Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 311 Prophecy Warning

After answering Yaoen's question about how his grandfather obtained the knowledge with practical actions, He Qizheng turned off the player, closed the ancient books, and handed them to Yaoen together.

When Yaoen didn't know why he gave this thing to him, He Qizheng asked with a smile: "You seem to be able to scan things. Can you tell me the ingredients of the medicine? As long as you tell me, this thing will be yours." ”

Yaoen looked at the medicine bottle containing water purification tablets, and the ingredients of the medicine appeared in his electronic eyes one after another.

None of these ingredients are natural. Some of the ingredients are extracted in the Tyrone Star Region using the most sophisticated instruments and equipment and are used to make nanorobots used in therapeutic medicines.

The Beisu Nest City obviously does not have the ability to synthesize drugs, but this does not mean that you have to drink dirty water when the bottle of medicine is used up in the 100th district.

"If the purpose is to purify water, there is an easier way." Yaoen turned his head and looked at the wall, shooting an energy wave from his eyes to engrave a drawing on the wall, as well as a detailed manufacturing process for parts.

It was the equipment that Qin Mo used to purify water in the bottom nest. This thing is simpler and more convenient than medicine, but if you need a machine that can never break down and continue to purify water, nothing is more suitable than it.

This thing has even been miniaturized and put into soldiers' Army-standard power armor to purify body fluids into drinkable water.

After the engraving was completed, Yaoen took the ancient book from He Qizheng, but did not put it into his backpack immediately: "Are you sure you want to give this to me? Didn't you say that your family would not sell this even if they sold the respirator? ?"

"I will die." He Qizheng replied very calmly, "Maybe one day I will be killed by a monster with a slender tail just like my grandfather."

Yaoen nodded, thinking that this would most likely be the case.

"Everything my grandfather did will dissipate with his death. I don't want to lose everything when I die. At least I have to leave a long-term water source for the people in District 100." He Qizheng continued.

"Will you give this drawing to other residential areas?" Yaoen asked again.

He Qizheng felt that Yaoen might be afraid that he would monopolize the blueprint. He thought about it carefully and decided to tell the truth: "No. Because those gangs and speculators will hoard a lot of water crazily, and then unite to destroy the 100th District. The machines used to purify water were destroyed along with the blueprints, so they would have a more profitable way to make money than those powders."

"It seems that you are not an innocent and kind-hearted fool, so I'm relieved." Yaoen nodded with satisfaction and handed the ancient book to He Qizheng.

He Qizheng did not expect that Yaoen would exchange the ancient book for him, and he was stunned for a long time without reaching out to catch it.

Until Yaoen put the ancient book into He Qizheng's hand and said, "Keep it, maybe you can use the knowledge in it in the future."

Hearing this, He Qizheng suddenly realized something, but when he was about to ask, Yao En had already left the secret room first.

As he walked toward the ground, Yaoen sent a communication to Anruida and told Anruida everything he heard from He Qizheng.

Anruida compared the records in the scanned books and proved that the stories He Qizheng told about his grandfather were indeed true.

"What's next?" Yao En asked.

"You know what you have to do, there's no need to ask me." Anreda's expression was cold. "A governor's family that allows pure-blood gene stealers to help with assassinations... Such a governor's family should not exist at the Gate of Tyrone."

"You didn't scan any nobles for Genestealer genes?"

"No, they are completely normal on a biological level. But traitors are as hateful as enemies in Talon's Gate. I will find out who is working with the genestealers and clean them out."

"Okay, end of communication."

Yaoen returned to the surface and saw the psyker guarding the door.

At this time, there were bursts of artillery fire, and the 100th District was already fighting with the attackers.

Yao En prepared to help the 100th District fight, but before he walked out of the room, he asked the psyker a question: "In your prophecy, did this hive city be successfully taken over by us?"

"I saw Beisiu One being eaten clean by the swarm," the psyker said. "But I can see that there are many more void fortresses in the Beixiu galaxy, and the Tyrone fleet is setting up defenses here."

Yaoen nodded and asked again: "Can you see two completely different futures?"

The psyker nodded first, then thought of something, and shook his head: "To be honest, I can't see a second future at all. I can't even see you coming, and I can't see what will happen after you come. What... In my eyes, you are a dead person who has been dead for a long time... All the prophecies about your arrival were told to me by my master, and my master's spiritual power is more powerful."

Yao En was surprised to hear this.

The psyker continued: "Seventy years ago today, the master suddenly said something to me: Tell that soulless person that there will be a catastrophe in the Tyrone sector in seventy-one years."

Yaoen stared at the psyker with wide eyes. He felt that this probability was a crazy talk of a psyker, but it might not be true.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I don't have this sentence in my original memory... But I'm sure I heard the master say this at that time... It's so strange." The psyker said to himself in confusion.

Yaoen immediately saved this information and sent it to the Lord of Tyrone in the Tyrone galaxy, and then rushed to fight on the other side of the wall.


Anruida walked to the Governor's audience hall, and after conveying the order to the Governor's attendants that he wanted to see the Governor, he waited quietly.

If the Governor comes, then Anreda will control him and read his mind.

After a while, Anruida heard the sound of footsteps, the sound of tank tracks running, and the crunching sound of the wheels of a double-mounted fixed logging gun...

The door to the audience hall was pushed open, and the noble guards walked in.

These guards are composed of children of various noble families. They may belong to the same infantry squad and wear the same gorgeous military uniform, but the family crests on their shoulders are different.

The officers leading these noble guards were not the ones they had seen at the military parade before, but were new faces.

[The Genestealer genome was scanned. 】

When Anreda focused his eyes on the officers, a prompt appeared in his field of vision.

The appearance of these people means that the Governor already knows the results of Yaoen's investigation and that he has been exposed, but... why?

"Wait a moment." Anreda raised her index finger, "How did your governor know that he was exposed?"

An officer emerged from the Leman Rustan Cree at the door and smiled at Anreda: "Do you and that soulless person think that only that bitch in the bottom nest has psykers around him?"

"Oh, I understand." Anruida suddenly realized, "Okay, let's start the fight."

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