Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 236 Landing Battle

The blow that crippled the Celestial Engine drained the system of all psionic energy.

"It's over."

On Cadia, Carlos could see the past head pointing towards the sky and letting out a scream.

The torrent of psychic energy rushing across Cadia has now completely disappeared from its sight, and the extension of the Crystal Demon Realm is shrinking at a faster rate.

Before the war could officially begin, the rituals performed by the Chaos Sorcerers and Abaddon throughout the Obscurus Segmentum weakened the fabric of reality and opened a rift in the Cadian system.

This rift is releasing psychic energy into the galaxy every minute.

Carlos used the mark laid by the Lord of Change on Cadia, causing an extension of the Crystal Demon Realm to appear on the Toyoko Plain, and relied on the protection of the Crystal Demon Realm to release demons and psychic powers through a gate made of psyker flesh and blood.

But Carlos did not enjoy the benefits of these layouts. It was overwhelmed by a large number of soulless ones.

During this time, enough psychic energy to turn all of Cadia into a world of demons was used by the powerful enemies of the Lord of Change.

Carlos had to admit in his heart that this situation was really not part of the plan.


When Carlos was pessimistic, he heard a voice asking him to stay, and then more voices echoed in his ears. These voices were not complete words, but words or concepts.

Carlos was very good at analyzing these vague messages, and finally interpreted an order: stay on Cadia and wait for intervention and help from the Lord of Change.

After interpreting the order, Carlos did not hesitate at all. He directly opened a psychic door and evacuated alone, leaving the others of his kind on Cardia.

The Chaos fleet in the system is closing in on the Celestial Engine moon where Abaddon himself resides, but it's not going well.

The Tyrone naval fleet that had been sent out to implement the defense plan had learned that Cadia had been attacked again and immediately returned to Cadia.

More and more Talon ships are leaving the dimensional space directly near Cadia, intercepting the enemy ships swarming towards the moon.

The Blackstone Fortress sailed at the forefront, followed closely by the severely damaged Spirit of Vengeance. The Terminus and the Conqueror sailed on the left and right sides, and other types of battleships sailed around the battleship.

The purpose of the Chaos Fleet is to escort all the transport ships to the vicinity of the satellite, place the army at the War Commander's location, and assist the War Commander in capturing the satellite, and then the planet, until all three iron planets are occupied.

To achieve this, you have to make sacrifices.

A total of twelve cruisers slowed down their advance and gradually fell behind the transport ship.

The warships of the Tyrone Navy bypassed the Blackstone Fortress and attacked both sides of the fleet, but all their attacks were absorbed by the cruisers, and the transport ships were still sailing in the fleet unharmed.

Soon, several cruisers lost the protection of the void shield in the fierce attack of the Tyron battleship. These battleships broke away from the fleet and rammed into the Tyron battleship closest to them. The crew shouted for the Warmaster, and then their bodies were torn apart along with the hull.

After the cruiser that left the fleet was blown to pieces, other cruisers quickly took over.

Until the Chaos Fleet arrived in satellite orbit at the cost of seven cruisers, the Tyron Navy had not yet returned to the system.

Everything happened so suddenly, less than twenty minutes had passed since the war started, and the dimensional engines of the large battleships scattered at strategic points had just been charged.

Drop pods and landing ships, as well as various other Army delivery facilities, lit up the satellite sky a fiery red.

After thousands of Chaos Space Marines and millions of mortal servants landed on the moon's surface, three large landing craft flew to a position fifty meters above the surface.

A total of thirty Titans of various types were dropped on the surface, followed by various knights.

These Titans are painted in black and gold and wear the blasphemous emblem in the shape of an eight-pointed star on their shoulders. This is the Death's Skull Titan Legion.

When the Death Titan, the most powerful one in the legion, advanced, an ancient knight holding a spear walked slowly beside the Death, assuming the responsibility of guarding it.

Cadian High Command.

Creed stared at the hologram.

The current holographic image shows the situation of the two planets. The crystal area on Cadia has been dispersed, but the demons are still teleporting and fighting everywhere. The Tyrone Army is arranged to deal with these demons.

There is no stable battlefield when the Tyrone Army fights the demons. One second they may be shooting at each other on the plains, and the next second they may be crawling around in the ice and snow of the Arctic.

In any case, the situation on Cadia is still controllable. The real headache is the war on the intact satellite of the Celestial Engine.

The holograms had shown all the enemy's forces, Space Marines, mortal armies and even Titan legions.

The enemy army is easy to deal with. The Space Wolves and other space marines of other chapters have returned to the strike cruiser and are preparing to be airdropped to the satellite to join the battle.

A total of eighty regiments of the Cadian Assault Army and the Mordian Iron Guard were drawn out from various bastions for shipment, and they could also go to fight on the satellites. Of course there is the Tyrone Army, they can just teleport there.

But the problem is how to deal with the Titan Legion.

No matter how powerful the Titan is, it cannot withstand the light spear of the battleship, but the Chaos Fleet is entrenched in the orbit of the satellite, and the Tyron Navy has just arrived. It is unlikely to bomb the enemy Titans on the satellite in a short time.

There are even more than one Titan legion on Cadia, but they have just finished the battle and are replenishing. The replenishment takes a long time, and after the replenishment is completed, a transport ship must be found to load them.

Creed knew how laborious the transportation process of the Titan Legion was. It would take a week for the Adeptus Mechanicus alone to add fixtures to the Titans entering the transport ship.

"Let us go to the battle on the satellite." The nun, who was kneeling on one knee in the corner of the headquarters to pray, suddenly said.

The Sisters had been praying to the Emperor since just now. Creed had no intention of letting the Battle Sisters go to the moon to fight because the Sisters were resistant to everything Talon did.

"Are you sure?" Creed asked.

"The Emperor directed us to join the battle on the Iron Moon." The Sister said seriously, "I will find a way to deal with those Titans."

"Thank you." Creed nodded.

It's good that the Battle Sisters are willing to fight, but they can't take down the Titan legions.

The Army can deal with the Knights, but it will be difficult to deal with the Titans.

If a regiment's troops are deployed on a battlefield with Titans, they will all die within two hours. The only ones in the army who can deal with Titans are Titans.


The holographic device fluctuated twice, and then projected Gray's image in the headquarters.

"The Celestial Engine is under attack..." Gray wanted to let the Tyrone Army return to fight on the Celestial Engine, but he also knew that the Tyrone Army was engaged in a teleportation war with the demons, so he did not say so directly.

"I need the Tyron Army to deal with an enemy that can also teleport, but I have arranged for a sufficient number of Army troops to go to the Celestial Engine, and they have already set off." Creed said, "If the battle is forced without the Titans, no matter whether the Space Marines Or are ordinary soldiers just cannon fodder?"

Gray replied calmly: "There are Titan legions on the Celestial Engine."

Creed didn't know why the Tyrones had the Titan Legion, but now was not the time to get to the bottom of it. He immediately moved his eyes away from Cadia and personally directed the battle on the Celestial Engine.

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