The Overlord and the Astrologer left the tomb in a beetle-shaped spaceship, entered the physical shield of the celestial engine, and landed on the tarmac.

The soldiers who arrived later took the two people into the bridge.

Under the gaze of the three Star Gods, non-combat undead souls like Orikan and Trazyn could do nothing.

"I'm here to retrieve the cultural relics." Orikan said, "The cultural relics of the Cologne Dynasty."

"There is an overlord of the Cologne Dynasty who is sleeping on Dead Domain No. 3. According to the sleeping rules set by the Silent King, they should not have appeared here." Trazin added.

Qin Mo frowned: "I shouldn't be here, what do you mean?"

"You'll understand after you look at it." Orikan took out an ancient scroll wrapped in a static force field, spread it out flat, and showed Qin Mo the records on it.

The King of Cologne and the Overlord of the Cologne Dynasty are brothers. Cologne on Dead Domain III is the Overlord. His brother is sleeping in a place 1,200 light years away from the Tyrone Star Sector. The Cologne Overlord should also have been buried in that place. sleep, but it didn't.

The reason is that after the War in Heaven, an ancient saint prisoner responsible for managing knowledge predicted that Column would die in a million years from damage to his body during his slumber, so Column went to Dead Domain No. 3 to succumb. sleep.

This is an unremarkable account of Necron history.

"The problem is." Orican put away the ancient scroll, "Colen should not have indulged in this. I have never seen this ancient scroll before. There is something that affected the past history, and the one who did it for Coren The ancient saint who made the prophecy shouldn’t exist either, there is no record of it in the normal timeline.”

"Your history with the reptiles is meaningless to me." The Burner took a step forward, "I just want to go down and burn all your despicable kind."

"I advise you to say goodbye." Trazin walked up to the Burner and looked up at the Star God without fear, "The cultural relics of the Cologne Dynasty can control time, and the Cologne Overlord will be invincible."

Orikan looked at Trazin dissatisfied, understanding that this guy had done enough homework before coming, and he knew the cultural relics of the Cologne Dynasty better than he did.

"Do you think you are the only ones who can play with time?" Mimic said, "We can send a person back to before the Big Bang, or we can bring back the matter before the Big Bang. We are even better at manipulating time!"

Orikan laughed and nodded: "Of course, of course, there is no doubt about it. During the War in Heaven, you sent the ancient saints of a planet back to before the Big Bang, letting them be annihilated in the destruction rays produced by the explosion, but now If you dare to do this at this time, you will have to bear dire consequences."

Hearing this, he looked at Qin Mo in a mimetic manner.

Qin Mo stood there with his head lowered and thinking.

He had to admit that Orikan was right.

Making large-scale and multiple time-space changes during this time period will have dire consequences, which is exactly what he is worried about.

There is an insurmountable veil between the real universe and the subspace. No matter how powerful the four gods are, they themselves cannot cross the veil. Each of their demons has the power to destroy the universe, but it will be weakened after coming to the real universe.

In the Battle of Cadia, the Eye of Terror, the subspace rift, the ritual that consumed hundreds of millions of lives, the Crystal Demon Realm on Cadia... all these preparations only allowed Khorne to briefly project a very small part of his power into The Cadia galaxy gave the celestial engine a blow, and then drained all its psychic energy.

But in the Tyrone Star District, far away from the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom, and where the Star Gods are located, the Four Gods can hardly exert any influence, and they can't even say a few nonsense words in front of mortals.

There is also a reality film covering the real universe below the curtain...

Turning back time and space will cause the reality membrane and curtain to be weakened. Orican and Trazin used multiple time and space technologies during the lawsuit to weaken the reality membrane enough to allow demons to launch an invasion.

"If I don't use time travel technology, can I subdue Column?" Qin Mo asked.

"It's impossible." Orican shook his head, "Colen is a madman. He doesn't care about this or that reality membrane. Even if you don't use space-time technology, it will definitely destroy your star sector in a ten-minute continuous loop. Killed most of the people there."

"It seems that I shouldn't have built that Titan. It was my power that woke them up." Qin Mo said.

"This matter does not depend on what you do, but on what Colon does." Orikan walked up to Qin Mo, "Colon would have woken up during this time, and your power will It’s just a coincidence that it wakes up.”

Qin Mo nodded and felt that what Orikan said was right.

Trazin secretly admired Orikan's eloquence. This astrologer could always explain the truth clearly.

It may not seem like much for Orican to convince Qin Mo with the truth, but this is really a very powerful skill, because even if some people tell the truth, others will think it is a lie, and then mess up the matter.

Trazin then joined in the persuasion: "Lord Tyrone, you now face two choices. The first is to let us go down to find Coren and take them all away."


Trazin raised two fingers, "You can also go down with your slaves to exterminate the Cologne Overlord and his servants. You can do this easily. If you really go to war with Cologne, you will be killed. There’s not even a scrap left, but I can’t tell how many times I’ll use the time reversal during this period.”

Qin Mo thought carefully for a moment and nodded: "Go down and find your kindred spirits to explain before I launch an attack."

"Hahahaha, thank you." Trazin saluted slowly, pulled Orikan back to the beetle spaceship.

The spacecraft immediately took off and flew towards the surface of Dead Zone 3.

Mimic floated to Qin Mo and asked in a low voice: "Do we really want to listen to those traitors?"

"At least one thing they said is right. Unrestricted use of time reversal will indeed weaken the reality membrane and curtain, which will lead to terrible consequences." Qin Mo replied, "But we can make two preparations in case that man named Colum If this guy doesn't give it the respect of its kind, then we'll go down and uproot this undead dynasty."

Mimic nodded.

The Celestial Engine and the fleet continued to prepare for battle.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the Beetle spacecraft returned to the celestial engine from Dead Domain 3 and landed on the tarmac.

Qin Mo felt that the return of the spaceship meant that Column had given face to his kind, so he went to greet Trazin and Orikan in person as a thank you for helping them solve a problem... although they were not here to help him.

Qin Mo came to the spacecraft.

The spacecraft hatch slowly opened, and two round objects rolled out of the cabin and stopped at Qin Mo's feet.

Those were the heads of Trazyn and Orikan.

The two heads had lost the green light that represented life. They were stuck together like two friends who had been beheaded in an accident.

"Deploy the army and start the war!" Qin Mo turned around and ordered.

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