Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 375 Official Fan Kaul

The imperial guards at the door stood there, waiting.

As the Primarch pushed open the door and stepped out, the Custodes noticed that he was holding the Emperor's sword.

Considering the identity of the Primarch and the fact that he had spoken to the Emperor himself, the Custodes did not ask for the sword back.

"How long have I been in there?" Guilliman's face was pale and his spirit was haggard. He couldn't even remember the passage of time now.

"Less than half a day." The Imperial Guard replied.

This was completely different from Guilliman's subjective perception of the passage of time. He thought he had been at the throne for a century.

There was so much to talk about, touching on every aspect of the universe.

Guilliman calculated secretly and found that even if he and the Emperor spoke a word for one second, it would be impossible for the conversation to end in less than half a day. The entire conversation would last as long as a century.

Obviously, the Emperor is no longer the Emperor ten thousand years ago.

Whatever he looked like when he sat on the Golden Throne, the Emperor who now sits on the Golden Throne is nothing like the Emperor who came before.

"You can leave the palace." The imperial guard made a gesture of invitation.

Guilliman turned his head blankly and walked towards the apron.

Guilliman was at a loss along the way. He now felt relieved. The conversation with the Emperor just now was like torture. That kind of torture even made Guilliman regret coming to Terra when he endured it. .

Until he met Caul and the two got on the transport plane together, Guilliman was still immersed in the conversation just now.

The Primarch recalled.

The Emperor brought up the first meeting between the two, and how Guilliman once complained privately that the Emperor was not a good father. He only had one father - Archon Conor, his adoptive father.

Guilliman was surprised, wondering how the Emperor knew of this.

However, the Emperor did not pursue it, because he even knew another thing, that is, after Guilliman complained, he had thought about whether he would still follow the Emperor if he went back to the beginning.

Then Guilliman thought that he would still follow the Emperor and would still recognize the Emperor as his father. This made Guilliman feel a little ashamed and even felt sorry for Konor, but this was his true thought.

In this flashback, Guilliman only spoke to the Emperor about his adoptive father, then took up his sword and left.

"You spoke with the Emperor?" Cawl asked.

Guilliman nodded in a daze and fell into memories again.

In this flashback, Guilliman remembered that after he walked to the throne, the Emperor mentioned Caul to him, and he warned Guilliman not to trust the sage too much.

Because Caul has been researching something forbidden, he could bring disaster to the Empire.

But the Emperor also acknowledged Caul's contribution, saying that he felt Caul was like an Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Mechanicus, whose devotion to him was unbelievable to him.

Then he warned Guilliman that he must treat Caul well no matter what, and not treat him as a tool that can come and go at a moment's notice.

Guilliman nodded in agreement, then picked up the Emperor's Sword and turned around to leave.

This is the content of the second memory.

Every memory is different.

"What does the Lord of Mankind think of the Tyrone Sector?" Caul asked.

Guilliman fell back into memories.

In this memory, he walked to the golden throne and called his father.

The Emperor immediately mentioned things about the Tyrone Sector.

As contradictory as the name for the primarch is.


"The evil god who feeds humans to eat their souls."


"An ally too late."

"Aide to Tzeentch."

"A more suitable collaborator than the Adeptus Mechanicus."

"It's the same traitor and thief that makes me feel like old friends on the 13th."

The Emperor spoke more about the C'tan.

The Star God once helped the Necrontyr and then devoured the Necrontyr's soul. He used this case to warn Guilliman not to trust any Star God too much. The Lord of Tyron was not a good thing. He just wanted to replicate what his kind had done to the Necrontyr. Do everything.

Then he talked about an ancient myth: St. George slaying the dragon.

The Emperor claimed to have slain the Dragon of Mars, a fragment of the C'tan that was imprisoned in the labyrinth on Mars overseen by the Eternals.

No matter what, the Tyrones cannot be allowed to get close to Mars, and they must be prevented from entering the solar system with determination to go to war.

Guilliman really became wary after hearing this.

If humanity applies the dimensional engine on a large scale, then whether humanity's future will lead to destruction or prosperity will be determined by the Star Gods.

However, the Emperor's next words advised Guilliman to be less suspicious and quickly promote the Dimension Engine. He also said that if the Tyron Sector existed at the time of the Great Crusade, they must be allies of the Empire.

He also said that there was nothing to doubt about the Star God leader, because he was not a real Star God at all and he had too much humanity. When he was alone at night, he would secretly shed tears over the death of the doctor who once helped him. He would look at the broken diary and miss the past. He would even put on sunglasses to admire the beautiful women in swimsuits when he went to the beach in Tyrone No. 3.

But there were not many good words, and the Emperor immediately persuaded Guilliman to send troops to quell the rebellion quickly, and to eliminate them when the Tyrone sector was invaded by demons in the future, otherwise it would be over when they became popular, and the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain.

Guilliman recalled the conversation, and after careful consideration, he decided that the Tyrone Sector was an ally that could cooperate, because both he and Efrenie felt that Qin Mo had a high level of humanity and was not at all cruel and cunning like most Star Gods. characteristics.

"My father said they could work together," Guilliman responded to Caul.

Call nodded, relieved.

Because the Caul in front of Guilliman was itself a gift from Qin Mo to the great sage, a replica with integrated intelligence.

The real Caul returned to the Seeker King long before coming to Terra to make the final preparations for the Primaris Space Marines so that Guilliman could put the Primaris Space Marines into use in the future.

"What does the Emperor think of the appointment and removal of high lords?" Caul asked again.

Guilliman recalled that during this memory, he specifically discussed the matter of the High Lord with the Emperor.

The Emperor felt that the High Lords still had value to exist, but only for now. The High Lords Council was organized by Guilliman. If they could not support the original body in the next series of events, then they should Destroyed by the one who shaped it.

Guilliman didn't say this. He understood that Caul's question about the high lord must be to bring the topic to being a Forge General, so he replied: "The Emperor said that you would be a Forge General."

"Really?" Kaul asked in surprise.

"Of course it's a lie." Guilliman shook his head. "I am now sure that you are not Caul himself, but a defective copy. From now on, I will call you Caul."

Three chapters to post first, there will be more in a moment, currently being written

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