Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 282 Blood Thirst, Black Rage

While the battle plan was being formulated, Karaon received orders from the Chapter Master to bring out all existing brothers of the Black Rage on Baal and arm them.

Those who suffer from black rage do not know who to catch and kill, so this is not an easy task. Karan found Foros and persuaded him to lead a company of terminators to do this with him.

However, Foros believes that Karaan is not necessarily looking for him. He may have something else to say.

In any case, the two men still led two companies to board a Thunderhawk transport aircraft formation to carry out Dante's order.

The transport plane first stopped in front of a high tower outside Angel Fortress.

The tower is guarded not by blood slaves, but by the mortal servants of the Lamenters Chapter.

These mortal servants have not experienced much combat, but they wear the same yellow power armor as the Tyron army.

When the transport hatch opened and Karaon and Foros trudged toward the tower, the mortals guarding the tower and a wounded Lamenter Space Marine sat around a campfire.

A mortal servant took out a bloody protein bar from his backpack, tore open the package, took a bite and handed it to the next person, who took another bite, and then delivered it to the Space Marine.

The Space Marine saw Foros before he had time to eat, and immediately stood up and saluted: "Chapter Master!"

Foros nodded and moved on with Karan.

The group entered the tower and walked down the ancient stone steps.

The passage inside the tower is extremely wide, and the two companies can walk side by side without any problems.

"You have a good relationship with mortals." Karan said suddenly.

"Yes." Foros nodded.

Karaen felt that Foros was a boring person, so he stopped chatting and walked faster.

Everyone quickly arrived at the bottom of the tower.

Foros and the Wailers were stunned when they came in.

There is a blood pool here, and a group of Space Marines are locked at the neck and limbs by metal chains like tank tracks.

When they saw living people coming in, they struggled like crazy, showing their bloody teeth to Foros and Karaen, eager to eat their flesh and blood.

The people of the parent regiment were accustomed to this. They were not surprised or afraid, and calmly walked towards their former battle brothers, and then began to move them.

As the Lamenter moved to help, Karan said to Foros: "Scenes like this don't happen often in your Chapter, do they?"

Foros nodded.

The Lamenters Chapter is also the Children of Angels, but it is indeed different from other Chapters. Of course, they have never seen so many people trapped in black rage and blood thirst.

"Have you never experienced blood thirst at all?" Karan asked again.

When hearing this question, all the soldiers of the Blood Angel Company stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the Lamenters.

"I have." Foros said frankly.

Everyone in the company of Lamenters nodded.

However, Foros didn't say much. He obviously didn't want to mention the brother who fell into black rage.

"What a luxury." Karan suddenly sighed, "You can choose not to mention Black Rage and Blood Thirst in our group."

Karan's sentiments are also those of many people in the Blood Angels Mother Order.

It was heard by Foros more than once.

The characteristic of the Lamenters Chapter is that there are very few occurrences of Black Rage and Blood Thirst. Some outsiders even believe that there will be no Blood Thirst or Black Rage in this group at all.

The Lamenters themselves know that these flaws are not eliminated, but only rarely occur.

"In the previous battle, if you hadn't beaten me up, I might have been one of the guys here." Karan added.

In the previous battle to decapitate the leader of the swarm in an attempt to regain the outer area, Karan had almost fallen into blood thirst.

Foros dodged the sword that struck him, pushed Karaon to the ground with his backhand, and beat him on the head.

The effect is remarkable.

"We are not friendly to blood slaves, that is, those mortals, at least I am not friendly to them." Karan continued to talk about blood thirst and black rage, "Actually, there are some rumors in the place where we are stationed, saying that we drink The blood of local people, actually if you think about it carefully, this is not groundless.”

"Ever since some bad experiences, I've avoided too much contact with mortals."

"I'm afraid that I or the people around me will go crazy at some point..."

Karaen did not continue, but Fros could guess that what he had experienced must be related to blood thirst.

During the conversation, the irredeemable children of the angels were taken away and put into transport planes equipped with iron cages.

Some of these people may be the seniors, saviors, and mentors of certain soldiers in the first company... No one wants to be too ruthless to them, but they just have to put these people into the iron cage, otherwise they will go crazy. kill.

"The Holy Blood Priest came to me before, hoping that I could convince you." Karan said, "Let a person from your Chapter be studied and find out why you are not prone to black rage and blood thirst."

Foros knew that this was the reason why Karan had to bring him with him.

However, as the leader of the chapter, it is impossible for Foros to send his brother out because of his relationship with the parent group.

The word "research" is an understatement, but research involving genes cannot be just a scan.

"Of course." Foros promised Karan, "But please tell the Holy Blood Priest that my pharmacist and I must be present when he conducts research."

"Of course." Karan nodded.

Foros also nodded, thinking to himself that the people in the parent group probably couldn't research anything.

It's not that he deliberately concealed it, it's just that it's really impossible to research anything useful.

After becoming Chapter Master, Foros collected some information about the formation of the Chapter.

Since the relevant information about the serious consequences of the army's establishment was deliberately concealed, Foros did not obtain particularly clear information.

Just know one thing.

The gene seeds used in the formation of the Lamenters Chapter were researched and improved by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Adeptus Mechanicus thought they had improved, but in fact they had not.

Most of the Chapters formed alongside the Lamenters betrayed the Imperium.

The Weeper's gene-seed may contain some benign mutations that the Adeptus Mechanicus themselves had not even thought of.

This is simply impossible to replicate.

After taking away all the prisoners in the tower, everyone boarded the transport plane and headed to the next location.

A fireball flew rapidly across the sky.

This bolide was flying horizontally, so it couldn't be a meteor, so it must be the guy with the whole body on fire.

Foros stared at the Burner's flight path and saw it flying all the way into the core area of ​​the fortress, apparently looking for someone.

"What is it for?" asked Foros.

Karan shrugged, indicating that he didn't know.

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