Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 290 Humanoid Creatures

The ten torpedo ships of the Tyrone fleet began to gather towards the front of the fleet.

These torpedo ships are a new type of ship, and their purpose is to launch torpedoes as killer weapons at the enemy. In order to maximize the ability to launch torpedoes, they are not even equipped with light lances or arc weapons.

After gathering, the torpedo ships opened fire on the countless biological ships ahead. A total of thousands of torpedoes detached from the launch tubes and flew forward.

The biological ship located on the path of the torpedo releases a black mist. The black mist is composed of large and small flying insects. They are like brave carrier-based aircraft that find that the biological munitions they launch cannot hit. When piercing the torpedo shell, they choose to gather together and directly collide with the torpedo.

The transfer loading device in the torpedo ship transfers a new batch of torpedoes directly from the arsenal into the launch tube, and then fires again.

The number of launches was the same as before, but this time they were all heavy-duty torpedoes with protective capabilities, mixed with ten torpedoes that were larger and slower flying.

Half of the first batch of torpedoes fired were intercepted, and the remaining half exploded in the biological ship group. The different warheads they carried had different effects.

Some explode directly, some release arc seas, and some release hundreds of particle spears like flashlights.

These torpedoes destroyed at least three hundred biological ships, and the Hive Fleet immediately launched an interception at any cost after realizing the power of the torpedoes.

A large group of Stranglers rushed towards the second batch of torpedoes, and more biological carrier-based aircraft also swept over.

But this second batch of heavy-duty torpedoes has protective capabilities, and the close-defense weapons carried on them began to fire at biological carrier-based aircraft.

The battle situation of the Leviathan Hive Fleet was learned by the Hive Mind. It did not understand why someone would equip torpedoes with close-defense weapons. What was the meaning of this.

These heavy torpedoes fly slower and only have close-defense weapons. Although they do intercept some attacks, their speed determines that their attack effect is not as good as the first batch of light torpedoes.

But hidden among the heavy torpedoes are ten larger torpedoes, which are the main force of the second attack.

The heavy torpedo swarm repels the biological carrier-based aircraft, pierces through the intercepting biological ship, and flies towards the core area of ​​the Hive Fleet.

Finally, ten super-heavy torpedoes detected themselves arriving at the center of the Hive Fleet and immediately self-destructed.

A dimensional space rift appeared on the battlefield, and all the biological ships located at the location of the rift and nearby were swallowed up.

Dimension Torpedo.

Tyrone Technology version of the Vortex Torpedo.

Any creature swallowed by the dimensional space will have its soul torn apart due to the lack of protective devices. The soulless empty shell will also be accelerated by aging and decomposition in the time wave of the dimensional space.

The Hive Mind is aware of the threat of torpedo ships, but it does not deploy biological ships to attack the torpedo ships at the front of the fleet, because although there are thousands of biological ships swallowed by the rift, they are still considered safe among the entire Hive Fleet. Accept the loss.

The biological ships were still bent on dividing the human fleet, and they were almost there.

The defeat had a chain reaction as a frigate on the far left side of the fleet was chewed to pieces and the cruiser next to it was snatched away by the tentacled Devourer.

The formation of the fleet gradually dispersed and was about to be split in half by the biological ship.

Quallen realized that the fleet could only advance so far for the time being. There must be a way to protect the fleet at this time and then give the fleet time to regroup.

Adam realized this too.

"Enable defense platform."

When Adam's order was conveyed to the orbital dock, the defense platforms parked in the dock's shipyard were immediately activated. They were neatly teleported out of the orbital dock and teleported around the fleet.

The number of weapons carried by the defense platform even exceeded that of a battleship. Countless light spears penetrated all biological ships within the attack range. A large number of heavy torpedo groups surged out from directly below the platform and flew to the side of the own battleship that was about to be swallowed. Weapons assist those battleships in their defense.

After using the light spear to fire continuously for five minutes, two crimson light balls were shot out from the main cannon at the core, and everything along the way would be melted by it.

After flying fifty kilometers away, the ball of light turned into a shower of scattered beams, and the biological ship the size of the Devourer was riddled with holes.

At this time, the orbital dock rose directly above the fleet and fired arcs at the biological fleet diagonally below.

Under the double blow of the defense platform and the orbital dock, the swarm fleet could only avoid the edge temporarily and circle around the orbital defense platform and the human fleet protected by it, trying to kill the defense platform.

But no matter how you try, when the shields of those defense platforms are about to collapse, a blue light will flow back and forth between the platforms to repair the shields.

The Hive Mind realizes that these defense platforms are the same as those left by enemy ships over Baal, and must either destroy them all or avoid them.

The human fleet was quickly reorganized under the protection of the defense platform, and the damaged ships entered the orbital dock for rapid repair. All previous efforts made by the biological ships to divide the fleet were in vain.

The human fleet moved forward again.

The defense platform was teleported directly to the Zerg mothership.

Qualen hoped that those platforms could sink the biological mothership, but soon discovered that the commander of the Hive Fleet seemed to have the ability to predict the future. He deployed some Kraken to the direction transmitted by the platform, and appeared when the defense platform left the dimensional space. Sometimes they overlap with those sea monsters.


Qualen believed that only spiritual power could explain all this.

Just like the Zerg have their psychic fighting units, the Cerebrates, who can use their psychic powers to predict the future, so can they.

Although the attempt to use the defensive platform to decapitate was indeed unsuccessful, the fleet that had time to repair and reorganize was able to continue moving forward.

Everything develops as before.

The fleet struggled to advance under the siege of biological ships, and the enemy's mothership always kept its distance.

"If it keeps running, we won't be able to catch up." Quarren said to Adam.

"Of course we can't catch up." Adam calculated. Judging from the speed of his own fleet, trying to catch up with the biological mothership is tantamount to wishful thinking, but this is expected, and there are solutions.

"Get as close as possible. When we enter the 700-kilometer range, we can teleport there stably."

"As long as the Hive Fleet cannot fill all the gaps within seven hundred kilometers with biological ships one after another, we can teleport there."

Adam speaks out.

Qualen thought this was feasible, but there were so many biological ships around him that it was impossible to even use teleportation to travel a short distance.

The fleet continued its arduous journey.

Just when Quarren and Adam thought this war would be extremely difficult, a ball of flame flew into space from the surface of the planet Baal and headed straight for the fleet.

Nothing could stop it. The chitinous carapace of the biological ship was vulnerable to the flames. It did not even change its route to avoid some larger biological ships, but directly crashed through them and rushed to the fleet.

As it came closer, Adam saw that it was not a ball of fire, but a humanoid creature covered in flames.

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