Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 286 Two Fleets

That night.

Dante and Mephiston still came to the statue of Sanguinius and formulated the next battle plan at the table.

"Our decapitation operations are very effective."

"The swarm is beginning to fall into chaos."

Mephiston recounted the latest situation he had compiled.

The death of the Lord of the Swarm turned the tide of the war, and the scale of victory slowly tilted towards the human side.

There are still bugs wandering outside the Angel Fortress, but they are just wandering around, and occasionally follow their instincts to attack nearby people, or kill each other.

After listening, Dante nodded slowly: "We must immediately carry out the next step of the operation to expel the insects outside the fortress."

The situation was less desperate, but still urgent.

Neither Chief Think Tank Director Mephiston nor the Burner can say how long the chaotic situation of the Zerg Swarm will continue, but no matter how smoothly the battle on the surface goes, the Zerg biological fleet outside the planet will always Difficult to deal with.

Mephiston can only think about how to clean up the messy bugs at the moment, but as the leader of the chapter, Dante must think more long-term. He has to think about how to deal with the biological battleships.

After thinking for a moment, Dante pointed to the visualized three-dimensional planet on the table. When his finger touched the planet, a network of dots appeared on the surface of the planet.

Both of them knew that the dots that made up the network were anti-orbital devices.

Dante's intention is also obvious, which is to use these anti-orbital devices to destroy biological warships.

After losing the fleet and orbital control, the people on the ground were not helpless.

Powerful anti-orbital devices are the final trump card.

"We don't know how many of these devices have been destroyed by bugs." Mephiston pointed to the orbital defense network. "You know, the bug swarms are intelligent. They must have gradually cleared the anti-orbital devices before."

"Yes, but I think there are still one or two left." Dante said.

Mephiston thought about it carefully and felt that there might be remaining orbital defense devices.

These installations are not structures exposed on the surface, but are hidden deep underground, within fortified fortresses that can be raised and lowered.

With the insect swarm attacking the Angel Fortress with all their strength, they really don't have many troops to use to destroy the devices. It is very likely that there are still survivors in those devices.

But then I thought about it...


Do these two words really mean anything to the Zerg?

Maybe they can attack Baal while releasing dense insects on the surface of Baal.

There is even a more terrifying possibility, that is, the insect swarm attacking Angel Fortress is not the main force...

War is like this. In the process of falling into a disadvantage, not only the war situation gets worse, but also the logistics, intelligence, and so on.

"We have to fight no matter what." Dante looked at Barr firmly, "This is our mission."

"Of course." Mephiston nodded.

The two discussed together for a while.

Until Mephiston suddenly raised his head and looked at the night sky outside the window, he knew what time it was just by looking at it.

Mephiston stopped the discussion, sat on the ground and began to meditate.

This is a regular contact with the astropaths on Parcel.

Mephiston heard the battle report from the Astropaths.

The swarm began to go crazy.

But the Blood Knights Chapter has been destroyed.

Mephiston was saddened by this news.

Strictly speaking, the Blood Knights Chapter is already a traitor. Like the Flesh Tearers Chapter, they were seriously troubled by the Black Rage and Blood Thirst. They did many bad things and were expelled from the Empire.

The Blood Knights Chapter has only a few normal men left on Baal, who they hope will become the Chapter's spark.

But it is a pity that these fires were not preserved during the beheading operation.

After the sorry message, comes the good news.

After hearing this news, Mephiston opened his eyes and looked at Dante, and said in surprise: "We will win!"

Dante looked at Mephiston in confusion.

While watching, Mephiston slowly told the reason.

"A fleet is coming to Baal."

One light-year away from Baal.

Hundreds of warships are arranging in an orderly manner, conducting weapons and personnel inspections in preparation for the next war.

These are two fleets.

One was an Imperial fleet led by Imperial Admiral Quaren himself.

The other was the Tyrone naval fleet, led by Adam.

The imperial fleet was not the elite in Quallen's hands, but pieced together by his personal prestige.

It's not that Quaren or the Ministry of Military Affairs don't care about Baal, it's just that no one knew that Baal was being attacked by the Hive Fleet until an inquisitor directly reported Baal's situation to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

There is no astrology being sent from the Crimson Scar sector, which is the weirdest thing.

The star areas previously attacked by the swarm will also lose contact.

A useless fleet was put together outside the Scarlet Scar sector. Quallen did not have time to bring his ace, so he could only bring a small entourage to the fleet to take command.

Just as the Imperial fleet was getting closer to the Scarlet Scar sector, and Quaren in the heavy cruiser was formulating the most pessimistic plan, a piece of good news reached his ears.

The Tyrone fleet applied to join the war.

The two sides then conducted a series of communications and decided to meet one light-year away from Baal.

The naval admiral was more polite and well-educated, and Quallen took the fleet's senior leaders to the flagship of the Tyrone fleet for the first meeting between the leaders of the two fleets.

At this moment, Qualen was standing on the bridge of the battleship Lord of Tyrone.

Before coming, Qualen thought he would see a beautiful bridge, but all he saw was a small, bare metal room, with the only furnishings in the room being a few jars.

When the shell of one of the jars opened, a gush of nutrient solution seeped through the floor.

Adam opened his eyes in the tank, and a large bundle of cables connected to the back of his head acted like a mechanical arm, supporting him and lifting him out of the tank.

The two had met during the war in the Obscure Star Territory, but it was only through a screen. Only then did Quallen see Adam's true form. He had no idea that he was actually fighting in a jar.

Like the Army’s fantastically rumored Titan pilot…

"Who will direct the battle next?" Adam asked.

This question was too direct, and Quan Lun was stunned for a moment.

But this is something that needs to be addressed.

It is conceivable how many biological warships the Zerg will have. If the two fleets just fight side by side instead of twisting together, they will not be able to win.

After thinking for a moment, Quailun planned to show that he was commanding the battle, but he couldn't be too straightforward. After all, the other party was not his subordinate.

However, before Quallen could speak, Adam spoke first: "You take charge."

This was something Adam had thought about deeply on the way here.

Adam believed that Quallen's command level as an imperial admiral was higher than his own, which had been proven in the small-scale cooperation in the Obscure Star Territory.

The ensuing battle was a battle involving nearly a thousand ships from two fleets, rather than a show of intrigue and vying for the limelight.

"..." Quallen had known that Adam was a very rational person, but his attitude was still unexpected.

After taking a deep breath, Quan Lun nodded slowly: "Okay."

Adam returns to the tank.

Qualen left the bridge.

The meeting ended very quickly without any unnecessary fuss or ceremony.

The two fleets set sail again and headed straight for Baal.

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