Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 233 Encryption means

Underneath the Black Stone Obelisk.

Qin Mo was intensively studying how to activate the black stone obelisk.

The material properties of black stone have been thoroughly studied before. It is a substance that has a two-way effect on spiritual energy. It can both contain spiritual energy and enhance spiritual energy.

It is unclear whether the Black Stone was discovered and used by the Void Dragon, or whether it was invented and manufactured by the Void Dragon.

The Blackstone Obelisk does not have any interfaces.

It would be difficult for a race whose technology is not particularly advanced to detect that this thing is a device and not a monument built by some race in their leisure time.

The obelisk itself is a device. As a person who has never been exposed to this device, Qin Mo must first decipher the encryption method attached to the device if he wants to study how to use it.

"Celestial engine, provide me with 80% of your computing power." Qin Mo ordered the stone man, and then the body in the Tyrone galaxy sent the star god's power to the living metal body.

After getting ready to do something big, Qin Mo began to decipher the encryption method of the black stone obelisk.

But after learning about the encryption method, Qin Mo felt complicated. He opened his mouth to say something but swallowed it back.

Qin Mo, who hesitated for a long time, could only hold back a question: "Are you kidding me?"

The encryption method of the Black Stone Obelisk is very simple, very simple, very innocent... because it is a simple and outrageous mathematical problem:

One plus one equals?

This math problem is not composed of numbers used by humans. For others, it may be an extremely complex data stream, or an unimaginably large collection of information...

For Qin Mo, this is a one plus one math problem, because he can feel it.

"Is the obelisk made by a void dragon or a fraudster?" Qin Mo felt that this encryption method was a joke, even like a prank.

Qin Mo did not enter "2" directly, but did some research before confirming that this math problem was indeed an encryption method.

Using this kind of math problem as an encryption method may seem ridiculous at first, but it is actually simple and effective.

The Void Dragon twisted the simple math problem attached to the obelisk so that it could not possibly equal two.

The result of the calculation may be any number except two, or it may not even be a number.

The reason why this encryption method is effective is that no matter how technologically advanced a race is, it is impossible to calculate the results of mathematical problems distorted by the void dragon.

This is not a problem of computing power or cognition, but under normal circumstances one plus one must equal two, which is equivalent to the iron law that people will die if they are killed.

Only the Star Gods can solve the mathematical problems attached to the obelisk, because they can restore the distorted problems to normal, no matter what the calculation result of the Void Dragon's preset problem is.

If you are not a star god, it is not impossible to use the obelisk. As long as the void dragon can inform you of the calculation results, you can also use the obelisk.

The Void Dragon definitely has a more powerful encryption method, but it chose a method that is not difficult for its kind. Obviously there is a reason.

But the why is not important, the use of the obelisk is.

Qin Mo began to analyze the information contained in the obelisk, trying to understand the principles of black stone technology and then reverse engineering. In the end, whether it was adding a new control method to the obelisk or directly finding the original control method, it was very easy. You can enable it soon.

After operating for a while, Qin Mo suddenly stopped and turned his head to look behind him.

A silver, rickety figure was walking out of the shadows, looking around as he walked.

This is a Necron, and the living metal body is the symbol of this race.

And Qin Mo could recognize this guy's identity.

The Necron Overlord, Trazyn the Endless.

Since Trazin is very interested in the history of young races in the universe, it will use the high-tech creations of the Necron to steal key people or objects at key historical nodes, and then restore a certain historical event in its lair. scene.

Trazin's collection even includes a Custodes, an Imperial Inquisitor, and some Space Marines from ten thousand years ago.

"Who are you?" Trazin walked slowly, staring at Qin Mo with the two glowing green eye sockets on his skull, "I guess you are not the Kaul who was supposed to meet me."

Qin Mo nodded, turned around and continued to study.

If everything develops normally, then it should be Caul who activates the Blackstone Obelisk. In the process, Caul will encounter unsolvable troubles, and Trazin will appear to help him.

There are soothsayers on the Necron side, and Trazin will certainly know this.

Trazin wandered behind Qin Mo, turning his eyes to the logistics machinery flying around. Although he was sure that he had never seen these mechanical creations, he felt that these creations looked familiar, but he wanted to know where he had seen them. Can't get up.

"Who are you?" Trazin repeated her unanswered question again, "I'm not asking for your name. You can understand it as: what are you."

Qin Mo continued his important work, paying no attention to Trazin who was pacing back and forth behind him.

Trazin carefully analyzed Qin Mo's living metal body and found that the material of this thing was roughly the same as the living metal used by his race, but the atomic structure was slightly different.

Trazin observed the situation of the black stone obelisk again and found that Qin Mo had begun to look for ways to control it.

In this case, it is not difficult to guess what the metal man in front of him is.

Either a member of another Necron dynasty or a star god, it is impossible for anyone other than these two to crack the black stone obelisk.

Thinking of this, a very mechanical laughter came from Trazin's metal skull: "Ha, ha, ha. Don't you know that it is dangerous to expose your back to uninvited guests? But it doesn't matter, I won't attack you. I just Want to know what you are, let me guess..."

Before he finished speaking, Trazin's metal body was instantly twisted into a twist.

Trazin felt no pain and did not try to struggle. Although the bodies of all Necron members were made of living metal, metal bodies also had the distinction of body and shell.

Trazin's true body is not on Cadia, but on the tomb world Solemnus it rules. It doesn't matter if the body he uses at this time is useless.

"I am very familiar with this ability to distort matter through space... You are indeed a star god."

"You have a purpose in doing things, so you shouldn't be a fragment. A complete Star God, and a Star God who is not crazy... It's incredible."

Even having his body twisted into a twisted shape did not affect Trazin's speech at all.

"Are you here just to show your face?" Qin Mo asked without looking back and continued with his business.

"Let's get to know each other. Maybe we can cooperate with each other on some things to get what we need." Trazin said.

Qin Mo paused for a moment, then turned back to look at Trazin: "Am I cooperating with you, the Star God, and the Necrons? Is there something wrong with the parts in your head? I thought you would find a way to capture me alive."

"No one can live in the past forever. Times have changed." Trazin's voice sounded like he was smiling. "Either it was forced by the situation or there was a conspiracy. Even the inquisitors of the empire did not agree with them. Have you ever cooperated with the alien you are talking about?”

"I have nothing that I need to work with you to resolve. You can leave." Qin Mo said.

"Not yet." The green light on Trazin's body began to flash, which proved that it was transferring its consciousness. However, within two seconds, the extinguished green light on its body lit up again, and Trazin's voice started to change again. From his mouth came out: "The fleet that you drove away before has appeared in the galaxy again. I left some gifts on your celestial engine. You're welcome."

Trazin left.

When Qin Mo released the force exerted on Trazin's body, its twisted body fell to the ground, and parts such as eye sockets and ribs no longer glowed.

Qin Mo remained silent. He had learned about the situation outside of Cadia through the celestial engine.

The Chaos Fleet is back, emerging from the rift in the galaxy.

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