Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 232 Silver Figure

within the crystal area.

Carlos saw the scene in the future where the soulless army was killing everyone, but it still hadn't figured out how these soulless people were teleported.

In the sight of his head that could see the past, Carlos saw that his inferior kind automatically gave up a large area of ​​​​space to the Soulless Army for them to teleport.

The other big demons accompanying Carlos knew what was going on. They could see a soulless man holding fire and lightning weapons opening up an open space... But at this time, they had a tacit understanding that they never had before, and none of the demons followed. Carlos said this.

No matter how the Soulless Man was transmitted, Carlos knew that he had lost the initiative.

In every previous battle that was restarted, Carlos would concentrate all his efforts to eliminate the soulless ones who suddenly appeared, but now it is not near the soulless ones, and the demons have not swarmed up to "drown" the soulless ones to death.

Carlos believed that the mistake was all in the Book of Destiny. If the Book of Destiny recorded this incident, how could he not have time to deal with it?


Carlos's two heads looked at two demons, one of which was Tari.

Taree is very familiar with Carlos, and it knows that Carlos is telling the truth when he looks at his head, so Carlos must be calling him.

"You go deal with those soulless people, and I will give you the greatest help." Carlos said, "You and I will go deal with those soulless people together."

Tari looked at Carlos and did not take action immediately because it had to guess which head Carlos said was true.

Seeing Carlos turn his head and continue to guard the psyker who had turned into a crystal man, Tari judged that the first sentence Carlos said before was true. It immediately flapped its wings and flew into the air, heading straight to the crystal area. edge.

Carlos did what he said and really gave him the greatest help. All the demons that poured out of the crystal area surrounded the soulless ones. Their faces were twisted and their eyes were frightened, but their legs and feet kept rushing toward the soulless ones. The Soul Ones, it was clear that Carlos controlled them.

Tari landed on the edge of the crystal area, waving his staff to brew psychic spells.

Even if you are in the crystal area and have majestic spiritual energy to call upon, it is not a simple matter to use spiritual energy when there are soulless beings approaching.

In the eyes of this big demon, you can see the flow of spiritual energy. The majestic spiritual energy like sea water is rushing out of the crystal area.

The soulless ones are like moving spiritual black holes. They are pushing hard among countless demons, and when they get closer, the entire crystal area will shrink.

Tari felt in pain, so painful that it couldn't think seriously. Until the spiritual energy finally gathered around it, it didn't even think about how to use these spiritual energy.

Carlos saw that the future Tari still had not made an effective counterattack against the soulless ones, so it directly used Tari as a material and released a spiritual energy that could burn everything in an entire area. spell

Even though hundreds of soulless people are approaching, Carlos can still use the Staff of Tomorrow to release psychic spells, because it can use the Staff of Tomorrow to release psychic spells in the past and then move the effects of the psychic spells to Now.

Just when the psychic spell was about to be released, Carlos could see the future but only saw a blank head. The book of destiny on the Staff of Tomorrow was turning rapidly, but there was no information on each page, only blank spaces.

Time passed, and as the future turned into the present, the demons also saw the blank space that Carlos saw.

In the eyes of the Soulless Ones and Space Marines, a five-meter-tall metal man suddenly appeared directly in front of them.

The flames instantly swept across the entire Toyoko Plain, and even the defense lines established by the mortals were engulfed in the sea of ​​flames.

Everything happened so fast that neither mortals nor demons could react.

When the soldiers on the defense line watched the demon they had just fought turn into ashes, while they were unscathed in the sea of ​​​​fire, they realized that the source of the flames did not want to harm them.

All the demons on the Toyoko Plain that were not in the crystal area were wiped out. It looked much cleaner, but the stain of the crystal area was still left.

"Praise the God of Creation!" Yao En raised the chain sword in his hand and cheered.

It was Qin Mo who used fire to wipe out the demon.

Because the raging psychic energy even hindered the study of the black stone obelisk, Qin Mo came to the plain from under the black stone obelisk.

The glowing blue of the Staff of Tomorrow in Carlos's hand gradually dimmed, its intention to release psychic spells failing.

The sudden appearance of Qin Mo failed to suppress his psychic powers. This was not the reason why Carlos could not release his psychic spells.

Rather, the reality structure of the entire fortress world has become more stable due to the appearance of Qin Mo, just like a dam suddenly appearing on the way of a flood.

Qin Mo turned his head and glanced at Yao En, the Thirteenth Regiment, and the Space Wolves Space Marines.

The Space Marines were further away from the Soulless Ones, but their superhuman vision could not ignore the metal men towering over the plain.

Qin Mo turned his head and glanced at the crystal area again.

That place has become a demonic realm, an extension of the Tzeentch Demonic Realm in reality, so the celestial engine and the flames released by itself were unable to have a damaging effect on it.

But as the saying goes, when soldiers come, the water will come and the earth will cover it up. There is always a way to deal with these subspace things.

The time and space of the Toyoko Plain can be observed and manipulated in Qin Mo's eyes. Although he is still on the plain, he is not observing everything like a chess player looking down at the chessboard.

The positions of the Soulless Ones and Space Marines were distorted, and they appeared outside the crystal area across a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, like chess pieces that had been lifted up and repositioned in a new position.

Yaoen led the Thirteenth Regiment into the crystal area. The land turned into crystal around them was returning to its original state, and the entire crystal area began to shrink.

Swain led the Space Marines to clear the way for the Soulless, clearing their path of daemons who either howled in agony and fled, or rushed towards Yaon desperate to destroy the source of their pain.

It is only a matter of time before the crystal area is eliminated and the demons are purged, but the rift in the galaxy has not yet been completely closed, and the evil creatures in the warp can still exert an influence on reality.

Qin Mo no longer wasted time and immediately distorted the space to teleport himself back to the black stone obelisk to continue research.

Qin Mo has already figured out how to use the black stone, but the use of the obelisk array is not something he has studied. It will take some time to figure out how to activate the obelisk.

The battle continued on the plains.

Creed was not idle when the Soulless Ones and the Space Marines were fighting with all their strength. The demons opened doors and teleported everywhere on Cadia. Fortunately, he had the Tyron Army at his command who could also teleport, so he was not too overwhelmed.

While the battle was proceeding in an orderly manner, a silver, rickety figure on the top of the mountains in the distance was watching everything happening on the plain.

"This is different from what the astrologers said."

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