Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 344 Lord Cypher

Huron walked on the road to prison.

Next to him was a man from the Black Mechanicus who was chattering about the situation of Macragge's Glory.

"The machine spirit above is particularly resistant to us. It is difficult to get it to side with you regardless of rituals or technical means."

"But as time goes by, the machine spirit will be loyal to you sooner or later."

"Sooner or later the Macragge's Glory will be yours."


Huron was unhappy.

The Glory of Macragge was already occupied by his men, but now he was unable to take possession of the flagship due to the uncooperative spirit of the machine.

But there is nothing we can do if we are anxious. Technical matters must be left to technicians.

Huron waved his hand, signaling the Black Mechanicus people to go to work, and then continued to move forward alone.

Finally, the Lord of the Maelstrom came to the prison where the original body was imprisoned, and stood outside the flames, watching the original body quietly.

He felt proud at first.

Capturing the Primarch...what an honor.

But after being proud, there is self-reflection. Is the pride just now influenced by the dark gods? If I continue to be proud, will I join the dark gods and get closer to the dark gods in the already dangerous place of the maelstrom? …

After reflection, I have very complicated emotions.

Robert Guilliman, Primarch Thirteenth, Lord of the Thirteenth Legion, Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar...

These names were embedded in Huron's mind and became his role model when he was not even a new recruit. This was not all influenced by the gene seed.

"Look who's here." Marius looked at Huron, "The traitor."

Guilliman turned to look at Huron, recognizing him and relating him to what he had read about the Badab War.

Huron waited for Guilliman's curse, but it didn't come.

Guilliman was in a very complicated mood at this time.

Huron actually defended the stability of the Badab sector near the Maelstrom, but he did do bad things to the Empire. His rebellion was not entirely due to the oppression and suspicion of the Empire. Huron himself also hid his secrets. Report on the problem of secretly expanding the army with gene seeds.

Huron's betrayal is difficult to blame solely on himself or the Empire; it is a complicated matter.

"Why did you wake up? Why are you so indifferent?" Huron asked, "The tragedy that the entire Star Claw Chapter has suffered is not enough to make you sad?"

"Of course I am sad, but I am even more angry at your betrayal," Guilliman said.

Huron's greatest mistake was betrayal, siding with the enemy he had sworn to fight.

Loyalty is its own reward - Guilliman would not say this, but he believed that since he became a Space Marine, he had responsibilities that he needed to uphold.

"If I had not rebelled." Huron lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "What will you think of me when you wake up? Father?"

"I will consider you to be my most outstanding and proud descendant, and I will personally come to the Badab sector to give you honors and rewards for your perseverance." Guilliman said seriously, "But that's it. You have become an enemy of humanity and an enemy of the Empire."

Huron nodded, admitting that that was the end of the matter.

It was enough to hear those words from the father of genes, and Huron was satisfied.

Now Huron can be the Chaos Lord of the Red Pirate Warband, the Lord of the Maelstrom, and the Blackheart King with peace of mind... He has never regretted it.

"There are only two ways things can develop now, either you die in my hands, or you kill me." Huron raised his chin to defy the father of genes, "Stay here Guilliman, your life and flagship It’s all mine.”

Guilliman looked at Huron, not angry, and said calmly: "Go and pray that you can do it, pray to the evil creatures you serve, just like my shameful brother, kneel on the ground, like A humble and twisted reptile."

In the maelstrom, Huron suppressed his emotions as much as possible, but what Guilliman said directly ignited his anger.

Huron admitted that he had never been led to the Dark Gods, and that he was not a lackey of the evil gods like Abaddon.

After a brief moment of rage, Huron calmed down and nodded to Guilliman: "Then pray to your father. After all, he is a god now, ten thousand years later."

After saying this, Huron turned and left.

Celestine withdrew his gaze from Huron and looked at Guilliman: "At least...he was half right. The God-Emperor is indeed a god."

"What's right? How dare you say you're not a mutant even though you agree with what the enemy said?" Greyfax had already pushed Celestine into the corner and kept bumping into Celestine who was tied up behind him. , "I will squeeze you to death with my back and judge you!"

Seeing this, Qian Mian let out a long sigh, "Asu Yan..."

Half an hour later.

Guilliman is still thinking of a way to break the situation, Greyfax is still wrestling with Celestine, and Cawl is trying to break the lock that connects his appendages to the Ultramarines.

The sound of footsteps came again.

Guilliman thought it was Huron again and did not look up, but the reaction of Marius, the Emperor's Champion, caught his attention.

Marius stared at the visitor with an angry gaze.

Guilliman looked up and saw a man in white robes standing outside the flames.

This man had two guns on his waist and a broken sword on his back.

The whole person is wearing Dark Angel-style armor, and his body is shrouded in white robes like the armor.

Marius thought of some rumors in the galaxy about Lord Cypher.

Lord Cypher is a traitor, at least the empire thinks so, but no one knows whether Cypher is an enemy or a friend. He sometimes appears in the traitor legions to deal with the loyalists, and sometimes appears on planets where the loyalists are declining, helping the loyalists deal with them. traitor.

Rumor has it that Cypher carries the Lion King's Lion Sword on his back.

Cypher suddenly entered the vicinity of the prison. The Space Marines of the Red Pirate Warband who were guarding the prison stared blankly at this guy of unknown origin. Because Cypher walked past them so calmly, the warriors could not even distinguish him immediately. Find out whether he is a friend or an enemy.

Until a red pirate raised his gun and fired at Cypher's back, but when his finger just pulled the trigger, his whole body fell apart.

A group of agile shadows appeared in the darkness and killed the prison guards one by one.

Efreni saw the people behind Cypher. They were her kind, also Eldar, but Eldar buffoons who believed in Silegor, the Laughing God.

Leading these Harlequins is Hillandri, known as the Veilwalker.

Every time, the clowns will appear at a critical point of fate. They either save people or fight against them. In short, only they know what they are doing.

"You are just like the prophet named Eldrad. You are either suffering or on the road to suffering." Hillandre walked to the prison and looked at Efreni.

"How did you get in?" Efreni couldn't believe it. "Swaggering all the way into the Amulet of Vaal like this?"

"Come in via the webway. The Vaal Talisman is ours. Of course there will be a webway here." Hillandre replied.

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