Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 379 The miserable young man


Cypher knelt before the throne.

If there was a third person present at this time, that person would see Seve's distorted and ugly face, as well as the tears that kept flowing from him.

The psychic powers and the horror before him almost drove Cypher crazy.

"The rescuer."





Countless voices echoed in Saifu's ears.

The Emperor spoke to Cypher for only a second before removing the psychic powers from Cypher.

And Cypher felt as if his brain was being placed in a pot, almost boiling. When the black ashes that could suppress psychic energy floated under the throne, Cypher felt as if he had returned to the world from hell.

In this second, the Emperor seemed to have said everything, and yet it seemed as if he had said nothing.

Cypher felt that countless emperors were standing on the most cruel punishment machine composed of golden thrones, and wanted to reach out for help.

It also felt like there were many emperors telling how terrible the pain they had endured for ten thousand years was.

But these voices are not all.

Some emperors angrily criticized Cypher, saying that what he and his predecessors had done was useless, and that instead of finding ways to free themselves, it would be better to kill a few human enemies on the battlefield.

But Cypher did feel the Emperor's cry for help, it was real.

"I'm here to free you." Cypher took out the sword of the Gene Father. The sword was broken, but the sharpness was still there. "Everything I did was to bring you back to life. There are many people like me. Doing the same thing, sacrificing one after another for the same purpose.”

Cypher felt he was right.

Especially when he was led into the deepest part of the palace by the emperor himself.

It must be the Emperor's wish to be freed from the Golden Throne.

So Cypher knelt on the ground and raised the Lion King's sword. At this moment, he suddenly saw many things.

A vast, advanced, and wealthy alien empire.

The scream of a dark god awakening.

The alien empire was instantly destroyed, and 90% of the entire race died. The remaining individuals who were still alive were either too far away from the location where the Dark God awakened, or they hid in the webway and were not affected.

Through these images, Cypher saw what the Emperor wanted to tell him.

That is, if you are killed and reborn on the Golden Throne, of course you will be reborn, but humans will also face the same fate as that alien empire.

But what the Emperor revealed confused Cypher.

Doesn't the Emperor want to be freed and reborn?

At this time, the door to the Golden Throne suddenly closed.

A psychic storm was set off throughout the throne area.

Seve felt like someone was grabbing his throat, and he was lifted up without any resistance, ten meters above the ground, and the sword and gun in his hands fell off.

At this time, Cypher heard someone arguing.

One party angrily accuses the other party of killing Cypher, and the only chance of relief will slip through their fingers.

The other party angrily denounced the other party that if the other party stood up from the throne, mankind would suffer disaster, and people like Cypher should be killed.

The psychic powers of both sides were exerted on Cypher at the same time. One person protected him, and the other used psychic powers to tear him apart.

After a moment of stalemate, all the voices were unified.


Cypher heard the most genuine call for unity of will.

Cypher suddenly realized one thing, that is, he was brought to the Golden Throne because the Emperor wanted to be freed, but not all Emperors wanted to be freed, and most of them did not.

The purpose of these emperors who did not want to be freed from bringing Cypher was to personally kill the only person who could free themselves, so as to prevent the entire human race from being destroyed by themselves like the Ancient Eldar Empire was destroyed by Slaanesh.

"I can't stand up..."

In one moment the Emperor spoke many words.

Cypher heard the Emperor say that humanity did not have a webway, and that once he stood up, humanity would be completely destroyed.

Cypher again heard the Emperor say that you are a loyal person. Part of my will is protecting you with spiritual energy. I cannot kill you for the time being, but if you also think that you are a loyal person, you should put the gun in it. Pull the trigger in your mouth.

The Emperor's will is unified, but the Emperor's will is not unified.

In the area where this throne is located, time flows abnormally, and any thing may have thousands of situations in one second.

Cypher felt his body disintegrating.

Cypher felt his body being reshaped.

There is indeed a force protecting his body and his soul, but this force is very weak and will disappear soon.

Cypher roared at the top of his voice to the Lord of Mankind, begging him to tell him exactly whether he wanted to be freed from his throne.

When the Emperor's unified will replied that he didn't want to, Cypher struggled to pick up the two guns and stuffed the muzzles into his mouth.

At this moment, all the power that caused Cypher's body to disintegrate or protect his body dissipated.

Whether the Emperor was liberated or not, Cypher felt that he was liberated anyway.

After getting an accurate answer, the trigger was pulled, and the sound of gunfire rang through the throne.

I do not know how long it has been.

Cypher felt himself being dragged, and he vaguely saw Trajan, the commander of the imperial army.

Trajan was furious like never before, roaring and cursing at all the members of the Imperial Army. When he lost control of his emotions, the Imperial Army all knelt on the ground with their heads lowered, not even daring to breathe. They also realized how big a crime they had committed. mistake.

Cypher turned his head with difficulty and saw an Ultramarines pharmacist squatting in front of him, inserting a needle with the Tyron Sector logo into his neck.

Trajan walked towards Cypher angrily, and used his arms to push away the imperial soldiers on the route one by one, and then pushed the apothecary away. Finally, he grabbed Cypher from the ground and punched him several times.

When the first punch landed on the head, Cypher had already fainted and was unconscious.

I don’t know how long it took.

When Cypher wakes up, he finds himself tied up and imprisoned in a dungeon.

He speculated that this should be a palace prison.

"You actually bypassed the guards of the imperial army and ran to the throne to assassinate the false emperor. Well done."

A voice came from the prison next door.

Cypher couldn't even turn his neck, so he could only turn his eyes to look in the direction of the sound.

A miserable, dirty blind man was sitting in the corner of the prison.

Cypher still recognized this guy, remembering that his name was Khayon, a Thousand Sons who was prosperous in the rebellion, and was on a path of no return because of his acquaintance with Abaddon.

"When will the Dark Legion come to Terra? Does the Warmaster still remember me?" Khayon asked everyone who was thrown into prison, whether they knew the Dark Legion and the Warmaster or not.

"Don't think about it." While thinking about how to escape, Cypher told Khayon some bad news. "Your Warmaster was stabbed several times and his life and death are unknown. Your companions are all dead. They died on a metal The satellite is on."

"I do not believe."

"You should be the person sent by the Imperial Army to trick me. You are just as full of lies as they are."

Khayon did not continue to ask questions, and leaned in the corner, recalling his glorious past over and over again, so as to survive the difficult prison life before Abaddon defeated Terra and rescued him.

Forcing Gene-Father Magnus to obey Abaddon's plans, he earned the title Kingbreaker.

A sister who was transformed into a machine spirit.

A powerful battleship.

A giant wolf.

A close-knit Dark Eldar woman.

Good brothers who are willing to die for him.

A bunch of collectibles that are rare in the galaxy.

This is what Khayon once had.

But now he has nothing and is locked up in the palace dungeon, waiting for the Warmaster to reach Terra and free him.

During these difficult and difficult years, Khayon could only recall his friends over and over again, the Dark Eldar woman, the Machine Soul sister...and of course the Warmaster's every move full of charisma.

Only in this way will Khayon feel a touch of warmth in the cold dungeon, and will he have the motivation to support himself and continue to wait for the Warmaster.

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