The Thunderbolt crew was reduced to powder blown away by the wind along with their God Machine.

Diana was in panic, while the other Warhound Titan crew was stunned and confused.

Even before the formation of the Ohm Messiah Blade Legion, the crews of the Warhound Titans were already battle-hardened warriors from other legions, but they had never seen such a terrifying weapon.

The divination results of the auspicious instrument showed that the Thunderbolt's body, which could withstand countless artillery attacks, was broken down into atoms along with the void shield.

As for the members of the Thunderbolt crew headed by Captain Cuarón, the only bits of flesh and blood on their bodies were mixed with atoms and were blown far away by a gust of wind.

"Go all out to avenge Charon." The captain of the War Dog Titan reminded aloud, and at the same time sent a string of binary numbers to Diana.

These numbers are the next tactics and where the Martian Witch will stand and how it will work with the War Dogs.

Diana immediately controlled the Martian Witch to a position facing the giant python, while the War Dog Titan went around from the side.

The giant python had lowered its body and prepared to attack the Mars Witch, but as if it had received some order, it suddenly straightened its body and stood on the spot.

The Warhound Titan thought it had a chance to attack and immediately prepared to fire, but before the plasma fragmentation cannon fired plasma, green lightning splashed onto the Titan's body from behind.

The left half of the entire War Dog-class Titan was completely decomposed, and the residual power of the attack could disintegrate all the crew members.

Diana looked around urgently, then despaired.

Many enemies that were as difficult to deal with as the 22-meter mechanical python appeared at this time. The entire forest was densely packed with pythons, completely surrounding the Mars Witch.

A few seconds later, another giant python appeared out of thin air directly in front of the Mars Witch, as if it opened a portal in the real universe and ran out. Diana only felt that this was a more advanced space. Transmission technology.

The giant python that appeared out of thin air was even bigger, with a body length of one hundred meters. On the top of the huge skull-shaped head of the giant python lay a black scorpion, with a throne on the scorpion's carapace.

A bright silver metal skeleton sits on the throne, and another metal skeleton guard holding a large shield and a spear stands on the right side of its owner.

Necron race.

Diana identified the two metal skulls as belonging to the species category she had studied.

Since the other party is the Necrons, then these giant pythons must be the war machines of the Necrons, a thing called the Underworld Structure.

It's just that the style of this giant python is too special, and it doesn't match up with all the underworld structures that Diana has learned. She thought that if she really encountered the Necrons, what would appear in front of her would be a black pyramid. Tombs, or structures like scorpions and beetles.

"They are invading our communication channels!" an operations officer reported loudly.

Then a series of strange languages ​​appeared in the communication channel, and the voice began to evolve automatically until it became more and more similar to High Gothic.

"Apes and bastards, pay your respects to the noble overlord of the Cologne Dynasty!"

This sentence was said by the guard on the largest python, because he was slowly raising his spear at this time, pointing directly at the command deck of the Mars Witch.

Beside the guards, the overlord of the Necronomicon Dynasty named Colum was sitting on the throne, drinking tea in a dignified manner.

The water it drank flowed along the metal ribs to under the throne. Obviously it couldn't drink water, but it was doing this inexplicably meaningless thing.

"Report to the transport ship what is happening now." Diana ordered the operating officers.

The operator immediately uploaded the information and image data to the transport ship, and the transport ship would forward the data. Then the top management of the sector would know about the existence of Necron here, and the Tyron army and navy would come out in full force.

But that was later.

Faced with thousands of underworld constructs and one overlord, Diana pessimistically believed that 90% of the time the Martian Witch would not survive the attack by the army.

"Does driving this big toy prevent you from kneeling?" The guard's voice sounded over the communication channel again.

"They are not envoys sent by some civilization, and we do not need their respect." Overlord Cologne put down his tea cup and stood up from the throne. When he stood up, a black scepter appeared out of thin air in his free right hand. The top of the scepter is inlaid with the head of a python.

Coren's voice appeared in the communication channel: "You broke in by mistake, and you didn't fire on my pets like your companions did. I allow you to abandon your vehicle and leave in shame. But you have to answer my questions."

The Necrons are not an alien race that is difficult to communicate with like the greenskins. They have more complicated and cumbersome etiquette procedures than the human empire, and they also value honor.

But Diana didn't want to escape, and she hinted to her operator to activate the locking program for the phaser.

Coren noticed Diana's little movement, but it didn't do anything. He just asked: "What does the power you use come from?"

"What is your purpose for using this power?"

"Did you come here specifically to wake me up?"

After asking three questions in a row, Coren stood on the scorpion on the head of the giant python and stared at the Mars Witch quietly, turning a blind eye to the giant cannon that was slowly raised.

The guard could see that his master was really desperate for answers, otherwise the toy of the ape species in front of him would have been smashed to pieces.

Coren was indeed desperate, which even led him to grant Diana unprecedented tolerance.

The phase wave cannon on the left arm of the Mars Witch was raised, locked on Coren, and then opened fire.

A strong light like a supernova flashed in front of the muzzle, and then a ray headed straight for Cologne.

The ray passed through the python, through the forest behind the python, and through the mountains behind the forest. Its power was unstoppable, and its range was so far that Diana couldn't see the end point of the attack with auxiliary vision equipment.

But as the energy rushing in the air gradually dissipated and the vision gradually became clearer, Diana saw that Column was standing motionless and unscathed, and the underworld structures under him were also standing there without any damage.

The intelligent system carried by the Mars Witch analyzed the attack just now and transmitted the results to Diana's brain.

The attack just now did pass through the underworld structure and the two iron skeletons in front of them, but it failed to kill them because the attack was diverted by a special space technology.

The principle is similar: when the attack is about to hit Coren, Coren opens a portal in front of him, and the ray enters the space behind the portal, and is then released by the portal that Coren opens behind him.

That's why the ray penetrated the mountains and left Column unscathed.

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