Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 364 Past Events

The dynasty overlord sat on the throne and looked up at the sky quietly.

Human warships have filled the orbit outside Dead Domain 3.

Coren watched, silently.

"You know, we won't need this fragile body any time soon."


Coren heard the familiar voice and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

A man whose skin was covered in dark spots from disease sat in front of him.

The part of Coren's memory hidden in the dark corner of the memory chip allowed him to recognize the person in front of him, Trazin.

This made Coren feel very dazed. He looked around and saw no primitive forest or human war machines, only a magnificent palace.

In the sky is the fleet of the Necrontyr race, which is slowly marching on the track with lights and colors, celebrating the upcoming eternal life of the entire race.

Coren was not too surprised. It knew that it had fallen into its old habits again—perhaps there was something wrong with the memory chip, and it would always go back to the past at the conscious level.

"We will be immortal soon." Trazin tremblingly raised his hand covered with radiation black spots. This movement alone put a lot of effort on his disease-ridden body.

"Haha, I..." Kelen smiled and shook his head. He was about to say something to this old friend, but someone suddenly walked in from outside and interrupted the conversation.

The most loyal guard of the Coren family put his shield and spear behind his back and pushed his wheelchair.

Sitting in a wheelchair was a woman with most of her skin peeled off. Next to her was a little girl.

"Husband." The woman was pushed to Coren's side.

Coren wanted to touch the woman's hand, but found that his body could no longer lift his hand.

The radiation sickness among the Necrontyr race was so terrible that Coren could no longer even walk after only fifty years of life.

Once upon a time, he was a young and successful general, leading the army of the Cologne Dynasty to kill everywhere...

"Father!" The girl ran to Coren and grabbed his arm, "Hold me, you hug me!"

"Don't make trouble, kid, father is very tired..." Colon endured the severe pain when his arm was pulled. He wanted to hug his daughter, but he could only force out a smile with all his strength.

"Your father needs to rest." Trazin connected himself to the exoskeleton and picked up his best friend's daughter. "But don't worry, your father will be able to hold you soon, and he will be able to hold you soon." You can go back to the battlefield."

Coren shook his head with a smile, laughed twice and then coughed violently, and then blood gushes out of his throat like a fountain.

His wife immediately struggled to check on her husband. The daughter being held by Trazin turned pale with fright. She ran out of her uncle's arms and threw herself on Coren.

"Ahem... I'm fine." Column wiped the blood with a dry smile, "Our species cannot escape this disaster."

The wife looked at her husband sadly, and the daughter opened her eyes and didn't know what her father was talking about.

Trazin stared at her old friend, was silent for a moment, and then wanted to say something about biological transformation.

But Coren interrupted his old friend first: "I don't want to go into the furnace... Those Catans... they don't look like good things... When I saw them greedily sucking the souls of the ancient saints... I realized at this point."

"But Column..."

"No but... Trazin... I just want to die with my wife on the beach of Eya, a beautiful ocean planet with no green stars..."

As he said that, Coren's wife held her husband's hand and nodded.

Hearing what his old friend said, Trazin lowered his head and looked a little unhappy.

This overlord of the Nehrak dynasty suddenly gave Column a cold, terrifying feeling.

"The Silent King has a purpose." Trazin raised his head and stared at his old friend, "All Necrontyr races must enter the biological transformation furnace to obtain eternal life. This is mandatory."

"Is it the will of the Silent King..." Colen's voice was low and weak, "or is it the will of the Catans?"

Trazin remained silent and did not respond.

At this time, a group of guards walked in from outside the palace. They were the guards of the Silent King. Each one wore heavy armor and held a magical weapon that could kill powerful warriors of the Ancient Spirit Tribe.

"I'm sorry...this is the will of the Silent King..." Trazin said.

The guards immediately moved toward Coren.

Coren's guards became furious at this time, raised their shields and spears, and roared at the Silent King's guards: "My master does not want to become a machine!"

The battle began, and the guard was knocked unconscious without any suspense.

The guards came to Coren and took him away with his wife and daughter.

As they were being carried out of the palace, Coren growled at Trazin: "You're going to regret it, we're going to regret it!"

The day comes when the body is transformed.

The Coren family were all sent into the furnace, and they were the first people to be transformed.

The daughter was lying in her father's arms, and the wife was holding her husband's hand. The family had no choice but to accept their fate of being transformed.

After entering the furnace, Coren felt as if he was being split in two.

He was being reshaped by robotic arms in the workshop, while his other self was lying on the hospital bed, looking at him with desperate eyes.

The conversion is completed quickly.

Coren's strong body detached from the workshop support. He rushed out of the furnace eagerly and saw his family members who had been transformed into mechanical skeletons.

Wife, daughter.


Colen is a naturalist. He doesn't want to be transformed, but he can't do anything at this point except accept it.

The only thing that makes him feel somewhat relieved is that he and his wife can always be with his daughter and don't have to leave her...

"My love..." Colen walked towards his wife.

"I love you, husband." The wife hugged Colen.

"I love you, father." The daughter hugged her parents' legs.

"At least we are still together." Coren wanted to cry, but found that he could not shed tears. This metal body did not have this function.

The family hugged each other for an unknown amount of time.

"I love you, husband," the wife said.

Coren nodded: "I love you too, my love."

"I love you, Dad," the daughter said.

"I love you too." Coren picked up his daughter.

"I love you, husband." the wife said again.

Coren looked at his wife suspiciously.

"I love you, father." The daughter repeated again.

Kelen was stunned for a moment, put down his daughter tremblingly, shook his head and backed away: "No...no...no..."

The wife and daughter walked forward awkwardly, repeating: "I love you...I love you..."

Just like the kind of dolls that can be bought everywhere on the street, they can only say the words that the preset program tells them to say, and perform pre-programmed actions.

Anger, panic, anxiety, sadness... none of these emotions exist, because Column's body has not been programmed accordingly and cannot execute emotional instructions.

"What do we do with Trazin's body?"

The guard's question brought Column from his memories back to reality.

The dynasty overlord looked at Trazin's headless replica body with hateful eyes, and then gave a cold order: "This is not its original body... but it doesn't matter, crush it into slag, put it into a weapon and shoot it out."

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