Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 310 Ancient Relics

With his slender tail, he was clearly a pureblood genestealer.

Very pure, so pure that it has a decomposition force field on its claws.

He Qizheng continued to recall what happened after his grandfather's death.

"My grandfather is gone, and the things he brought to the hive are gone with him."

"The tyrant is back again. The 7.5 million families in District 100 are forced to draw lots. Only the person who wins the lot in a family can survive."

"The priests who believed that my grandfather was the person chosen by the God-Emperor were taken away by the Inquisition. The New Church priests will not be held accountable for anything in the past."

"I was escorted by psykers and guard captains to the 100th District. The people here did not hate us because of the disaster our family had brought to them. Instead, they chose to follow me."

"When escaping from the top of the tower, the guard captain exchanged his life for mine and the ancient books passed down by our family from generation to generation."

The story ends here.

Yaoen frowned and thought about the whole story, and suddenly felt that something was very suspicious: "Your grandfather was a descendant, right? He was not a down-and-out noble, nor was he a man who received priest education in the state church."

"Yes." He Qizheng nodded.

"Then he should just be a kind and good person, not a capable person who is very capable in management." Yaoen said, "A person may have talent, but he will not have innate knowledge. Even if he has No matter how fast you learn, you still need to learn, otherwise you won’t know how to manage a hive city, let alone manage the hive city better. And how can Xiachao have an environment for him to learn?"

He Qi, who was being questioned, lowered his head and thought, his expression did not look like he had been exposed, but hesitant.

After hesitating for a long time, He Qizheng made a decision, got up from the bed and motioned to Yao En to go to the basement with him.

The psyker left the house, and Yao En followed him with confidence.

The basement is very large and contains all the underage children in District 100.

When Yao En came, he noticed that there was a relatively better house than this one in the residential area. If He Qi was the leader of District 100, then he should be in that better house.

So there is only one reason why He Qizheng lives in this dilapidated house.

That is, if outsiders break through the wall and come in, they will first kill He Qizheng and the psyker before killing the adults in District 100.

He Qi was leading Yao En through the children and walked to an alloy door.

After the electronic device next to the door scanned He Qizheng's irises, the door opened with a bang.

Yaoen felt that the door that was unlocked by an electronic device was quite novel to see in Beisu No. 1. After all, wet items were usually placed next to the door.

The scanning results of the electronic eye showed that the electronic door lock is an antique-level technological relic. It even has the functions of self-repair and self-destruction. The principle of locking the door is not to rely on opening and closing the door, but to generate an invisible energy on the door. Membrane, if the device is damaged, the energy membrane will disappear along with everything within a diameter of seventy meters.

The door closed after the two entered the secret room.

On the steel bookshelf in front of you are an ancient book and a medicine bottle with three pills left.

"This is a relic that our entire family has inherited to this day." He Qizheng walked to the ancient books. "Our family has always been very poor, but even if we sell the respirator, we will not lose these relics."

Yao En looked at the medicine bottle, and the electronic eye scan showed that it was a bottle of water purification medicine.

The ingredients in the tablets inside have a strong purifying effect.

There was a line of difficult-to-understand text written on the medicine bottle, which was translated in Yaoen's eyes after comparison and analysis in the database.

[Ancient Terran Language. 】

[Translation result: Emergency water purification medicine, produced by Xinxin Travel Group. 】

[After the escape capsule crash lands, please throw the medicine into any liquid you can find, and then use the included detector to detect whether the liquid has been over-purified and turned into ultrapure water. 】

[Do not add more than half a tablet to liquids below the ocean level. 】

"Is this why District 100 is not short of water?" Yaoen asked, pointing to the medicine.

He Qizheng glanced at Yaoen in surprise. He didn't expect that he knew the function of the medicine before he explained it.

But that's not important. He Qizheng took out the ancient book from the bookshelf and opened it.

Only then did Yaoen realize that it was a container that looked like a book. Inside was a small sphere that was inlaid on the container with rough craftsmanship.

When He Qizheng recited a spell in a language that Yao En could not understand, a physical image was released from the sphere, turning the entire room into a classroom.

Two stunningly beautiful brunette women appeared out of nowhere, both wearing glasses and holding books.

The two women walked up to He Qizheng and Yaoen, then took out a connecting cable from the brain-computer interface on the back of their heads and inserted it into Yaoen and He Qizheng's brain-computer interface.

Yao En suddenly found that he shared his senses with the woman in front of him.

Just when Yaoen thought this was a way for teachers to instill knowledge into students, the woman in front of him suddenly leaned down, and then...

"Sorry, I misplaced it." He Qizheng quickly switched to the next scene.

It's still the same classroom.

What appeared this time was not two women, but a black-haired man wearing strange clothes. This man looked similar to Anruida, He Qizheng, and the Lord of Tailong.

"I am Teacher He, whom everyone is familiar with. I will pick up the book and talk about Lesson 121: Colonial Management."

"As I said in the last lesson, if you can't even buy two yuan of basic learning equipment, you'd better be patient and listen to what I say."

“Our last lesson explained in detail the first step from purchasing a colony ship to establishing a colony. In this lesson we are going to learn how to manage a colony. I invited Jayne, a management professor who is well-known throughout the federation. "

"Come on, Jayne, say hello to everyone."

A blond man appeared out of thin air and greeted Yaoen and He Qizheng: "Hello, I am honored to participate in the course recording of Beixiu Galaxy University. Next, I will teach you how to manage the colony together with your teacher He."

"Starting from establishing a closed economic system that can operate in cycles, to how to build an army to more effectively clean up alien natives, to how to formulate laws."

The two men in the next video kept giving lectures, teaching Yao En and He Qizheng everything they knew about managing the colony.

This knowledge is really too advanced, and it would be out of place in the hive world of the 41st millennium.

Although this video course was created tens of thousands of years ago, it is indeed very scientific. They even have a language system that allows students to understand knowledge faster.

At the end of the course, Yao En realized that there was no need to use this physical video to study. The teacher said that this video was only used for knowledge continuation in the most extreme situations without basic learning equipment, and was stored in a self-repairing computer. in durable playback equipment.

The playback device hidden in a container like an ancient book only had two videos, and the video course was incomplete except for lesson 121.

But these two videos are enough to give an ambitious nester what he needs most - knowledge and comfort.

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