
Cypher saluted respectfully to Guilliman, then took out a triangular object and placed it against the flames on the edge of the prison.

"I only have to move my fingers to release you."

"But you have to promise me one thing."

When Cypher began to negotiate terms with Guilliman, Hillandri and the Harlequins did not stop him or interrupt him. They obviously knew each other.

Guilliman glanced at Hillandre first, then looked at Cypher: "Speak."

"You must take me to the palace to meet the Emperor," Cypher replied.

Guilliman wondered how this guy knew he was going to Terra? Is this matter already known to everyone?

"Promise me, and I'll let you out immediately," Cypher said.

Guilliman looked at the surrounding environment, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay."

The promise from the Primarch was powerful, and Cypher had no doubt that Guilliman would break his promise, and he immediately pressed the device.

The flames were dispersed throughout the prison, and the chains that bound Guilliman himself and his soul were broken.

"There's no time to talk any more, let's go quickly." Hillandri motioned for Guilliman and his fellow travelers to follow her.

The group immediately left the prison and rushed towards the Webway.

But before entering the webway, Guilliman and his party had to retrieve their weapons, so they first went to the equipment warehouse.

It was nothing more than fighting and killing along the way.

Those Space Marines of the Red Pirates Warband didn't even know what was going on, and were turned into pieces scattered on the ground by the Harlequins. The weapons used by these colorfully dressed Eldar were like phase weapons that could cut through anything. And not easy to detect.

Everyone successfully entered the equipment warehouse, obtained their weapons, and then prepared to continue to the Webway.

But before leaving, Hillandre's body trembled slightly, and she looked at the porthole of the equipment warehouse in shock.

In the cold void outside, a dimensional rift is opening.

Then an iron planet and a huge fleet of thousands of warships appeared in the center of the galaxy.

Hillandri stared at the iron planet, feeling that there seemed to be something terrible inside.

"A Tyrone?"

"What are they here for?"

"Save our father?"

"No, we never sent a distress signal..."


Guilliman listened to the discussion of his heirs and recalled the Tyron naval records he had seen, in which a cruiser was lost.

He had previously suspected that the cruiser broke away from the subspace and was salvaged by Huron along with all the weapons on it. Otherwise, how could Huron use the Tyron Navy's heavy-duty breakthrough torpedoes?

Now that Tyrone's navy is out in force, it is obvious that they are not here to suppress bandits thousands of light years away.

"We have to move quickly." Guilliman said to move quickly, but he walked in the completely opposite direction to the Webway. "I have to take back my flagship and take advantage of this opportunity."

Hillandri and Cypher had no choice but to follow Guilliman to rescue the Macragge's Glory.

As he passed the porthole in the corridor along the way, Guilliman observed the situation outside.

The teleportation technology of the Tyrones is indeed a headache. The red pirate warband is rushing to respond. They can't even form a battleship formation before they have to pile up battleships.

The two sides have already started fighting.

Dense particle light spears were being shot from the Tyrone Navy, hitting the battleships of the Red Pirates war gang. A cruiser was almost instantly blown into pieces by the overloaded void shield.

Because they were currently in the Maelstrom, a subspace passage in the real universe, Guilliman and his party could even hear explosions coming from the void.

Sometimes you can hear it, sometimes you can't hear it. Chaos is the normal state of subspace areas like the Maelstrom.

Tyrone Navy.

Battleship Lord Tyron.

The Lord of Tyrone was standing in the observation deck of the battleship Lord of Tyrone, listening to Adam's report, and looking at the void outside the huge porthole window with the guards.

Under their feet, outside of the transparent alloy, were the huge celestial engine planetary structure, and the rapidly rotating satellite structures of Titan and Titan.

"Attack the red pirate war gang." Qin Mo ordered, "until they spit out our people and warships."

The Lord of Tyrone and the other three battleships in the fleet turned their batteries and bombarded the battleships that the Red Pirates War Gang had just organized. They also bombarded the demon world where the Red Pirates War Gang was entrenched.

"The Glory of Macragge has been discovered." Adam's voice sounded in the observation deck.

"I saw it." Qin Mo squinted his eyes and stared two light seconds away.

Macragge's Glory, Blackstone Fortress...

Thinking about Guilliman's weakness and ability to fight in single combat, and considering that Carlos was probably colluding with the Red Pirates at this time, Qin Mo knew what was going on without asking.

Guilliman must have been captured.

"Help them." Qin Mo turned to look at the red pirate's black stone fortress, "Let them play a song."



A loud noise reached the ears of Guilliman and his party from outside the Blackstone Fortress, and they were even shaken by the tremor and could not stand still.

Looking outside through the porthole in the corridor, the giant particle light spears emitted by the two satellite structures of the celestial engine are opening holes in the demon world.

Terrifying attack, huge energy output...

I don't know why, but Hillandri and Efreni suddenly felt heart palpitations and had an ominous premonition.

And the source of the ominous premonition and heart palpitations is the celestial engine.


There was a sound from the Red Pirate Warband communicator that Seifer had just picked up, followed by an exclamation from the core of the Blackstone Fortress.

"They are invading our communication array..."

"Good morning, Red Pirate! Welcome to the Tyrone Navy Channel. I am here to play the sounds of nature to you in the name of the Lord of Tyrone. Please enjoy it."

Just as the so-called heavenly sound was about to play, Hillandry snatched the communicator and smashed it.

Her behavior made everyone completely confused, but they would soon understand.

The Night Holder fragments responsible for the functions within the planetary structure of the Celestial Engine are extracting energy, and all functions of the engine are turned on at maximum power. This terrifying energy output makes the powered Night Holder feel like he is undergoing hell-like torture. It is like He screamed like before.

Elf races like Efreni are more sensitive than humans. Although they did not hear the screams directly from the communicator, they still felt feelings of despair and pain.

As for the red pirates who directly listened to the screams...

Heart-rending screams could be heard everywhere in the Blackstone Fortress, as well as the super-loud cries of the Space Marines.

Guilliman and his party moved forward in astonishment, seeing horrifying sights along the way.

The Space Marines of the Red Pirates Chapter seemed to be crazy. Some of them were kneeling on the ground like crazy, holding daggers and numbly poking at their ears. The other part was howling, opened its mouth, bit the barrel of the bolter and pulled the trigger.

The mortal servants cried and climbed up to the high platform hand in hand, and then a large number of people jumped towards the bottom of the Blackstone Fortress.

"There is a fragment of the Star God in there!" Hillandry leaned against the wall weakly, being supported by a Space Marine, and stared at Efreni, "You went to the Tyrone sector... why didn't you follow I’m talking about these things!”

Efreyne was too weak to respond, and she and the Thousand Faces were supported by Guilliman's two hands.

At this moment, Thousand Faces suddenly envied the extremely dull senses of humans and their ridiculous spiritual talents in his opinion. At least they would only harm or commit suicide when they heard the screams of the Nightbringer, while the Eldar could sense it even if they couldn't hear it. arrive.

I'm still suffering from a cold. I'm going to take a nap. I have to get infusions in the afternoon.

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