Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 258 Armed Taxation

The transport plane flew out of the atmosphere of the ocean world and flew towards the void port in orbit.

There are not only colony ships in orbit, but also in the void port, and there are five of them.

The colony ship must be filled with people in orbit and rushed to the void port. After loading a lot of supplies and equipment, it can go to the uninhabited planet to open up a new home.

"I'm really confused." Qin Mo said suddenly, "I didn't order the development activities. Who gave them the materials and equipment?"

Anruida, who was sitting across from him in the cabin, immediately projected a large number of holographic documents and protocols into the air, which he had learned through investigation or recorded.

Although Anruida, like other guards, is a killing machine that is armed to the extreme from the inside out, he is indeed a civil servant. Sometimes civil servants also need a little force to avoid the situation where a scholar encounters a soldier.

"There is a situation in most galaxies in the Tyrone sector, that is, there may be many planets in the galaxy, but everyone is crowded on one planet."

"In the past, everyone could bear it with gritted teeth, but now they can't. Those who live in integrated residential areas similar to military camps are the most enthusiastic to contribute money and effort. Followed by some enterprises, such as those who sell animals and exploit resources, Those engaged in construction... In short, these companies contributed part of the money, and after the new homes are developed, they can get a share of the pie, or even a share of the development activities."

"Materials and equipment are purchased, and some engineering companies have designed many new types of equipment."

Qin Mo looked at the holographic image projected by Anruida and saw a large number of engineering equipment, both unmanned and manned, capable of moving freely in the jungle and roaming in the ocean...

There are many companies in the Tyrone Star District, and they are allowed to carry out small-scale commercial activities or research and development work. Many civilian technologies or industrial products in the Star District are manufactured by these companies.

Although logistics machinery can ensure that everyone's needs are basically met, there is still some distance between basic satisfaction and satisfaction.

"Sir Donna of the Tyrone Knight II family often drives knights to planets with harsh environments to help local pioneers, such as killing some giant beasts, cleaning up a few ancient machines, etc..." Anreda said.

"..." Qin Mo listened without saying a word, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Although large-scale development activities will allow more worlds to appear in Tyron and accommodate more people, such development activities may awaken the Necron Dynasty. Of course, the premise is that there really is a planet with a dormant Necronomicon dynasty in the star sector.

But then I thought about it and thought it was good. This is equivalent to clearing mines.

If there is a dynasty of undead that really exists and has been awakened, then find a way to kill them. If soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, there is always a way.

"This year's imperial tax collection ship did not come." Anruida said another thing, "The last time they came to collect taxes, I received them. The imperial officials of the tax collection fleet vaguely told me that the Dimension Engine had collected taxes. It’s useless, if the Tyrone Star District is not willing to provide resources or industrial products as tithes, then they will never come to collect taxes again.”

"Where is the nearest imperial tax collection fleet?" Qin Mo asked.

"It's only a hundred light years away from the star area." Anruida projected a star map and marked the location of the fleet on it.

Qin Mo thought for a moment and then ordered: "Ask a fleet of the navy to bring them over, supervise them to load all the dimension engines on the ship, and then escort them away, until they are escorted to the vicinity of Terra."

Hearing this, Anruida raised her eyebrows, feeling that although this behavior was a bit rough, it was indeed feasible.

But Anreda doesn’t understand, if the empire’s attitude towards the tithe of the Tyrone Sector is “If you are not willing to provide resources or industrial products as taxes, then you will never collect taxes again”, why doesn’t the Tyrone Sector simply not pay it? Tithe?

Anreda expressed her doubts.

Qin Mo responded: "Humanity must stop using subspace navigation. Although the empire does not want to use dimension engines now, it will use them in the future. It must be ensured that the empire has enough dimension engines before they can replace the engines with the fleet. "

"But... I personally don't think the empire will understand." Anruida said with a helpless smile.

"It doesn't matter if the empire is enlightened or not, as long as the person who will be resurrected can be enlightened." Qin Mo said something that Anruida couldn't understand.

The transport plane quickly entered the Void Port, and Qin Mo and Anruida transferred to small ships and returned to the Tyrone Hive World.

The hive world is no longer a hive city, it just has the word hive city in its name.

The environment of the hive world is so bad that there is only one hive city, but it is not realistic to use the ultra-dimensional sky to transform the planet, because the entire population must be transferred out first.

But as the capital of the Tyrone Sector, the hive world has huge management agencies such as the Army and the Navy, and officials from various galaxies are active in the hive city. The secrets of the giant factory at the bottom of the hive city have not yet been investigated.

Limited by many conditions, the stone men who manage the hive world began a massive planetary transformation project five years ago, building a new city in the desert, then transferring the people in the hive city there in batches, and then Building more giant cities and transforming hive cities...

When the project is completed, many secrets of the hive world will be thoroughly discovered, and the entire planet will be transformed into an ideal city.

Forge a city into the world and the world into a city.

Thanks to material printing technology and many other advanced technologies, this transformation was carried out in an orderly and very fast manner.

When Qin Mo stood on the bridge and looked at the hive world, he saw that the entire world's surface was made up of steel forests, and there was a shining triangular area on the surface of the planet, which was the casting area.

In the Antarctic part of the world, there is a city-sized scientific research center waiting to be used, and Qin Mo plans to go there to study the Claw of Horus.

Compared to the war period, there are not many things to do now and we are not busy. We have plenty of time to study slowly.

The things worth paying attention to are nothing more than the battle on Baal's side, as well as the gu-raising battle between the Iron Man Mothership and the Tyranid Zerg.

Before starting research, Qin Mo suddenly remembered that there was something he had to explain to Anruida.

"In the future, the Tailong Star Region may be attacked. The attack may come from aliens or subspace creatures... We cannot let the Star Region become a battlefield." Qin Mo said.

Anruida immediately understood what Qin Mo meant, which was to build a defensive belt around the Tailong star area.

This is easy. The only slightly troublesome thing is that the galaxies outside the sector are not under the control of Talon, and the empire does not care much except collecting taxes.

"Send a message to the surrounding galaxies. No matter what troubles they are facing, they can get help as long as they come to the Tailong sector for help. The only condition is to declare their annexation to the sector." Qin Mo said.

This method is a repeat of an old trick. Before the star sector was established, this method was used to win over other galaxies near the Tyrone galaxy, and the effect was very significant.

"Yes." Anruida saluted and accepted the order.

I moved back to my hometown today. I was exhausted after working in a truck for a day. I will update less for now. I will set up the computer early tomorrow and update more.

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