Fortress underground operating room.

The Burner stood in front of a pile of broken recruit training devices, looking down at the Holy Blood Priest named Kobro.

Standing next to Coblo was Bellona.

The reason why the Burner came here is because Bellona said that she wanted to ask a great and intelligent creature for help for something.

The Burner wasn't very interested in things like flattery, but considering that Bellona was the only one willing to take him to Tyrone, he still rushed over patiently.

Facing the Star God fragment, Cobulo made his request: "Have you done any research on biotechnology?"

"I'm not particularly good at this." Burner shook his head, "But let's talk about it, the knowledge I have is more than enough to deal with ants."

Cobulo did not continue immediately, but looked at Bellona.

The latter nodded.

It was Bellona who suggested that Coblo tell the angry guy about the gene seed. No matter what it was, it possessed science and technology that were beyond the reach of humans.

Cobulo was reluctant at first. He wanted to help his brothers get rid of their shortcomings through his own efforts...

But Bellona persuaded Cobulo with one sentence: You know how difficult blood thirst and black rage are to study, and this may be the only chance.

People in desperate situations just can't let go of the glimmer of hope they see.

"Look at these." Coblo showed what he wrote on the paper to Burner.

It only describes the problems of blood thirst and black rage faced by the descendants of angels, and does not involve information about gene seeds.

After reading this vague information, Burner asked: "Whatever biotechnology you are using, is it related to the subspace?"

Coblo thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Then what's the use of you looking for me!" The flames on the burner suddenly became strong, and some flammable objects in the operating room began to spontaneously ignite.

This is a rage that penetrates the viewer's soul, and those present cannot help but feel terrified.

But the Burner did not release the flames to burn the people in front of it, just like it did not burn to death Foros and the others. It thought about many things and then decided to calm down.

"The subspace is not as cold and ruthless as the real universe."

The Burner squeezed out some patience and gave it to the person in front of him.

"In the real universe, there is no cost to what you do, and there is no reason why you have to balance it."

"You may not understand. To put it simply, in the real universe, the technology you master is advanced enough, and you can create perfect genetically enhanced warriors. As long as you are powerful enough, you can make them perfect."

"But if it involves subspace, there may be some costs. That's what I mean by balance."

After hearing what Burner said, Cobulo felt a little desperate.

I have made countless efforts to free my brothers from their flaws, and I am willing to pay any price, but in the end, it becomes meaningless just because it has something to do with subspace?

"I can't help it, but maybe others can. A small flaw is nothing. I've seen more powerful genetically modified warriors, the ones that directly use subspace energy. They seem to be quite close to perfection. Aren't you guys? It may become as close to perfection as possible." Burner continued.

"Thank you." Cobulo had another glimmer of hope.

"But having said that, there is no need for you to become more perfect. No matter how you strengthen your already short and fragile life, it will be like a candle in the wind. It means nothing from a macro perspective." Burner said, turning around and floating out of the operating room.

Cobulo stared at the Burner's back and secretly cursed the arrogant bastard.

The next day.

The attack of the insect swarms became fierce again, and the insect sea composed of more powerful insects than before was impacting the outer wall of the fortress.

The decapitation operation must be carried out immediately.

The combat team is the same as before, the first company of each battle group, Dante, Burner, and Iron Man.

Since it was not known whether beheading the Swarm Lord would repel the Zerg, most of the troops had to stay in the fortress to defend it.

Before the execution of the beheading, all combatants gathered in the monastery.

"I conducted a psychic reconnaissance of the combat location, and the number of bugs there tripled, but that's not a problem." Mephiston said to everyone.

"I will still personally participate in this battle." Dante said.

After listening to these words, a chapter leader raised his hand and asked: "How do we get there? The protective transport plane leaving the fortress air defense position may be easily shot down."

"Teleport over." Dante said, "The Lamenters have teleportation technology, which is more stable and accurate."

Foros nodded.

The teleportation protection device brought this time is not enough for everyone, but it doesn't matter, the technical sergeant has just figured out how to use the collective teleportation protection device.

"We teleport there, quickly complete the task, and return."

"If the situation changes during the teleportation, we will teleport back again."

"This time is different from before. We are not trying to kill many synaptic creatures. We have only one target."

After Dante finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee in front of the statue of Sanguinius and performed a pre-battle prayer.

Everyone is like him.

After the prayers were completed, everyone went to the open area. The technical sergeant took out the collective teleportation protection device. The teleportation device carried on the Storm Lady immediately sent everyone to the target location.

It did not appear outside the damaged battleship, but on the empty deck inside the battleship.

There are pools here filled with bubbling green liquid.

"It seems that the Tyrone thing is really useful and didn't send us directly into it." Karan said, pointing to a digestion tank.

The atmosphere was not too tense now, so Karan said something unrelated to the battle.

The swarm had no idea they were coming.

Dante then heard Mephiston's voice: "The swarm doesn't know you are in the battleship."

Mephiston is inside the fortress, using his psychic powers to protect Bellona's apprentice with the think tanks, and uses this apprentice to observe the situation inside and outside the battleship.

Sometimes psychic powers are really useful.

Many pictures appeared in the apprentice's mind. He visited the entire battleship and the area outside the battleship, but it only took less than a second.

He saw the bugs outside the battleship that seemed to be protecting the Lord of the Swarm, without any movement.

"Go forward." Dante held the ax and walked in front.

For fear of alarming the Lord of the Swarm again, Mephiston helped the apprentice ignore all images of the Lord of the Swarm in the pictures he saw, acting like a psychic shield.

The Lord of the Swarm was unaware that someone was observing the entire battleship.

But the combat team also doesn't know the location of the Swarm Lord.

The technical sergeant took out a detector, confirmed the location of the Lord of the Swarm through the large Zerg individual displayed on the detector, and walked in front to lead the way.

After walking for half an hour, the technical sergeant suddenly stopped and looked at Foros: "The detection results above show that there is a Zerg individual among us..."

"What do you mean? Is there a person among us disguised as a bug, or is the bug in the middle of all of us?" Dante asked.

"Located in the middle." The technical sergeant tapped the detector twice in confusion, but it still showed that there was a bug in the middle.

But looking around there was nothing at all.

Mephiston at the rear discovered this situation. He used his psychic powers to help the apprentice conduct detection, and did not see any bugs.

If neither visual nor psychic means can detect it, it proves that there is a high probability that the detector is wrong.

Everyone moved on.

Until one Space Marine felt his feet slipping and looked down.

Under the feet is a fleshy object that gradually appears. It does not move, like a device made of flesh and blood.

The Space Marine looked up at Dante.

At the same time, the deck shattered, and a giant insect emerged from the ground and swallowed half of the combat team.

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