Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 285 The situation is improving

The Holy Blood Guard quickly cleaned up the out-of-control bugs and walked over to Dante to get a closer look at him.

"I'm fine." Dante took off his mask, sat on the ground and took a breath.

The members of the Holy Blood Guard were puzzled by the fact that their Chapter Master had been slowing down recently.

Based on Dante's ability to compete with the Lord of the Swarm just now, even if he is old, he will not be so tired that he needs time to breathe like a mortal. Besides, it is still war time.

But maybe the duty of the Holy Blood Guard is just to protect Dante and he doesn't have to shoulder the responsibilities of many battle groups and home planets, or maybe it's because they are all in their prime... They didn't realize that Dante frequently showed signs of fatigue. It comes from psychological fatigue.

Physical fatigue can be overcome, but mental fatigue cannot.

"Leave some people to protect the chapter leader and rest." The captain of the Holy Blood Guard gave orders to the others, "The others are following me..."

"I'm not an old guy who needs children to protect me." Dante stood up and walked outside the cabin.

The others looked at each other and followed helplessly.

The size of the ship is enormous.

Even though 50% of the crashed ship had turned into debris on the surface of Baal, there was still at least eight kilometers of hull left.

The specific model of this battleship cannot be identified. Dante can only tell from the decorations or logos on the walls that it is a ship of the Gate of Heaven fleet.

The Heaven's Gate fleet was tasked with protecting Baal, but they failed.

The Imperial Navy fleet guarding the Hades galaxy was annihilated very dramatically. They got close to the Zerg biological warship when it was frozen by the Radiant Shield, and were quickly annihilated by the resurrected biological warship.

The Gate of Heaven fleet is more decent than the fleet in Hades, at least they did not die from carelessness.

Dante was guided by Mephiston as he traveled through the battleship, allowing him to find others who were still alive, and then discovered that although the beheading operation was going quickly, it was not all smooth sailing.

When the giant insects rushed out of the deck, many people were shaken or knocked away. Then the insect swarms inside and outside the ship knew where the humans were in an instant and surrounded the scattered people.

This battle cost more than 700 casualties.

After Dante found the Lamenters, he found that the Lamenters battle group suffered little losses, with more than 80 of the 100 men left in the first company.

Chapter Master Foros is also alive, but with a bone knife stuck in his abdomen.

"Were you attacked by bugs?" Dante immediately stepped forward to take the arm from Foros's subordinates and supported Foros's body.

Dante believed that Foros was injured because of a sneak attack.

As a descendant of an angel, Dante also knew some news about the Lamenters and knew that they often fought alone.

In this kind of war group, the person who can serve as the leader is definitely a person with excellent combat skills and commanding ability.

But the truth is not what Dante thought.

"I teleported." Foros weakly said four words.

Although it was not detailed, Dante still understood.

Obviously, Foros must have made a mistake when using the wonderful teleportation technology of the Tyrone people. It may be that the situation was too urgent and there was no time to think about it. There must be an insect wielding a knife at the location where he teleported.

The bone knife overlapped perfectly with Foros's abdomen, and the surface of the blade was integrated with the flesh, flesh and ceramic armor.

"Feel sorry."

As the group moved on to search for the remaining survivors, Foros suddenly apologized.

Dante glanced at Foros in confusion.

Foros continued: "My people were scattered at the beginning. The people with the fewest bugs quickly cleared an area, and the others teleported over to gather... We wanted to save the others, but there were too many bugs in them, so we forced The teleportation will blend in with the bug.”

"I understand." Dante nodded, "You did what you could do, I did what I could do, and that's enough."

Foros lowered his head in silence.

Everyone moved on.

Those who were still alive during the beheading operation were gradually found. A total of 1,000 people were now only more than 200 left. It can be seen that although the others did not fight against the Lord of the Swarm, they were not easy either.

After finding all the Space Marines, Dante did not forget to find the data craftsman and his mechanical warriors.

When the two sides met, Dante discovered that there were only a dozen mechanical warriors left out of nearly a hundred.

The iron man with many arms and various weapons was standing among the piles of bug corpses, chopping the carapace on the wreckage to open a path, looking for something.

"What is it looking for?" Dante looked at the data craftsman and pointed at Heat Death.

"Core device." The data craftsman replied, "We cannot upload data here. It must find a core device of the same type."

Dante nodded and looked around.

The location where the data craftsman fights is at the deck entrance, which is very vast and wide.

In such a big place, you can't see the floor at all, you can only see hills made of insect corpses.

One can imagine how fierce fighting broke out here.

Heat Death gradually found all the core devices of its dead compatriots, printed them on its own limbs and carried them, and then walked past the Data Artisan.

The data craftsmen followed silently behind Heat Death.

In Dante's eyes, the data craftsman looked more like someone with a chip inserted into it.

Heat Death walked at the front, and the others walked behind, leaving the crashed ship and reaching the outside.

Outside the ship was a sea of ​​fire, and the Burner was standing there waiting for everyone.

In the previous battle, the Burner had been intercepting the large Zerg forces outside the ship. It completed this task perfectly. Even Heat Death, who was fighting at the entrance, did not see any bugs rushing in from outside the ship.

The only thing that can rush into the ship is flames.

"The battle is over." The Burner floated in front of the humans and iron men. "This beheading operation is very effective. The insect swarm is out of control."

Hearing this, Dante nodded with satisfaction, feeling that the effect was better than he imagined.

The fall of Baal will no longer be possible.

At least the surface is defended, only Bayonet, Bayonet and a fleet of biological warships need to be dealt with.

"Please gather together." The Weeper Technical Sergeant took out the teleportation device, preparing to teleport over a large area as he came.

But the Burner took the first step. It just raised its hand, and everyone appeared in the core area of ​​the fortress across a distance of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

At this time, Dante knew that the Burner could teleport everyone there or away without using any teleportation device. No matter what the teleportation method was, it was more stable and convenient.

At that time, the giant insects should have been evacuated when they emerged from the underground, but the Weeper and others were separated and unable to use large-scale teleportation.

The Burner guessed what Dante was thinking, and a cold-sounding sentence echoed directly in Dante's mind.

"No matter how great the losses are, the decapitation operation must continue. I don't have much patience or time."

"If I enter the ship, the bugs will probably choose to avoid it, so..."

After Dante heard these words, he said nothing more.

I have written about the fleet battle. I am secretly investigating the Tyranid fleet in the Scarlet Scar sector (actually I don’t know that the Zerg warships are looking for information). I will update less today.

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