Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 359 Structure

"Okay now, you can concentrate on formation training." Caron looked helplessly at the deep pit in front of him, imagining how clearly he could see the pit from the planet's orbit, "Those twenty-two meters high The snake must have been killed by you."

"Sorry, I'm not very skilled yet." Diana herself was confused.

While receiving theoretical training, Legion Lord Omun explained the characteristics of the Mars Witch.

There is a medium on the command deck of the Mars Witch, which is the metal sphere. Its material is exactly the same as the small device on the guard's neck, and this device can be used to passively or actively exert the power of the Lord of Tyrone.

Although Diana always listened to her father at home talking about how awesome Lord Tyrone was, how he could kill an army with just a raised hand, etc., she did not think that the medium of the metal sphere also had the power of Lord Tyrone himself. .

However, it turns out that maybe the metal sphere medium really does not have the power of the Lord of Tailong, but the power it can exert is also surprisingly powerful.

"Keep moving forward." Caron operated the Thunderbolt and ran forward quickly.

The Mars Witch and another War Dog-class Titan also moved forward as usual, and the three Titans quickly reached the edge of the pit.

At this time, Caron had a sudden idea and ordered Diana: "Can you try to get us through this pit quickly?"

Diana closed her eyes and felt the sphere medium again as before.

Blue streaks appeared on the surface of the medium again, but this time there was no lightning or fire, as if nothing happened. It was just that the Thunderbolt's auspicious device showed that the air readings at the bottom of the pit were different from normal air.

The Thunderbolt took a step, stepped on it tentatively, and then let its legs hang in the air.

That leg didn't step on anything, but it was like stepping on something. Not only did it firmly stabilize Titan's figure, it also allowed Titan to use it as a fulcrum to take another step.

Then a very amazing scene happened.

The three Titans were walking on flat ground above the pit, trudging through the air.

It's obvious that the air here is twisted into a solid form.

"This is not bad. I originally wanted you to teleport us there, but this is also okay." Caron said.

The three Titans continued to move forward until they passed through the deep pit created by lightning.

Ninety percent of the planet's surface is covered by forests. Even though dozens of kilometers of circular pits are clearly visible in low-Earth orbit, they are nothing to the forest as a whole.

As the Titans walked through the pit and deeper into the forest, they became farther and farther away from the colony behind them.

Every ten kilometers, Diana would order the operator to sound the Mars Witch's whistle, using a deafening roar to drive away the wild beasts in the forest.

At the same time, she was also concentrating on operating the Mars Witch forward.

The entire training was completed fairly well.

At least Cuaron was happy with Diana and acknowledged that she did have talent.

"We..." Kalon sent a transmission preparation command to the transport ship, but before he could announce the end of the training, he suddenly saw a huge object approaching quickly in the distance displayed on the auspicious device.

When the scan results were shared on the Martian Witch, Diana was staring at the holographic image in front of her, which showed a large group of beastmen.

The number of these beastmen was as high as one million. Although the beastman tribe without large anti-armor weapons could not pose a threat to the Titans no matter how large they were, their sheer number still made Diana sigh.

The beastmen shuttled back and forth between the forests, gradually gathering together.

They did not launch an attack. They just stood on the ground and looked up at the three divine machines. However, they were using their bodies to form a flesh-and-blood defense line, blocking in front of a python statue.

The tribal shaman who had escaped earlier waved the flag of the snake god and called on more of his kind to stand in front of him to make the flesh and blood defense line stronger.

"Stop staring at those ants." Caron's communication image replaced the holographic image and issued a stern order to Diana, "There is a large object approaching quickly. Please concentrate on me and prepare for battle!"

"Yes, Captain Cuarón." Diana withdrew her gaze, activated the scanner, and focused on viewing the scan results.

A moment later, a twenty-two-meter-tall giant python appeared in the sight of the three Titans.

Although Diana had seen the video before, the video was too blurry and the light was too dark. The only information she could get was that the python was very large and could spray green light from its mouth.

Now seeing the python with her own eyes under the sun, Diana gained more information.

The giant python is not a living thing.

It seemed to be made of metal, with the words of an unknown civilization engraved on its body, and some mechanical parts of its body emitted a strange green light.

This giant python is obviously an artificial mechanical body, and the alien race that created it has a strong culture of creature worship. The python is a very common animal on the home planet of their alien race and has been integrated into the culture of creature worship. Then this alien race This mechanical body was modeled after a python.

When the giant metal python appeared, the Beastman tribe regarded it as the arrival of a god. They all knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the giant python.

The python's eyes swept across the beastmen, and finally settled on the largest Martian Witch Titan, and immediately squirmed over to attack.

"Get back!" Caron shouted to remind Diana, controlling the Thunderbolt to rush towards the giant python, and fired one after another from the plasma cannons connected to his shoulders as he ran.

The first blue plasma bomb flew past the giant python's head, and the second plasma bomb hit the giant python's waist, blowing it into two pieces.

But the battle is obviously not over yet. Dense metal tentacles extend from the fracture of the giant python's metal body, and the two broken bodies merge back together.

"It's living metal." Diana recalled what she learned in school. There are war machines made of living metal in the Tyrone sector. The characteristic of this living metal is that it has the strength of metal and the characteristics of flesh and blood. Even if it is broken into pieces Even after splitting, they can fuse back together and even grow...

Caron didn't expect that the giant python was made of living metal. He realized that it would be dangerous to get closer to the giant python, but the War Dog Titan couldn't stop quickly as it charged forward.

In the process of gradually slowing down, the giant python wrapped around the Thunderbolt's body and easily crushed the Titan to the ground.

Another War Dog Titan shouted Caron's name, got close enough to shoot accurately, and fired two shots at the python's body.

Caron wanted to tell his companions that he was fine and didn't need to worry about him for now, but at this moment the python's head came to the Titan's head, and its slowly opening mouth was not filled with fangs but sharp teeth extending out in circles. artillery.

"Captain Cuarón!"

Diana's cry and the explosion sounded at the same time, and the Thunderbolt was turned into powder by the green lightning spewed by the giant python.

I will go to team building with the unit in the afternoon and tomorrow, and I will post five chapters first.

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