Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 378 Cypher’s Plan

While everyone on Terra was excited about the return of the original body, there was one person who had the darkest purpose and watched all this with cold eyes.

Lord Cypher.

On the surface of Terra, on the top floor of a high tower where nobles who could see the royal palace lived, Cypher stood on the edge of the tower, looking at the royal palace, he was almost bored.

The owner of the aristocratic manor where Lord Seifer is located once had his life saved by him, maybe by the current Seifer, or perhaps by a previous Seifer... In short, the owner of the manor has always remembered that his great-grandfather almost died. Surrounding the Eye of Terror, he was saved by a hooded man holding two spears and carrying the Sword of the Primarch on his back.

Then the owner of the manor let Cypher live here, and by the way, he also protected another Eldar alien brought by Primarch No. 13.

"When are you going to go to the Primarch and ask him to fulfill his promise to you?"

Hillandry appeared next to Cypher like a ghost. Even Cypher didn't know whether this alien was so ghostly because of the talent of their race, or whether it was because the god she believed in gave her special talents.

"Let me guess, you don't want to go find the Primarch," Hillandri said, "otherwise you wouldn't be standing here."

Cypher nodded, continued to stare at the palace, and said in a low voice: "You could have stayed on the original body's ship with your compatriots, and even swaggered through the city under the protection of the original body, so why did you come to me? My purpose and What does it have to do with you?"

Hillandry didn't answer. Of course she had a bigger goal than Zipher, but this goal might seem a bit scary to others.

Cypher met Hillandri before rescuing Guilliman from Blackstone Fortress.

Hillandri only knew that Cypher wanted to appear at this critical node of fate, lend a helping hand to the original body, and then ask the original body to agree to take her to meet the Lord of Humanity.

The reason why the Veil Walker knows so clearly is because if Cypher doesn't tell the truth, he can't be led directly into the Blackstone Fortress through the webway.

Hillandry was very curious about one thing, and that was what Cypher was going to do.

Even the Laughing God Xi Lego couldn't make a clear prophecy to tell his followers what the human named Cypher wanted to do.

After getting along for some time, Hillandre guessed that Cypher had two purposes.

First: Reforge the sword of the original body behind him, which is the sword of the Lion King, to wash away the sins of Cypher's identity.

Second: Give the Emperor a sword.

Regardless of the purpose, what Cypher did was of certain benefit to the Laughing God and the Harlequin Troupe.

"I don't want to go find the Primarch. It's not feasible for the Primarch to take us to see the Emperor." Cypher put his hands on his guns and analyzed calmly, "I was supposed to be the one leading the Primarch to escape from the Webway. But the appearance of the Tyrones disrupted everything. The Primarch not only managed to escape, but also took back his Macragge's Glory. My role was not big, and it was not enough to give the Primarch an offer he could not refuse. favor."

Hearing this, Hillandre nodded in approval, she thought so too.

Cypher looked at the entrance of the palace: "Can you think of a way to send me in? Just send me in."

"Are you having a problem with this?" Hillandre poked her head with a slender finger. "You want to sneak into the palace? The imperial army can find you within thirty seconds, stab you to death with a spear, and then hang you on the palace. Displayed on the palace walls.”

Cypher also felt that he was quite crazy. As far as he knew, there could be no gaps in the guard deployment of the imperial army in the palace.

It's impossible to sneak in.

But if even Harlequin thinks it's impossible, it's beyond Cypher's expectation.

"Can't you use the webway?" Cypher asked.

"Understand your identity. You are a barbarian and an ape. I can help you use the webway not because I have any good impressions of you, but because the God of Laughter guided me to do so." Hillandry looked down on Cypher, "Help you enter." The palace? Don’t even think about it.”

This was not the first time that Cypher had dealt with the Eldar. He also knew the nature of these pointed ears, so he was not angry.

It's just that this trip has really become a tourist trip to Terra. As for entering the palace, I can't even think about it.


"The Releaser."

"The end of my suffering."


Cypher, who was resting for the first time in twelve years, suddenly heard a whisper. He thought he was still in the Eye of Terror or the Maelstrom, and the sounds he heard were the nonsense of dark gods and warp creatures in his ears.

This whisper made Seve stand up instinctively, raising his guns and pointing them forward.

When he realized that he was in Terra, his mood changed from fear and vigilance to ecstasy.

For that whisper must have come from the Emperor's voice.

"I've been... I've been... I've been..."

"Come, come, come... Royal Palace... Royal Palace... Royal Palace... pass..."

A whisper that made no sense at all called to Cypher, touching every nerve in Cypher's body.

Like a crazy puppet, Lord Cypher walked out of the room and the manor dully, and then he met the dead former host of the Astropath, Op Frank.

Frank was standing in a strange posture at this time, and Cypher could see that this guy's bones were broken and he was in a state of the living dead.

There was frost in the air, and in Terra's hottest season, there was a blizzard.

"Come... to the palace..." Frank's eyes were dull and he spoke like a puppet being manipulated.

The whispers that Cypher heard came from Frank, but he could understand that Frank was just a carrier, a carrier with superhuman psychic talents and good at carrying psychic energy.

Cypher immediately followed Frank.

The two walked to the edge of the palace and penetrated the wall directly.

The moment he entered the palace, Cypher felt the attention of the Imperial Guards in various light and dark positions, but the eyes of those Imperial Guards just glanced around like cameras, as if they saw nothing.

Cypher and Frank floated into the palace like ghosts, passing countless detection instruments and imperial troops along the way, but they were unable to be discovered as if they were invisible.

Finally the two came to the Golden Throne.

Frank's body has been burned to ashes by psychic energy and is floating in the air.

Cypher stood alone in front of the giant staircase leading to the Golden Throne.

"come over."

The whisper sounded again, this time without a carrier as a medium. Sever felt that his soul was briefly pulled out of the body by the whisper for a few seconds and then forced back in. This was a painful experience.

But Cypher persisted, climbed the stairs, and headed towards the Golden Throne.

Every step was painful, but Cypher's mission drove him forward.

Finally, Cypher, who came to the Golden Throne, saw a man standing on the Golden Throne, screaming loudly as he endured the most cruel torture in the universe.

Three chapters first, two more to come

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