Before the Burner came to the human fleet, the closest thing to it was the heavy battlecruiser Quaren was riding.

Quarren stood in the bridge and Burner stood outside the bridge, the two looking at each other.

"Someone is invading our cogitator array!"

"He's almost done it!"

The men stood up and shouted to Quallen.

"It has been successful." A voice echoed in the bridge.

Although the creature outside the bridge did not speak, Qualen knew that was its voice.

"Before this unpleasant trip started, I thought the craziest guy I had ever met was Saranoga, but you little ants are even crazier than Saranoga."

"You are trying to destroy an enemy twenty times more numerous than you!"

Hearing these cold words, Qualen thought that the Burner was on the side of the Zerg.

But just when he was about to give the order to bombard the flaming guy, the Burner was tied up by a tentacle and dragged away.

A Devourer prepares to eat a Burner, but this action brings disaster to it and its kind.

Those tentacles were a hundred times larger than the Burning One, and it was swallowed by the Devourer without any resistance.

But the Devourer's mouthparts spurted out flames a second later, and countless holes appeared on the entire chitin carapace from which flames were ejected. The entire insect body was like an exploding star.

The strange flame that can burn in a vacuum environment covers everything within a hundred kilometers.

This distance is very large on the ground, but it is only a small area on an astronomical scale. The only things that were instantly burned by the flames were the huddled biological frigate and the two Devourers.

The Burner flashed from the center of the flames to outside the bridge where Qualen was, continuing the previous conversation.

"Where did the torpedoes you used come from?"

Quallen heard the questioning.

The Burner came just for the torpedoes. When it was cleaning bugs on Baal, it sensed the energy of the dimensional space. This dimension belonging to the Forger reappeared, so it immediately flew out of Baal and headed straight for the fleet.

Without being sure whether the flaming uninvited guest was a friend or an enemy, it was of course impossible for Qualen to share any information with the Burner, so he chose to remain silent.

At this time, a Tyrone frigate was teleported into the orbital dock for repairs. The Burner saw this scene. This time it directly saw a ship using the dimensional space.

Although the human fleet is full of humans, the styles of the ships are obviously different.

Burner looked at the Tyrone ships, quickly found the largest one, and immediately teleported outside the Tyrone Lord.

The communication encryption method on the Lord of Tyrone had no effect. It was not even able to hold on for a second before it was cracked by the Burner, and its voice reached Adam's ears.

"Where did the technology you use come from?" Burner asked.

Adam was very confused by this uninvited guest's question. What did the technology he used have to do with him? If it was the inquisitor of the empire, it would still make sense...

Considering that the other party did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend, Adam also chose to remain silent and ordered the ship's weapons to be aimed at the Burner.

The Burner didn't know why every human he met refused to tell him where the things he used came from. Even if the humans were not the caster's dependents or slaves, they must have received help from the caster.

The fleet to which the ship in front of us belongs can directly use dimensional space, which shows that their engines use dimensional technology.

After confirming that the person in front of him definitely knew about the Forger, the Burner began to accumulate energy.

"The energy readings of the target creature are skyrocketing!"

Adam heard the deputy report loudly.

"This moment is equivalent to...two hundred nuclear bombs..."

The deputy was astonished.

And the energy accumulated by the burner is still rising.

"Answer me, die, choose one of the two." The Burner's voice sounded again.

Adam still didn't respond.

The Burner attacks all biological ships approaching the Lord of Tyrone while continuing to accumulate energy. It has never been very patient, but some things can go wrong if you don't have a little patience.

The Burner wanted to kill every human being who was the Riddler it saw, but it felt that it could not do so. After all, it was not seeking revenge from the Forger.

The humans I saw before were not the caster's dependents, but the ones I saw now should be.

There is a set of rules for the Star Gods to get along with each other. One Star God cannot kill the slave of another Star God.

"Tell me, how do I get rid of these bugs?" Burner asked.

Adam was stunned for a moment, unable to believe what he heard: "What did you say?"

"I want to help you kill insects." Burner decided to come up with a tried and tested method, which is to give these short-sighted little creatures a taste of sweetness. "I previously considered entering space directly to attack biological ships, but these biological ships are not as good as There are just as many bugs on the surface, and even if I don’t have hundreds of stellar rotation cycles, I can’t kill them all.”


"Tell me how to kill them quickly!"

Adam felt that the creature in front of him might have some good intentions. Although he didn't know what its purpose was, there shouldn't be any harm in cooperating for the time being.

As for what to do next, of course it is to contact the world of Tailong No. 1 and ask the Lord of Tailong what to do.

"Okay." Adam pointed forward, "There is a large biological ship there that is surrounded by many biological ships and is constantly evacuating backwards. Kill it."

"What's the use of that? They'll also run away like bugs on the ground?"

"I can't say for sure...but that's what the database shows."

"Okay, if it doesn't work I'll pull your tongue out."

The Burner dubiously decided to give it a try. Instead of rushing directly to the mothership, it flew to an Imperial frigate.

As it raised its hands, the frigate's weapon was drawn away and disintegrated then reformed into a spear.

Adam looked at Burner in confusion.

The spear floated slowly towards the Burner, was held by one hand, and then was raised again.

Finally, the Burner threw a spear at the Zerg mothership.

The spear flew out like a rocket, its tail spraying flames, and flew across hundreds of kilometers to the Zerg mothership in the blink of an eye.

It first penetrated the Kraken blocking the flight path, then penetrated the two Devourers that were transferred over, and finally penetrated the mothership and flew out of the galaxy.

This scene looked shocking, but Adam had only one thought: That's it?

A spear that can penetrate several battleships is indeed impressive, but this is meaningless because the wound caused by the spear is as small as a wound made by a needle in the human body.

However, the biological ship that was penetrated quickly spontaneously ignited and exploded, and the mothership was blown to pieces.

The hive fleet lost its mothership, and the zerg swarm lost the Norn Queen in the mothership. The zerg swarm on the Baal moon was as out of control as the zerg swarm on the planet, and the same was true for the biological ships in the fleet.

The power displayed by the Burner amazed Adam. It just knew what it could do to defeat the Zerg faster, and then it used a more powerful combat power than the fleet to turn the tide of the battle.

"Report the existence of this creature." Adam immediately ordered, thinking that if it is hostile to the star area or the Lord of Tyron does not allow it to enter the star area, then it cannot be allowed to pass anyway. "The entire ship is ready for battle. "

chapter Five

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