creatures outside the golden light curtain of the Webway, and even A red planet with a ferocious human face... The only thing that makes people feel reassured is that no matter how hard they try, these ghosts can't enter the webway.

The shattered reality membrane and curtain are gradually restoring themselves.

The entire sector is preparing for a Warp invasion that never seems to come.

Tyrone's Gate Defense Zone.

Northern star system.

North Star Port.

An imperial transport ship entered the starport for inspection at the request of the Tyrone naval patrol fleet. When the ship was dragged into the starport berth by a tractor beam, the door to the entire ship opened, and countless sentry drones poured into the ship. Search every corner and alert all crew members to exit the ship under the guidance of a drone.

A total of 150,000 crew members were brought out and walked through the canyon-like ground structure at the special berths in the star port.

Zach was one of these 150,000 people. He looked around while walking slowly in the crowd.

The sky is full of drones, one after another swooping down from the sky, scanning any targets they find suspicious.

It was raining, and that rain was a powerful but particularly unpleasant-smelling disinfectant.

At the top of the left and right sides of the environment like the bottom of the canyon are the Beisiu system defense teams that are being teleported over. These local soldiers also wear power armor and hold laser rifles with scopes in their hands. They stand on the top and look down at the ground below. Man, those below cannot see whether the expression beneath their helmets is one of disdain and disgust or sympathy.

Zach felt like one of the army of ants crawling in the sewer cracks, being treated without dignity.

But other "ants" don't care, because 99% of their lives are even more undignified than they are now. Instead, they feel that although the "rain" falling from the sky smells bad, it is clearer than the acid rain in the hive city. There are more, just right for taking a bath, they Tai Lung people are pretty good at it.

"Is this the forty-fifth time this month?"

"Forty-sixth time, sir."

"The forty-sixth time? Lord of Tyrone."

Zach heard someone talking about something two hundred meters away from him at the top of the right side.

"Why do we always have to help clean up the empire's ships that are blown to us by subspace storms? We have to feed them, modify the dimensional engines and send them back... This is the forty-sixth time, why can't they grow old? Honestly use the Dimension Engine?"

"The Primarch is advancing the use of the Dimension Engine, sir."

"I hope he can hurry up and apply for 150 tons of food. We have to feed and drink these compatriots who were frightened in the storm before leaving."

"Yes, sir."

150,000 people continued to move forward at the bottom. After being inspected and disinfected, they entered the storage warehouse at the bottom of the star port. This was a warehouse originally used to store battleship parts. It was now vacated to house the imperial ships that had wandered to the Northern Star System. Ship crew.

Soon drones flew in to deliver food to everyone.

The star port staff are already experienced in sending out densely packed transport drones like a storm at once, because if they don’t send out so many drones at once to make people think they can get food without fighting, then these will People who have been lost in the warp storm for a long time will immediately start fighting.

During the meal, the state priest called on everyone to pray to the emperor and thank him for the food.

Of course the people complied and gathered around, loudly reciting hymns to the emperor, and then began to eat after reciting.

At this time, a guard maintaining order noticed Zach, because Zach was a teenager, very young, and looked very immature and fragile.

The guard walked up to Zach, took out the rationed sugar cubes, and put them into the soup on Zach's plate.

"Thank you, sir." Zach raised his head and thanked him, then continued to devour.

The soldier sat next to the boy. The helmet made a deflating sound when it was opened. The cold air used to balance the temperature was sprayed from the inside of the helmet into the surrounding environment. Zach could also see his face clearly.

The face of a weather-beaten middle-aged man.

"The cloth strap on your forehead is soaked with disinfectant." The guard saw that the cloth strap on Zach's forehead was dripping disinfectant into the rice on the plate, and wanted to help Zach untie the cloth strap.

But Zach opened the cloth belt himself without using the guards.

At that moment the guard froze on the spot.

Because on Zach's forehead, under the cloth soaked in disinfectant, there was an eye.

This eye seemed to have been closed for a long time, and had been glued together by granulation, and had even begun to degenerate, but it was still possible to tell that it was an eye.

People with three legs are common in the hive city, but people with three eyes are not common, because three eyes are the symbol of a navigator. When the North Star System was still using subspace engines, the guards saw navigators with three eyes.

"Are you from the Navigator family?" the guard asked.

"What is the Navigator family?" Zach asked while eating.

"Your ship doesn't use a dimensional engine. Doesn't it have a navigator?" the guard asked again.

"Are you talking about a person with three eyes? My father has three eyes. He can provide navigation guidance for our ships." Zach said, "But he died. When I was a child, the ship was once He died when he entered the warp."

Zach continued.

"When I was a kid, my father died the last time the ship entered subspace. Before he died, he told me a lot of things about subspace and navigation, but he didn't mention the navigator you mentioned... This Is it an adjective for people with three eyes in this galaxy’s culture?”

"My father hoped that I could continue to guide the ship, but I failed him because until now, I still can't open my third eye and can't sense the psychic energy he mentioned."

After listening to what Zach said, the guard nodded.

Zach is obviously not a navigator, because if he had psychic powers, he would have been detected before entering the starport just now, and then kept alone.

However, the Navigator family are all nobles with good status. How could there be a descendant who can't even open his third eye and doesn't know what a Navigator is?

Even the boy's eyes have deteriorated...

The guard had no idea what was going on.

"Sir." When Zach was full, he put down the plate and put the remaining food in a leather pocket and hung it on his waist. He turned his head and asked the guard, "What time is it now?"

"The forty-first millennium, the last year, this last year is almost over." The guard said.

"Oh. Thank you for telling me." Zach nodded. "My father told me that it was 765.M42 when I was eight years old. It seems that my father remembered it wrong... He is always crazy."

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