Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 235 Take my axe

[Battle protocol activated. 】

[Mission goal: Exterminate organisms within the detectable range. 】

All the iron men standing during the attack stood up straight and shot at the enemies in front.

Energy rays instantly spanned the distance between the Iron Man and the Chaos Space Marines. The shoulder armor and flesh of the Space Marine who was hit were pierced together. The remaining energy flowed back and forth between the cells of the body. The flesh and blood of the victim was in the armor. Medium decomposition.

In two seconds after the official battle began, Abaddon lost a team of Terminators, and more than thirty Space Marines under Thorax died.

The one who suffered the least loss was Typhons. Among his men, only those who were hit in the vital points would die. It didn't matter if the vital points were not hit but just opened a big hole. The remaining energy running around in the body could only decompose a few tumors.

On the Iron Man's side, explosive bombs can only polish the metal body, and only plasma weapons can cause effective damage, but the damage effect is also very limited.

The Chaos Space Marines all realized that only powered weapons could kill Iron Man, and they were already closing the distance between them as they fired.

The two sides soon started fighting at close range.


Abaddon used the Claw of Horus to take out the core of an iron man, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Typhons beside him.

Typhons held the scythe but did not participate in the battle. He stood in the safest place and watched the battle.

After hearing Abaddon's angry roar, Typhons stood aside for two seconds, and then used his scythe to pierce an iron man who was about to approach Abaddon.

"I'm recording." Typhons stepped on the Iron Man's body and took a closer look. "They don't have data craftsmen following them, which proves that these Iron Men are really Iron Men."

Typhonse's words sounded like nonsense, but Abaddon still understood what he meant.

The empire prohibits the development and use of abhorrent intelligence, and even more so Iron Man. The Mechanicum uses war machines like Iron Man, but these war machines must be equipped with data craftsmen.

Data craftsmen are equivalent to controllers. Because of the existence of data craftsmen, war machines like Castellan robots will not be regarded as iron men by the empire.

The Iron Man in front of him does not have a controller like a data craftsman following him. If this matter is spread, the Tyrone Sector will be punished.

What Typhus records is of no use now, but will be useful in the future.

Abaddon continued to focus on fighting, easily killing every Iron Man he saw. His fighting skills were amazing, and the two weapons he held could kill any enemy who dared to fight him at close range.

The Claw of Horus was the weapon wielded by Abaddon's genetic father, Horus himself.

The Demon Sword was not actually a sword, it was a demon named Drachnion, which not even the Emperor could kill.

The Claw of Horus, the Draconian Sword and the Vengeful Spirit Battleship were not Abaddon's own, but they are now used by him. They are proof of Abaddon's status as the Warmaster of Chaos.

After the close combat, Abaddon took less than two minutes to kill the last Iron Man.

"It's a pity." Abaddon raised his foot and stepped on the broken body of the Iron Man. "These old treasures are missing one by one. If they are in my hands, I will not let them die in vain."

Typhonse nodded in approval.

Ironmen are products of the heyday of the human race. They became powerful and valuable after the decline of mankind.

During the Great Crusade, if a certain legion encountered a warlord or other force with an iron man, it would have to fight a war of attrition, with the loss ratio being a hundred or even a thousand to one.

Abaddon recalled the combat effectiveness of these Iron Men and felt that they were probably stronger than the Space Marines. In the close combat just now, thirty people were torn to pieces by the Iron Men.

"Look at that."

Typhonse suddenly tapped Abaddon on the shoulder and motioned for him to look up.

Another iron satellite in the sky glows yellow on its surface.

In the last battle in the Cadia galaxy, the red light on the iron planet meant that the light spear was about to fire, and the yellow light meant that the arc was about to fire. The disadvantage of these weapons is that the charging time is long, but the power makes up for it. This shortcoming.

Whether it's arc or light spear, just firing them can put an entire fleet into despair in an instant.

Abaddon did not have the ability to predict the future, but he could surmise that if the fleet encountered an arc attack, the hundreds of transport ships carrying the landing troops would explode spectacularly.

Abaddon wanted to ask Thorax about the ceremony. At this time, Thorax also looked at Abaddon.

"Actually, the ceremony was already completed when we jumped over." Thorax said, "We proved our courage and courage to the Blood God."

After hearing this, Abaddon suddenly felt his heart tremble, and he felt that something was suddenly staring at him.

Typhons, Thorax, Abaddon's chosen... everyone present felt the same way.

A gaze is watching the galaxy, and everything in the entire galaxy is visible to it.

The witchcraft bastard that made it angry and hateful has invaded Cardia, and part of the Crystal Demon Realm has extended on the planet. Fortunately, the extended part of the Crystal Demon Realm is shrinking and will be dispersed sooner or later.

Mortal warriors on Cadia fight in fear.

Mortals were frightened just by seeing the devil, but they did not run away because of fear. They still stood firm and fought desperately. Only a small number of mortals collapsed and ran away because the devil suddenly appeared behind them and started killing.

This satisfied it, and after giving these mortals courage and strength, it looked away from Cadia.

Transport ships full of warriors are heading towards the Iron Planet in the galaxy. They want to drop billions of mortal soldiers, Titan Legions and Space Marines on the Iron Planet, starting a battle that will turn both sides into rivers of blood.

It's very happy.

But those transport ships will be annihilated by an energy weapon in the future, and landing battles will not be possible at all.

It got angry and decided to do something.

An entity as huge as a star seemed to appear in the galaxy. It swung its giant ax to chop down the charging weapon array.

The energy shield of the celestial engine satellite structure was instantly shattered, a canyon was cut out where the arc weapon array was located, and the entire satellite was pushed by the remaining power and crashed into the planet.

The stone man who had reacted began to allocate energy supply. All other devices on the planet except the shield device stopped supplying, and all the saved energy was sent to the shield device.

The satellite hit the energy shield and bounced off, then crashed into Cardia in the other direction.

The stone man quickly allocated all the energy on the planet to the gravity device to pull back the satellite that was about to collide with Cadia.

Energy was deployed again, this time to supply the giant material printing device on the planet with full force. The printing device was operating at full strength, extracting materials stored in the planetary warehouse to repair the damage to the satellite structure.

The giant printing device is not normally used because maintaining its normal operation consumes 80% of the energy of the power supply system, which is why it can repair serious damage to the satellite within an hour.

The satellite under attack has been paralyzed and cannot maintain its own rotation. The remaining energy in the energy supply system is distributed to the gravity device to help the satellite rotate.

Before the satellite is repaired, the other intact satellite in the celestial engine cannot extract the energy of the planet, and the energy stored in it can only be used to maintain its rotation.

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