Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 259 Hades Galaxy

The Crimson Scars sector.

Compared to the environment in most star regions in the Empire, the environment here in the Scarlet Scar is extremely harsh.

There is radiation in the star region, and this excess radiation even causes the surface of every planet in every galaxy in the star region to be blood red.

The planet Baal where the ninth Primarch Sanguinius grew up is in the Scarlet Scar sector, and the Blood Angels Chapter and all other angelic descendants regard Baal as their home planet.

The importance of Baal's galaxy far exceeds that of other galaxies in the region. The second most important one is the Hades galaxy.

But in the eyes of Foros, Chapter Master of the Lamenters, the third planet in the Hades galaxy is more important than Baal, which he has never been to, because it is his home planet, where he lived hundreds of years ago before becoming the Emperor's Angel. A place to grow.

Therefore, the first destination of the Storm Lady is not Baal, but the Hades galaxy.

When the Chapter's flagship emerged from the dimensional space, Foros and the company commanders on the bridge all saw the Hades galaxy.

Tessa, who had just arrived from the engine room, also saw it.

Not wanting to irritate the defending troops and fleets here, Tessa deliberately set the dimensional escape point to the edge of the galaxy.

If a battleship wants to sail into the galaxy, it must first cross an asteroid belt.

"Don't sail directly over." Foros ordered Tessa, "Those asteroids have abnormally low temperatures and will freeze the warships passing through."

"Yes." Tessa nodded, looked at the planetary belt outside the porthole, and murmured: "Is this the radiant shield that Chapter Leader you once mentioned?"

Fros was surprised at Tessa's good memory and nodded at the same time.

After rescuing the young Tessa sisters from a plague-ridden planet, Foros worked as a nanny for a while.

There is no way, who makes the Tyrone Galaxy a place where even the priests of the state church can be infected with the plague of unbelief...

Until the Tessa sisters were taken to the Talon system and entered an orphanage, Foros would tell Tessa the story of the Hades system every night.

The asteroid belt called the Radiant Shield, which can freeze ships, was also told.

Foros even said that the Radiant Shield is part of the galaxy's defense force. If external hostile ships cannot find a route through the Radiant Shield, they will not be able to attack Hades.

"We are using an energy shield, which should be able to pass through directly." Tessa made some calculations and then told Foros the results.

Foros did not respond immediately. He stared out of the porthole in a daze.

The company commanders all saw that Foros was distracted. He had been thinking about other things since he was about to leave the dimension space, as if he had returned to a long, long time ago.

The Storm Lady flagship can pass directly through the Radiant Shield, but in Foros's memory, the battleship he was on could not.

"Continue sailing." The first company commander did not disturb Foros and turned to order Tessa.

The flagship sailed at full speed.

After entering the Radiant Shield, the energy shield is covered with frost. This ice will not affect the shield, but it will activate every corner of the shield, making the entire volume and range visible.

The flagship shuttled through the radiant shield, some asteroids were bounced away by the energy shield, and the view ahead gradually became clearer.

When the flagship was about to sail to the edge, everyone on the bridge could already see the current situation of the Hades galaxy through the portholes.

What lay before me was a hellish scene.

There are densely packed huge creatures floating in the Hades galaxy, and these creatures are as huge as battleships.

Black fog composed of countless black spots travels between every planet and the biological battleship.

Except for the two iconic stars of the Hades galaxy, everything else in the galaxy has changed.

Tessa looked at Foros's back worriedly and found that the Chapter Master was shaking.

At this time, the scanning wave automatically released by the flagship detected the entire galaxy and transmitted the results back to the bridge.

A data projection appeared in front of everyone.

[Zerg biological warships: thirty-nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty-two. 】

[Zerg creatures: countless. 】

[Number of humans in the galaxy: 0. 】

[Data evaluation: Every planet in this galaxy has lost its value. There are no friendly forces or humans on it, only bugs. In addition, most of the planets in the galaxy have been burned by solar energy, and the reason is unknown. 】

"Chapter Commander!" A company commander walked quickly to Foros, hoping that he would give the order to leave the system.

Some biological battleships have noticed the Storm Lady sailing out of the Radiant Shield. The huge black mist composed of countless small bugs is rushing towards the flagship.

"Go forward two kilometers, as long as I can see the ocean of Hades 3." Foros said.

His voice sounded less like a command and more like a beg.

"Prepare to fight." The company commander reminded the others, turning around and leaving the bridge to defend the part of the ship where the insects might land after the energy shield was broken.

All seven hundred Lamentor Space Marines in the battleship mobilized and rushed to the edge of the ship together with their mortal servants to join the defense.

But this is just the instinctive stability of the whole mourner who has been bitten by a snake for ten years and is afraid of well ropes, and it is most likely meaningless.

The energy shield will not break easily, and it is enough to protect the Storm Lady on its path to Hades III and back again.

As the biowarship approached, the battleship's weapons opened fire.

Particle light spears streaked through the dark void, tearing the biological battleship in half or directly piercing it. The collateral damage caused by it would cause the biological battleship to burn in flames.

It is not that the flames are spreading, but that the biological structure of the biological battleship is heated by the particle light spear to the point of spontaneous combustion, but is quickly extinguished in a vacuum environment without air.

"There are many oceans on my home planet, but they are not as stable as the oceans on Tyrone 3. In order to avoid floods and tsunamis, we all live in giant moving machines."

"Like a land battleship."

Flowers retold Tessa what he had told her.

"We fight against the ocean, we struggle against radiation..."

"Although everyone had to take anti-radiation drugs to survive, we never succumbed to the harsh environment."


Black mist has enveloped the Lady of the Storm. Insects like carrier-based aircraft kept attacking and even directly hit the shield. The flagship's close-defense weapons fired barrages all over the sky.

The flagship fought its way through the worm sea, gradually approaching a position where Foros could see the surface of Hades III.

Between the bugs and the near-bullet screen, Foros saw a bare planet with no ocean at all.

Tessa thinks either Fross is telling a lie or the bugs are sucking the ocean dry.

"The dimension engine is fully charged."

The crew in the engine room reported to Tessa over the comm channel.

"Chapter Master..." Tessa called to Foros softly.

Foros stared at the bare home star for a few seconds, then nodded, "Go to Baal."

After Tessa conveyed the order, the Storm Lady instantly entered the dimensional space.

Everyone in the battleship felt that they were leaving hell, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

No one on board the Storm Daughter saw it. The next second after they left, a giant black sphere appeared in the Hades galaxy.

The sphere escaped into the gap between the universe and the dimensional space and was hidden. Only its tentacles stretched out from the gap to pull out the mineral veins from the ground on the planet at the edge of the galaxy.

If you really don’t want to live too far away from your hometown, moving will be a hellish experience.

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