Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 374 The Emperor and the Primarch

"Number 13."

"My most trusted chess piece."





A series of names sounded in Guilliman's mind.

These contradictory names refer to Guilliman.

When Guilliman raised his head to look at the Emperor with pain and difficulty, he seemed to see a vast sea of ​​will, with strange waves of will rushing towards Guilliman, either with malice or with good intentions.

The Emperor's will is like the stars.

The primarch felt that he was talking to a sun, and the light and heat of this sun were burning him all the time.

The Emperor didn't need to say anything more for Guilliman to sense some of the Emperor's thoughts.

The Emperor was now like a prisoner, ecstatic at the sight of a file.

The Primarch could clearly feel that the file was referring to someone else or something else, but to himself, which saddened him.

Ten thousand years ago, the Emperor disguised his control over his offspring as paternal love, thereby allowing the Primarch to be used and driven by him.

Now, ten thousand years later, the Emperor no longer hides or pretends.

Not one of his shattered wills called Guilliman his son, either denounced him as a traitor or a thief, or treated him like a tool.

While the Emperor still walked the earth, he had a hint of humanity.

But now the humanity has disappeared, or it has separated from the emperor's body and is attached to the woman named Vanessa. It is so weak that it can be endured by mortals.


Guilliman endured the torture caused by psychic energy. He felt that his emotions and reason were being torn apart. Two lines of tears flowed down, and a hoarse voice came from his dry mouth.


"Primarch Thirteen."

"My tool."


"The Primarch I trust and love to use the most."

"A fool deceived by witchcraft."

The series of calls appeared again.

The Emperor was only whispering, but the concepts contained in every sound were directly understood by Guilliman.

Traitor, thief.

The Emperor rebuked Guilliman for imagining that he was dead ten thousand years ago, so he encouraged Sanguinius to establish the Second Empire. The matter stemmed from Guilliman's distrust of him and his stubbornness to eat shit. The pitfalls of building a small kingdom.

The Emperor already knew the past and the future. He directly exposed the deepest things in Guilliman's heart, and then asked Guilliman knowingly why he wanted to expand the Ultramarines Legion. Is it not enough that the remnants of his brother were incorporated into the Ultramarines Legion? Satisfy him?

The Emperor then asked Guilliman why he had stolen his empire, and whether he was very happy when he came to Terra late after the death of Horus. He organized a council of high lords and ordered the Imperial Guard not to leave the palace. Restraining order.

Even Valdor, the commander of the Custodes, could only obey Guilliman without the Emperor and let the Custodes accept the restraining order.

The Emperor asked Guilliman if he enjoyed the pleasure of being a usurper. When he saw Valdor standing in front of him and telling the Custodes that we must obey the restrictions from the Primarch, did he feel that he was the Empire? owner.

Faced with this series of questions and angry rebuke, Guilliman could not defend himself because he felt that his brain was burning and he could not think or respond at all.

Guilliman suddenly felt like a mortal on trial before the gods.

He shed tears and shouted to the emperor in his heart, asking you, the father, to think so darkly about his son and slander himself with such bad words.

But the current Emperor was already contradicting himself, and he soon spoke to Guilliman in another way, as if they were meeting him for the first time in ten thousand years.

My favorite Primarch.

A fool deceived by witchcraft.

The Emperor said that the five hundred worlds established by Guilliman played the role it was supposed to play, which is why he could rest assured that Guilliman would govern China without interfering.

The Five Hundred Worlds played a decisive role during the Horus Heresy. If they were gone, the Five Hundred Worlds would be humanity's last hope.

The Primarch with the backing of five hundred worlds can also unite and stabilize the shattered empire when he sits on the Golden Throne, and reshape a new order so that the empire will not end immediately.

The Emperor praised Guilliman, and then began to comfort Guilliman, telling him that it was not his fault for not returning to aid Terra, and that he did not need to pay the price and bear the psychological blame for it.

Because the dark gods used Horus to perform a ritual.

All of Terra was the site of the ceremony.

The Emperor stated that if he and Horus did not decide the winner, no reinforcements would be able to reach Terra, and reinforcements would always be on the way.

The Emperor also brought up the fact that Guilliman thought he was dead. He said that Guilliman could not be blamed for this, because the warp storm was raging at that time, and Carlos used witchcraft to deceive him. This was not his. Wrong, the only thing to blame is that he is not as proficient in psychic powers as Magnus, so that he cannot even defend himself when faced with psychic powers.

This made Guilliman feel a little better.

But the Emperor seemed to have changed again, and began to accuse Guilliman of being a useless waste.

He angrily accused Guilliman of being stupid for always brooding over the Perfect City incident. He asked Guilliman to destroy the Perfect City not to make things difficult between brothers, but to let Guilliman understand Luo early. Jia's threat.

If Guilliman had used his brain to think about it, he would have been caught off guard by Lorgar and his Legion of Word Bearers.

After saying this, the emperor changed his face again.

He told Guilliman that it was indeed a mistake to let the Thirteenth Legion instead of the First Legion to destroy the Perfect City, including the matter of Angron, but there must be a traitor among the original body, not Angron and Luo It had to be someone else. He had been deliberately trying to force some of the Primarchs to rebel.

Guilliman felt as if he was surrounded by a large group of Emperors. The Emperors were all talking subjective words, and their statements even contradicted themselves.

This conversation seemed to last a century.

The Emperor told Guilliman many things about the past and future, allowing Guilliman to understand more of the secrets of the universe.

What exactly did the Emperor say while sitting on the Golden Throne? Guilliman, who was talking to him, forgot after hearing it. The memory of the Primarch could never be so fragile.

And when Guilliman tried to recall the conversation just now, he would recall what the Emperor said in the previous conversation, and each recall had completely different content, which surprised Guilliman.

Therefore, Guilliman believed that he could not remember the entire conversation, not because his memory was too poor, but because the Emperor compressed all the words into a very short period of time, and he could still recall them if he wanted to.

Like a library full of books, conversations are the books stored in it, and different conversations can be retrieved simply by recalling them.

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